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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) are welcoming applications for the Past Global Changes (PAGES) Early-Career Network Steering Committee members due to leadership rotation. 


PAGES holds an annual call for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The SSC represents a broad spectrum of disciplines and nationalities, and includes scientists at different career stages.


Deadline: 3 October 2022

PAGES is inviting Expressions of interest to host the 2025 PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) outside the European or African time zones by 3 October 2022.


While some important PAGES deadlines are just around the corner, including PAGES support applications and new working group proposals, Early-Career Award nominations and expressions of interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM, this month’s newsletter announces a change in the PAGES&nbsp


PAGES is committed to providing access to paleoscience in an accessible and informative way. Past Global Changes Magazine is a free magazine with this aim, published twice annually, and delivered in hard copy format, free of charge, to those who are interested.


Stalagmites and stalactites (speleothems) are caused by the progressive build-up of minerals deposited from cave drip water.


Chadwick M, et al. from the Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE) working group have published a paper in Climate of the Past on "Compilation of Southern Ocean sea-ice records covering the last glacial-interglacial cycle (12–130 ka)."


There are a number of deadlines coming up that PAGES would like to highlight in this month’s newsletter, including Early Career Award nominations and Expressions of Interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM.