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PAGES e-news vol. 2019, no.6


1. PAGES at 20th INQUA Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 2019

2. New "Find data" tab on PAGES website

3. Data Stewardship updates

4. IPCC AR6 updates

Working Group news

6. Recent products

7. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

8. Working Group meetings and deadlines

9. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

10. Future Earth updates

11. WCRP updates

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates


1. PAGES at 20th INQUA Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 2019

Plenary sessions:

i. QUIGS leader Eric Wolff: New frontiers in ice core science; 25 July from 15:45-16:45; Auditorium (Level 3):

ii. C-SIDE Steering Group member Helen Bostock: The Southern Ocean: an important control on global climate; 29 July from 15:15-16:15; Auditorium (Level 3):

iii. EcoRe3 Steering Committee member Kathy Willis: The relevance of a deep-time perspective when determining nature’s contribution to people; 31 July from 14:30-15:30; Auditorium (Level 3):


i. PALSEA: Mapping and interpreting sea-level change through time and space; 25 July from 13:30-15:15; Wicklow Meeting Room 4 (Level 2):

ii. GPWG2: A new age of Paleofire research: Insights from the past and challenges for the future 1; 26 July from 9:00-10:45; Wicklow Hall 2A (Level 2):

and A new age of Paleofire research: Insights from the past and challenges for the future 2; 26 July from 11:30-13:15; Wicklow Hall 2A (Level 2):

iii. PALSEA: Into the Ice Age: Exploring the distribution and volume of ice sheets during past glaciations; 26 July from 16:45-18:30; Wicklow Meeting Room 3 (Level 2):

iv. C-PEAT: Peatland dynamics through time and their use as environmental archives 1; 27 July from 9:00-10:45; Wicklow Hall 2B (Level 2):

and Peatland dynamics through time and their use as environmental archives 2; 27 July from 11:30-13:15; Wicklow Hall 2B (Level 2):

v. EcoRe3: Resilience, stability and abrupt change in long-term ecological records 1; 27 July from 9:00-10:45; EcoCem (Level 2):

and Resilience, stability and abrupt change in long-term ecological records 2; 27 July from 11:30-13:15; EcoCem (Level 2):

vi. Floods: Palaeohydrology and fluvial archives - hydrological extreme and critical events (HEX) 1; 29 July from 9:00-10:45; Auditorium (Level 3):

and Palaeohydrology and fluvial archives - hydrological extreme and critical events (HEX) 2; 29 July from 11:30-13:15; Auditorium (Level 3):

vii. CLIVASH2k: Holocene climate variability in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere; 29 July from 16:45-18:30; Liffey Meeting Room 3 (Level 1):

viii. PEOPLE 3000: Human-environment interactions in the late Quaternary: sources of evidence and applications 1; 29 July from 16:45-18:30; Liffey Hall 2 (Level 1):

and Human-environment interactions in the late Quaternary: sources of evidence and applications 2; 30 July from 9:00-10:45; Auditorium (Level 3):

ix. QUIGS: The Last Interglacial and interglacial comparisons: local records and global signals; 30 July from 16:45-18:30; Wicklow Meeting Room 2 (Level 2):

x. LandCover6k: Upscaling palaeoecological, archaeological and historical records of land-use and land-cover change 1; 31 July from 9:00-10:45; Liffey Hall 1 (Level 1):

and Upscaling palaeoecological, archaeological and historical records of land-use and land-cover change 2; 31 July from 11:30-13:15; Liffey Hall 1 (Level 1):

xi. PALEOLINK: Bridging the gap between proxies/reconstructions and simulations in the late Holocene period; 31 July from 9:00-10:45; Wicklow Hall 2B (Level 2):

xii. VICS: Climatic and human impacts of volcanism during the Quaternary; 31 July from 9:00-10:45; Wicklow Meeting Room 1 (Level 2):

xiii. Aquatic Transitions: Lake systems in the Anthropocene 1; 31 July from 9:00-10:45; Auditorium (Level 3):

and Lake systems in the Anthropocene 2; 31 July from 11:30-13:15; Auditorium (Level 3):

xiv. 2k Network: Building a better understanding of past climates, ecosystems, and societies through Open Big Data; 31 July from 11:30-13:15; Wicklow Hall 2B (Level 2):

