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PAGES Magazine

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Eds: Edwards T, Kull C & Alverson K
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This stable isotopes issue of PAGES News highlights the work of those engaged in research falling under the theme of ISOMAP, a PAGES initiative dedicated to continental isotope paleoclimatology, and especially to the mapping and modelling of water isotope data from paleoprecipitation.

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Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES


> Stable Isotopes / Swiss Sojourn [p.2]
T. Edwards

Science Highlights

> Extending Isotope in Precipitation Data Beyond Direct Measurements: The Perspective From Glacier Ice-Core Measurements in Switzerland [p.6-7]
U. Schotterer and W. Stichler

> Holocene Variability in the Indian Ocean Monsoon: A Stalagmite- Based, High-Resolution Oxygen Isotope Record from Southern Oman [p.7-8]
D. Fleitmann, S.J. Burns, M. Mudelsee, U. Neff, J. Kramers, A. Mangini and A. Matter

> Isotopic Records of Past Hydroclimatic Change in the Red River Basin, Southern Manitoba, Canada [p.9-10]
W.M. Buhay, D. Blair, E. Nielsen, S. St. George and G. Brooks

> A New Conceptual Model for Predicting Isotopic Enrichment of Lakes in Seasonal Climates [p.10-11]
J.J. Gibson

> Modelling the Water Isotope Signal in the Quaternary [p.12-13]
G. Hoffmann

> Towards a Regional Synthesis of Mediterranean Climatic Change Using Lake Stable Isotope Records [p.13-15]
N. Roberts and M. Jones

> Past and Present Ecohydrology of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Northern Alberta, Canada: Water Isotope Tracers Lead the Way [p.16-17]
B.B. Wolfe, T.W.D. Edwards and R.I. Hall

> Lacustrine Oxygen Isotopic Records from Temperate Marl Lakes [p.17-19]
R.T. Jones and J.D. Marshall

Program News

> Norwegian Ocean Climate Project (NOClim) [p.4]

Workshop Reports

> Fire-Climate Linkages in the Mid-Latitude Americas [p.20]
> Linking the Continental Environmental Quaternary History of Southern Africa with Ocean Currents and Antarctica [p.21]
> PAGES Data Board Meeting [p.22]
> PAGES Meeting on High Latitude Paleoenvironments [p.22-23]

Eds: Larocque I, Kull C & Alverson K
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issues of PAGES news features a range of articles on dendrochronology: Tree Ring Variations in the Himalayas, Fire and Climate in the Western Americas, Treeline Dendroclimatology in the North
American Tropics, South American Dendrochronolgy, Post Fire Dynamics in Switzerland, Bristlecone Pines of Methuselah Walk, Fire Frequency in the Eastern Canadian Boreal Forests and Recent Fennoscandian Pine Records.

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> High resolution PDF (13.1 MB)
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> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES


> Dendrochronology [p.2]
K. Alverson

Science Highlights

> Tree-Ring Variations over the Western Himalaya: Little Evidence of the Little Ice Age? [p.5-6] 
H.P. Borgaonkar, R.K. Kolli and G.B. Pant

> Fire and Climate History in the Western Americas From Tree Rings [p.6-8]
T.W. Swetnam

> Treeline Dendroclimatology in the North American Tropics [p.9-10]
F. Biondi

> Progress in South American Dendrochronology [p.11-13]
J.A. Boninsegna

> Post-fire Vegetation Dynamics in Southern Switzerland [p.13-15]
M. Conedera and W. Tinner

> The Ancient Bristlecone Pines of Methuselah Walk, California, as a Natural Archive of Past Environment [p.16-17]
M.K. Hughes, G. Funkhouser and F. Ni

> Change in Fire Frequency During the Last 300 Years in the Eastern Canadian Boreal Forests [p.18-19]
D. Lesieur, Y. Bergeron, S. Gauthier, V. Kafka and P. Lefort

> Recent Fennoscandian Pine Records of Temperature, Precipitation and the North Atlantic Oscillation [p.20]
M. Lindholm, M. Eronen and S. Helama

Program News

> Analysis of Marine Sediments for Paleoenvironmental Studies [p.4]

Workshop Reports

> Extreme Climatic Events in South America: Tropical-Extratropical Links [p.21]
> Achieving Climate Predictability using Paleoclimate Data: Euroconference on Abrupt Climate Change Dynamics [p.22-23]
> Tree-rings and People - A "Pointer Year" for the Tree-ring Community? [p.23]

Eds: Kull C, Reasoner M & Alverson K
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

To coincide with The International Year of Mountains (IYM) and the founding of the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), this issue of PAGES features a collection of articles highlighting paleo research on a range of mountain ecosystems.

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Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES
Special Section: Mountains


> The International Year of Mountains (IYM), the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) and PAGES [p.2]
B. Messerli

Science Highlights

> Alpine Climate Changes as Reconstructed from Speleothems [p.7-8]
S. Frisia and I. Fairchild

> Timberline Paleoecology in the Alps [p.9-11]
W. Tinner and B. Ammann

> Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions for Mountains in the Eurasian Mid-Continent [p.11-13]
T. Blyakharchuk, I. Stefanova, H. E. Wright and B. Ammann

> Changes in Atmospheric Circulation over the South-Eastern Tibetan Plateau over the last Two Centuries from a Himalayan Ice Core [p.14-16]
C.P. Wake, P.A. Mayewski, D. Qin, Q. Yang, S. Kang, S. Whitlow and L.D. Meeker

> The Assessment of Present, Past and Future Climate Variability in the Americas from Treeline Environments [p.17-19]
B.H. Luckman and J.A. Boninsegna

> Paleoecology of Eastern Africa Mountains [p.19-21]
D.O. Olago and E.O. Odada

Program News

> The Mountain Research Initiative and Past Global Changes [p.4-6]

Workshop Reports

> Climate and Environment during the Last Deglaciation and the Holocene in NW Russia and around the Baltic [p.22]
> Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa [p.23]

Eds: Larocque I & Alverson K
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

A special issue on the "Pole-Equator-Pole II" (PEP II) transect through Australasia.

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Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES
Special Section: PEP II Special Issue


> The Need for a Global Paleoclimate Observing System [p.2]

Science Highlights

> Records of Environmental Changes in the Australian Sector of Pep II Point to Broad Trends of Climate Change [p.4-5]
P. De Deckker

> An 8,000 Year Multi–proxy Record from Lake Issyk–Kul, Kyrgyzstan [p.5-6]
K.A. Rasmussen, R.D. Ricketts, T.C. Johnson, V.V. Romanovsky and O.M. Grigina

> An 8000–Year Record of Typhoons in the Northern South China Sea [p.7-8]
G. Huang and W.W.-S. Yim

> Millennial–Scale Oscillations of Loess Weathering over the Last Glacial Period [p.9]
G. Zhengtang, P. Shuzhen and L. Tungsheng

> The Chinese Maar Drilling Programme A Chinese–German Cooperation for Paleoclimatic Reconstructions [p.10-11]
L. Jiaqui, L. Tungsheng and J.F.W. Negendank

> Pollen Records of the Last Glacial Cycle in the Southern Hemisphere Tropics of the PEPII Transect [p.11-12]
S. Van der Kaars, P. Kershaw, N. Tapper, P. Moss and C. Turney

> East Asian Monsoon Signals Recorded in the Japan Sea Sediments [p.13-14]
T. Irino, K. Ikehara, H. Katayama, Y. Ono and R. Tada

Program News

> CLIWOC: a Cooperative Effort to Recover Climate Data for Oceanic Areas (1750–1850) [p.15-16]

Workshop Reports

> Paleo-Grassland Research (PGR) 2000: a Conference on the Reconstruction and Modeling of Grass–Dominated Ecosystems [p.16-17]
> The 6th ELDP Workshop: High–Resolution Lake Sediment Records in Climate and Environment Variability Studies [p.18]
> Highest II: Climate Change at High Elevation Sites: Emerging Impacts [p.19]

Eds: Alverson K & Larocque I
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issue contains the following articles: Recent Progress in Paleoclimate Modeling, GCM Study of Synoptic Influences
on the Isotope Record in Antarctic Ice Cores, Isotopic Tracers in Coupled Models: A New Paleo-Tool.

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> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES
Special Section: Paleoclimate Modeling


> Paleoclimate Modeling [p.2]
K. Alverson

Science Highlights

> Recent Progress in Paleoclimate Modeling: Climate Models of Reduced Complexity [p.4-7]
T. Stocker and O. Marchal

> GCM Study of Synoptic Influences on the Isotope Record in Antarctic Ice Cores [p.8-9]
D. Noone and I. Simmonds

> Isotopic Tracers in Coupled Models: A New Paleo-Tool [p.10-11]
G.A. Schmidt, G. Hoffman & D. Thresher

Program News

> News from the International Marine Global Change Study [p.19]

Workshop Reports

> Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Climatic Variations [p.12]
> Correlation of Post-Glacial Climatic Events in the Arctic and Far-East Seas [p.12-13]
> IGBP Sediment Workshop [p.13]
> Dendrochronology for the Third Millennium [p.14]
> Paleoclimates of the Central Andes [p.16]
> 8th International Paleolimnology Symposium: The Year of the Chironomids [p.17]


> In Memory of Kerry R. Kelts, 1947-2001 [p.18]

Eds: Oldfield F & Alverson K
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

The first PAGES news to concentrate almost entirely on Human Interactions in Past Environmental Changes. As a result of human actions and their impact on the environment, we now live in a ‘no-analogue’ biosphere; but these human actions have a history which, in some areas, stretches back over thousands of years. Understanding present day and effectively anticipating future global changes calls for a thorough appraisal of this history, as several of the articles published here emphasize.

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> High resolution PDF (8.3 MB)
> Low resolution PDF (2.0 MB)
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Individual Newsletter Articles


> Ecosystem Processes and Past Human Impacts [p.1-2]
F. Oldfield and B. Messerli

Science Highlights

> Historical Variability in Ecosystem Management [p.2-4]
C.L. Millar

> The Human Factor in Paleoclimate [p.4-5]
C. Redman

> The Ystad Project – A Case Study for Multidisciplinary Research on Long-Term Human Impact [p.6-7]
B.E. Berglund

> Bridging the Biophysical-Cultural Divide: The Role of Historical Ecology [p.8-9]
C.L. Crumley

Program News

> Non-Linear Responses and Surprises [p.10]
> Land Use and Climate Impacts on Fluvial Systems During the Period of Agriculture (LUCIFS) [p.10]
> Examples from the Rhine Catchment [p.11-13]
> Synergistic Effects of Climate and Human Activities on Flooding and Soil Erosion: Lac D’Annecy [p.14-16]
> The Murrumbidgee River Catchment, Australia [p.16]
> High Resolution Lake Sediments from New Zealand – a Record of Late Holocene Storm History, Vegetation Change and Landscape Response [p.17-18]
> Past Erosion and Sedimentation within Drainage Basins on the Russian Plain [p.19]
> Human Impact on Lake Ecosystems (LIMPACS) [p.20-21]
> Ecosystem Processes and Human Dimensions – The Scope and Future Of HITE [p.21-23]
> Using History To Interpret Current Environmental Conditions and Future Trends: An Example from the US Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program [p.23-25]
> The Role of Long Time Series of Ecological Data for the Calibration & Evaluation of Ecological Models [p.26-28]
> Shift From Deciduous to Coniferous Forest in Southern Scandinavia Driven by Climate Change and Land-Use Interactions [p.29-30]
> Long Term Land-Cover Changes on Regional to Global Scales Inferred From Fossil Pollen – How to Meet the Challenges of Climate Research? [p.30-32]

Workshop Reports

> BIOME 300 – A Joint Initiative of LUCC and PAGES [p.32]
> The 5th ELDP Workshop: The Record of Human/ Climate Interactions in Lake Sediments [p.33]

Technical Reports

> Improvements for Piston Coring Systems: Results of Technical Experiments [p.34-35]
U. Harms, L. Wohlgemuth and B. Zolitschka


Eds: Markgraf V, Oldfield F & Alverson K
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

A special issue on "Paleoclimates of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres" (PANASH), a project which specifically addresses questions of inter-hemispheric mechanisms and coupling of climate and climate change.