Sessions involving PAGES SSC Members:

i. Combining palaeoecology with ecological models 1 (Willy Tinner); 25 July from 13:30-15:15; Liffey Meeting Room 2 (Level 1):

ii. Quaternary science and the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Blas Valero-Garcés); 26 July from 11:30-13:15; EcoCem (Level 2):

iii. Holocene evolution of the Northern Hemisphere temperature gradient and its relation to mid-latitude net precipitation (Darrell Kaufman); 26 July from 14:30-15:15; Posters I; Liffey Hall A & B (Level 1):

iv. Fire-driven biodiversity change in Mediterranean ecosystems (Boris Vannière); 27 July from 14:30-15:15;  Posters II; Liffey Hall A & B (Level 1):

v. African paleoclimates and paleoenvironments: From off shore records to continental archives, from ... 2 (Asfawossen Asrat); 29 July from 11:30-13:15; Liffey Hall 2 (Level 1):

vi. Understanding the long-term flood variability in Western Mediterranean: A view from spanish lake records (Blas Valero-Garcés); 29 July from 14:30-15:15; Posters III; Liffey Hall A & B (Level 1):

vii. Regional scale synthesis to separate human impacts from variability – floodplain lakes of the River Murray, Australia (Peter Gell); 30 July from 14:30-15:15; Posters IV; Liffey Hall A & B (Level 1):

viii. Carbon burial variability in high altitude Pyrenean Lakes during the last two millennia (Blas Valero-Garcés); 30 July from 14:30-15:15; Posters IV; Liffey Hall A & B (Level 1):

ix. Plio-Pleistocene environmental change and human origins (Asfawossen Asrat); 30 July from 16:45-18:30; Liffey Meeting Room 2 (Level 1):

Side meetings/workshops:

i. PALSEA: Using ecological and chronological data to improve proxy-based paleo sea-level reconstructions workshop; 21-23 July:

ii. LandCover6k: Two dates to meet: a) 26 July from 14:30-17:00; or b) 29 July from 14:30-17:00 at University College Dublin. Detailed information on the venue will be provided by LandCover6k coordinator Marie-José Gaillard: (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se)

iii. C-PEAT: 27 July from 13:30-14:30; Wicklow Meeting Room 4 (Level 2):

iv. GPWG2: Paleofire: methods, applications and future developments in Quaternary Studies workshop; 29 July from 11:30-13:15; Wicklow Meeting Room 4 (Level 2):

and Paleofire: methods, applications and future developments in Quaternary Studies workshop; 29 July from 16:45-18:30; Wicklow Meeting Room 4 (Level 2):

v. ECN: Splinter Meeting; 31 July from 9:00-10:45; Wicklow Meeting Room 3 (Level 2):

Access the full 20th INQUA Congress program here:

2. New "Find data" tab on PAGES website

PAGES recently updated the main menu items on the website. If you are searching for data, a tab has been added to the top search bar:

Please check your working group data is present. If we are missing your data, please email PAGES' Science Officer Sarah Eggleston:

The main menu bar now contains News; Calendar; About; Science; Products; Find data; Get Involved; People Database; Early-Career Network; and Topical Science Meeting.

Items previously found on the Initiatives tab have now been merged with Science to make way for the Find data tab. You may need to resave old bookmarks, especially for working groups.

3. Data Stewardship updates

i. A reminder that PAGES and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information - Center for Weather and Climate, World Data Service for Paleoclimatology (WDS-Paleo) recently signed a scientific agreement. The interrelated nature of PAGES and WDS-Paleo dates back to our beginnings in 1993, and in May 2019 a formal agreement was reached:

ii. Read about PAGES' long-standing commitment to open paleodata:

iii. PAGES 2k Network contributor Julien Emile-Geay recently wrote an opinion piece on the LinkedEarth website discussing the beginnings of a reporting standard called PaCTS. Access "Paleoclimate data standards: a community pact, and its future" here:

4. IPCC AR6 updates

i. Expert review of AR6 WGI: Reminder! If you have already registered to be a reviewer (deadline was 16 June), then the first order draft (FOD) of the IPCC Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is open for expert review until 23 June. To facilitate your review of paleoclimate information in the FOD, PAGES and its Early-Career Network (ECN) have assembled a table listing the paleo contents from across the report. The table of contents will help you locate text and evaluate possible inconsistencies, gaps and overlaps across the chapters. It also highlights sections that contain assessment statements using IPCC controlled vocabulary. All details:

ii. Job opportunity: Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is recruiting the Head of Science in the Technical Support Unit (IPCC WGI) for the IPCC Working Group I Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The position is located at the University of Paris-Saclay (France). Applications close 5 July. All details:

iii. Nominations of experts for the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report Scoping Meeting: The Scoping Meeting of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Synthesis Report will be held in Singapore on 21-23 October 2019, to develop the draft outline. The Synthesis Report will synthesize and integrate materials contained within the Assessment Reports and Special Reports of the Sixth Assessment cycle and should be written in a non-technical style suitable for policymakers and address a broad range of policy-relevant but policy-neutral questions approved by the Panel. Nominations for participation are solicited from IPCC National Focal Points, observer organizations and Bureau members. All details:

5.  Working Group news

i. 2k Network: a. Members of the PAGES 2k Network projects ARAMATE and MULTICHRON are currently at the 5th International Sclerochronology Conference in Split, Croatia, to discuss protocols for the incorporation of high resolution marine paleodata into the LiPD framework. If anyone has questions about this, please contact Paul Butler:

b. The venue for the CoralHydro2k project meeting on 1 September in Sydney, Australia, has been set. See point 8 for all details. This meeting is being conducted immediately before the PAGES-supported 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP13). See point 9 for all details.

ii. C-PEAT: Call for recent carbon accumulation data from anywhere - deadline 31 July: The community is putting together a global database of recent carbon accumulation (post-1850). A total of 144 profiles have been integrated to the dataset, but we know that many more are out there! We accept profiles from pristine, managed, and disturbed sites. If you wish to contribute to this dataset, please contact Julie Loisel: (julieloisel[at]tamu[dot]edu) or Angela Gallego-Sala: (A[dot]Gallego-Sala[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk). Every data contributor will earn co-authorship of a community paper.

iii. CRIAS: The group's second workshop will be held from 7-8 October 2019 in Leipzig, Germany. See point 8 for all details.

iv. C-SIDE: The group's second workshop will be held from 29-31 August 2019 in Sydney, Australia. See point 8 for all details.

v. EcoRe3: A contribution to the special feature 'Ecological resilience: from theory to empirical observations using long-term datasets' of The Royal Society Biology Letters has been published. See point 6 for all details.

vi. Floods: Registration is limited to 30 participants for the first workshop of the group's second phase, to be held from 11-13 November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. Registration is now open. See point 8 for all details.

vii. GPWG2: The Global Charcoal Database was used in a paper recently published in Nature Ecology & Evolution. See point 6 for all details.

viii. LandCover6k: PAGES LandClim6k reconstructions in the Near-East: As a result of a meeting at Reading (UK) organised by Sandy Harrison, PAGES LandClim6k has new partners that are involved in land-use reconstructions in the Near-East. Those new LandCover6k members include members of CRANE (coordinator Prof. Tim Harrison) and CLaSS (The Climate, Landscapes, Settlement and Society project), funded by an ERC Starting Grant held by Dan Lawrence

ix. OC3: Group members recently published a paper in Science Advances. See point 6 for all details.

x. SISAL: The deadline for data entry for the second version of the SISAL database is 30 June. Please contact the relevant regional coordinator in advance of the deadline to quality control the record:

6. Recent products

i. EcoRe3: A new paper by Jesse Morris et al. titled "Stable or seral? Fire-driven alternative states in aspen forests of western North America" was recently published in The Royal Society Biology Letters:

ii. GPWG2: The Global Paleofire Working Group and its Global Charcoal Database were acknowledged in the Nature Ecology & Evolution paper "Climate change and cultural resilience in late pre-Columbian Amazonia" by Jonas Gregorio de Souz et al:

iii. OC3: Authors Samar Khatiwala, Andreas Schmittner and Juan Muglia use an observationally constrained Earth system model to precisely quantify ocean carbon components and the role that different processes play in simulated glacial-interglacial CO2 variations:

7. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. ECN at INQUA: A splinter meeting will be held on 31 July at the 20th INQUA Congress in Dublin, Ireland. See point 1 or 8 for all details.

ii. ECN at ICP13: A side meeting will be held during the 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography in Sydney, Australia, on 4 September 2019, from 13:30-14:30. Open to all:

iii. ECN leaders are starting an online writing support group and would like to know who's interested in joining. The idea is to host regular meetings where everybody works on a piece of writing (whatever it is, be it a thesis, manuscript, grant application, or something else entirely) in a structured way - without distractions and with each other's moral support. If you feel like the writing process can be isolating, if you find it difficult to dedicate time to your writing or stay focused, or if you simply like the company of people who are in a very similar situation as you, then this might be just the thing for you. Contact ECN Steering Committee member Stella Alexandroff if you'd like to join, and then the format will be discussed in more detail. Also please let Stella know your time zone: (s[dot]alexandroff[at]bangor[dot]ac[dot]uk)

iv. The Early Pages Blog - two new posts:

a. Science has many facets - one of them resembles an action-packed adventure trip: Aditi Dave gives us some insight into fieldwork in the vast and beautiful landscapes of Tajikistan to obtain an 800,000 record of past climate:

b. Deciding who is going to be a co-author on your paper can be a daunting task. However, as Carin Andersson Dahl outlines in her post, there are simple rules you can follow to avoid confusion and create a transparent and fair process:

If you want to share your views and experiences or make your work visible to the wider community, email: (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com) or contact leaders via Twitter (@TheEarlyPages).

v. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

8. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. 2k Network:


Side meeting at ICP13

Sydney, Australia

1 September 2019

ii. CRIAS:

2nd workshop: Integrating documentary evidence into climate reconstruction and impact studies