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Individual Newsletter Articles


> PANASH [p.1-2]
V. Markgraf

Science Highlights

> PEP I News and Plans [p.6]
G.O. Seltzer

> Historical Solar Variability and Mid- Continent Drought [p.6-7]
Z. Yu and E. Ito

> Reconstructing Latitudinal Shifts of the Southern Westerlies from Marine Sediment Studies along the Chilean Continental Margin [p.8-9]
F. Lamy, D. Hebblen, G. Wefer and M. Marchant

> PEP II News and Plans [p.10]
J. Dodson, G. Zhengtang and J. Brigham-Grette

> Nitrate Concentration in the Guliya Ice Core and Solar Activity [p.11]
W. Ninglian, Y. Tandong and L. Thompson

> Millennial Scale Variability of the East Asian Winter Monsoon Before the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle [p.12]
H. Lu, Z. An, K. van Huissteden, G. Nugteren and J. Vandenberghe

> PEP III News and Plans [p.13]
R. Batterbee, C. Stickley and F. Gasse

> SPEP: High-Resolution Stalagmite Records of NE Atlantic Climate in the Last Millennium [p.14]
A. Baker, C. Proctor, S.-E. Lauritzen and J. Lundberg

> Are the North Atlantic and Arctic Oscillations Reflected in Scandinavian Glacier Mass Balance Records? [p.15]
A. Nesje and S. O. Dahl

> Reconstruction of Sea Surface Temperatures in Holocene Times: Coral- Based Studies in the Red Sea and the Western Indian Ocean [p.16-17]
J. Pätzold and C. Dullo

> Late-Glacial and Early-Holocene Climate Reconstructions at Kråkenes Lake, a West Norwegian Point on PEP III [p.17-18]
H.H. Birks

> Last Ice Age Global Ocean and Land Surface Temperatures: The EPILOG Initiative [p.19-21]
R. Schneider, E. Bard and A.C. Mix

Program News

> Integration of Ice-Core, Marine and Terrestrial Records (INTIMATE): A Core Project of the INQUA Commission on Paleoclimate [p.21]

Workshop Reports

> National Swedish IGBP-PAGES Meeting [p.22-23]
> Inter-PEP [p.2-5]

Eds: Alverson K & Villwock A
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

The interaction between IGBP-PAGES and WCRP-CLIVAR is driven by the overlapping interests of the past climate reconstruction and future climate prediction research communities. Following on from the initial success of the first PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection meeting (PAGES Report, 1996), and the CLIVAR international meeting (WCRP Report 108), a series of PAGES/CLIVAR workshops, open meetings and short courses were held. One was a workshop in Venice, Italy from Nov. 8–12, 1999, which concentrated on the theme “Climate of the Last Millennium.” Many of the results and recommendations which grew out of this meeting are collected here in this newsletter.

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Individual Newsletter Articles



> Editorial: A Joint Newsletter of the Past Global Changes Project (PAGES) and the Climate Variability and Predictability Project (CLIVAR) [p.2]
K. Alverson and A. Villwock

Science Highlights

> Climate Paradigms for the Last Millennium [p.2-3]
R. S. Bradley

> ENSO Through the Holocene, Depicted in Corals and a Model Simulation [p.3-7]
M. A. Cane, A. Clement, M.K. Gagan, L.K. Ayliffe and S. Tudhope

> Abrupt Climate Change [p.7-10]
K. Alverson and F. Oldfield

> Improving Estimates of Drought Variability and Extremes from Centuries-Long Tree-Ring Chronologies: A PAGES/CLIVAR Example [p.10-12]
E. R. Cook and M. Evans

> Conceptual Framework for Changes of Rainfall and Extremes of the Hydrological Cycle with Climate Change [p.12-13]
K. E. Trenberth

> Century to Decadal Scale Records of Norwegian Sea Surface Temperature Variations of the past 2 Millennia [p.13-14]
E. Jansen and N. Koch

> Opportunities for CLIVAR/PAGES NAO Studies [p.14-16]
E.S. Sarachik and K. Alverson

Program News

> Past Global Changes and their Significance for the Future [p.20]

Workshop Reports

> Reconstructing Climatic Variability from Historical Sources and Other Proxy Records [p.17-18]
> Modelling Extreme Climates of the Past: What we have learned from PMIP and related Experiments [p.18-20]
> The First International Conference on the Ocean Observing System for Climate [p.22-23]
> Science Highlights from the Monsoon Symposium and CLIVAR Monsoon Panel Meeting [p.23]


Eds: Alverson K & Oldfield F
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

Much of this issue of PAGES news is devoted to the present issue to a variety of long records, each spanning at least one, and usually more than one glacial cycle. The emphasis is perhaps biased towards ‘terrestrial‘ records, partly because they are so diverse in terms of locations, archives and proxies, partly because they refl ect the work of a rather dispersed research community, the combined efforts of which are less often gathered together to illustrate their value and interest.

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> High resolution PDF (5.4 MB)
> Low resolution PDF (1.3 MB) 
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> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> PAGES Timestream 2 – Long Records [p.1-2]
F. Oldfield

Science Highlights

> A 0.6 Million Year Pollen Record from the Colombian Andes [p.4-5]
H. Hooghiemstra and R. van't Veer

> The Dadongling Section – a Long High Resolution Record from the West of the Chinese Loess Plateau [p.6-7]
F. Oldfield

> A 300,000 Year Record from Lac du Bouchet, France [p.8]
N. Thouveny

> Southern Ocean Core MD 94–101 [p.9]
C. Waelbroeck

> The high Resolution Paleoenvironmental Record of the Last 101,800 Years from Lago Grande di Monticchio, Italy [p.10-12]
J. R. M. Allen and B. Huntley

> A 800,000 Year Long Record from Owens Lake, California [p.11]
P. Bradbury

> Glacial Modulation of Rapid Climate Change During the Last 0.5 Million Years [p.12-13]
J. McManus, D. Oppo and J. Cullen

> 0.5 Million-Year Pollen Records from Southern Europe [p.14-15]
P.C. Tzedakis, V. Andrieu, J.-L. de Beaulieu, M. Reille, S. Crowhurst, N.J. Shackleton, M. Follieri, D. Magri, H. Hooghiemstra and T.A. Wijmstra

Program News

> Climate in Historical Times [p.18]
> PAGES has a QUEEN [p.19]

Workshop Reports

> Isotopes in Paleoclimate Research [p.3]
> DFG Program [p.15]
> 4th Conference on Asian Marine Geology [p.15]
> PAGES-REDIE Fellowship Week [p.16-17]
> PEP III at the XV INQUA Congress [p.17-18]


Eds: Alverson K & Oldfield F
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

A special issue on "Regional, Educational and Infrastructure Efforts" (REDIE), a project which reflects a foresighted view among the founders of PAGES that our future legacy should include not only data and scientific understanding, but also human development.

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> Low resolution PDF (1 MB)
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> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Ready for REDIE [p.1-2]
F. Oldfield

Science Highlights

> Paleoenvironmental Significance of Varved Lake Sediments in Fennoscandia and their Contribution to PAGES Related Programs [p.14-15]
I. Snowball, L. Zillen and T. Saarinen

> Monsoon Impact on El Niño in the Early Holocene [p.16-17]
Z. Liu, R. Jacob, J. Kutzbach, S. Harrison and J. Anderson

> Global Database of Borehole Temperatures and Climate Reconstructions [p.18-19]
S. Huang, H. N. Pollack and P.-Y. Shen

Program News

> Environmental Change and Nonlinearity – A Summary of a new Cross-cutting and Integrative Initiative within Focus 3 [p.4-5]
> Dust Indicators and Records of Terrestrial and Marine Paleoenvironments [p.6]

Workshop Reports

> Loessfest’99 [p.6-8]
> Oversnow Traverses Aimed at Understanding Recent Change in the Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry Over Antarctica [p.9-10]
> Conference on Marine Environment: the Past, Present and Future [p.10-11]
> Paleohydrology and Paleoclimate as Reflected in Lake-level Changes in China [p.11-12]
> VARVE 99 [p.12-13]