Leipzig, Germany

7-8 October 2019

iii. C-SIDE:

2nd workshop: Sea-ice database and model-data framework

Sydney, Australia

29-31 August 2019

iv. ECN:

PAGES ECN splinter meeting

Dublin, Ireland

31 July 2019 (as part of 20th INQUA Congress)

v. Floods Working Group:

Floods hazard in a warmer world: insight from past flood records

Geneva, Switzerland

11-13 November 2019

Deadline: 1 October

vi. LandCover6k:

a. Pollen based estimates of past land cover in South and Southeast Asia

Pondicherry, India

11-15 September 2019

Deadlines: TBA

b. 4th General Workshop

Philadelphia, PA, USA

5-7 December 2019

Deadlines: TBA

vii. PALSEA:

Using ecological and chronological data to improve proxy-based paleo sea level reconstructions

Dublin, Ireland

21-23 July 2019

viii. SISAL:

4th workshop: Exploiting the SISALv2 database for evaluating climate processes

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

14-17 October 2019

ix. QUIGS:

Warm extremes – Marine isotope stage 5e and its relevance to the future

1-4 July 2019

Cambridge, UK

9. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

i. 2019 Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

11-17 August 2019

ii. PaleoENSO workshop

Belitung Island, Indonesia

25-30 August 2019

iii. 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography

Sydney, Australia

2-6 September 2019

iv. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists

Bern, Switzerland

4-7 September 2019

v. CLImatic MOdes of VARiability (CLIMOVAR) over the Holocene: model-data synergies to improve future projections

Barcelona, Spain

25-27 September 2019


10. Future Earth updates

i. IPBES: As a member of the Future Earth community, scientists have the opportunity to be nominated for involvement in five task forces of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The deadline for candidate nominations for the policy tools and methodologies; scenarios and models; capacity-building; knowledge and data; indigenous and local knowledge task forces has been extended to 24 June with the confirmation of nominations deadline by Governments and organizations extended to 8 July. To be nominated through Future Earth, put the following: "Type of nominating body: Organisation"; "Name of organisation: Future Earth"; "Job title: Science Officer"; "First name: Hannah"; "Last name: Moersberger"; "Email: (hannah[dot]moersberger[at]futureearth[dot]org)". Your nomination will then be forwarded to Future Earth. Access the nomination form here: Email Hannah Moersberger if you have any questions.

ii. World Biodiversity Forum 2020: The World Biodiversity Forum will be held from 23-28 February 2020 in Davos, Switzerland. The deadline for calls for session proposals and workshop proposals is 21 July. All details:

iii. Future Earth invites you to contribute to research priorities and recommendations on human migration and global change, as input to a Belmont Forum scoping process: Future Earth and the Belmont Forum have recently developed a preliminary synthesis document on research priorities for Human Migration and Global Change. The white paper outlines potential topics and priorities for research for transdisciplinary, multinational teams. Additionally, Future Earth seeks input on approaches to be encouraged and avoided in the design of a funding call on this topic, as well as policy and action impacts, and key references.

Future Earth now invites the wider community to review the synthesis document and give feedback in order to see if there are any missing pieces that have not yet been addressed. Feedback, from both individuals and institutions, will be incorporated into a final version of the document that will then serve as input to a Belmont Forum scoping process for a future Collaborative Research Action. The consultation will be open until 14 August 2019. If you have any questions regarding this consultation, including any technical problems, please contact: Access the consultation survey:

iv. Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2020): Future Earth, which supports the largest global community of systems-focused sustainability researchers and innovators, and the Belmont Forum, the world’s largest consortium of transdisciplinary global change and sustainability research funders, will host the inaugural Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress from 14-17 June 2020 in Brisbane, Australia. SRI2020 aims to gather leads in sustainability science, innovation, funding, communication, and implementation, to provide opportunities for career development, engagement, and active participation not possible in the sector or discipline-specific meetings:

v. Future Earth Senior Science Officer vacancy: Apply by 24 June to join Future Earth at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA:

vi. Are you signed up for the Future Earth monthly newsletter? Register here:

11. WCRP updates

i. WCRP 40th Anniversary 2019: To celebrate its 40th Anniversary, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) will be coordinating a Climate Science Week at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 8-13 December 2019. The week will involve a WCRP 40th Anniversary Symposium on 8 December 2019, WCRP-branded science sessions across the AGU Scientific Program, special WCRP-coordinated Town Halls to solicit community involvement in WCRP's four scientific objectives and a Union Session to bring together the wider science community to discuss how to implement the future priorities of climate science:

ii. Read the CLIVAR June 2019 Bulletin:

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

IPICS: Save the date! The 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference will be held from 18-23 October 2020 in Crans-Montana, Switzerland. More information to come. Learn more about IPICS here:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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