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PAGES newsletter September 2022

While some important PAGES deadlines are just around the corner, including PAGES support applications and new working group proposals, Early-Career Award nominations and expressions of interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM, this month’s newsletter announces a change in the PAGES Past Global Changes Magazine distribution strategy. It also highlights the return of a number of working groups seminar series, and ACME, CVAS together with the 2k Network, Human Traces, Q-MARE and VICS have all announced some interesting upcoming workshops. 


1. Past Global Changes Magazine distribution policy

2. Deadline for PAGES support and new working group proposals

3. Early-Career Award call for nominations open

4. Expressions of interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM

5. Working group news

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

8. Future Earth

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

10. Other news and opportunities

1. Past Global Changes Magazine distribution policy

PAGES is committed to providing access to paleoscience in an accessible and informative way. Past Global Changes Magazine is a free magazine with this aim, published twice annually, and delivered in hard copy format, free of charge, to those who are interested. We are also equally committed to conducting the PAGES mission in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. For this reason, we will be changing our distribution policy. We now request that anyone interested in receiving a hard copy of the magazine log in to their PAGES database profile, click on the box to "receive a hard copy of the PAGES magazine" and check their postal address is correct. That is all that is required if you wish to receive a hard copy! The upcoming magazine, which will be published in October/November 2022, delves into the topic of sea ice in the polar regions, with a special section on early career perspectives on ice-core science. To read more about this new policy, or find out what the alternatives are should you not have a PAGES profile, please read the news article. > News

2. Deadline for PAGES support applications and new working group proposals

The next PAGES deadline to submit new working group proposals, and to apply for financial support for workshops and meetings support is 19 September. Please keep in mind that applications for workshop and meeting support should be received at least six months before the planned event date.​ > More information 

3. Early-Career Award call for nominations open

PAGES is pleased to announce that the call for the biennial Early-Career Award (ECA) for excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration is open. The deadline to submit nominations is 3 October. > More information 

4. Expressions of interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM

PAGES is inviting expressions of interest to host the 2025 PAGES Open Science Meeting and Young Scientists Meeting. The bidding process will take place in two stages, with Expressions of Interest (EoI) due 3 October. The SSC will then invite a shortlist of selected potential hosts to submit a full bid by the end of 2022. > More information ​​

5. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

To receive Early-Career Network (ECN) news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list.

ii. 2k Network 

Save the date! CVAS and the 2k Network will be hosting a joint workshop scheduled to take place from 5-10 March 2023. More information will be communicated as soon as it is available. Contact the CVAS Steering Committee here or the 2k Network Steering Committee here if you have any questions. 

iii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME

Save the date! ACME would like to announce their second PAGES-supported workshop on “Numerical ecology and time series analysis of marine proxy data” will be taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 14-16 November. The workshop is targeted at early-career researchers, but is open to everyone with a research interest in the Arctic coastal zone. The maximum number of participants is limited to 25. Financial support will be available. More information will be communicated as soon as this is available. > Calendar 

iv. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT

a. The group would like to announce that they have postponed their workshop until May 2023. They now have the Hubs “volunteers” in place, so the North/South American Hub will be organised in Texas, USA, the European/African Hub will be organized in Poznan, Poland and the Asian/Australian Hub will be organised in Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. More news will be communicated as soon as this is available.

b. Do you work in the tropics and have core data to share or have a core that you would like analysed for carbon and bulk density and/or dated?  C-PEAT is looking for data extracted from cores in the tropical regions (+/-30 degrees) that have been analysed for carbon and bulk density and have good chronological constraints. They are also able to offer analysis and/or dating of cores you may already have in your cold store and want analysed. In exchange, they offer co-authorship on the resulting publication looking at drivers of carbon accumulation in the tropics. Please contact: Elise Dehaen ( (ed515[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk)) and/or Angela ( (a[dot]gallego-sala[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk)) for more details and to express your interest.

v. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS

Save the date! The 2k Network and CVAS will be hosting a joint workshop scheduled to take place from 5-10 March 2023. More information will be communicated as soon as it is available. Contact the CVAS Steering Committee here or the 2k Network Steering Committee here if you have any questions. 

vi. Human Traces 

a. The group would like to invite you to their first in-person workshop taking place right after the IAL-IAP joint meeting, in Bariloche, Argentina, on 3 December. The objectives of the workshop will be: 1) to get to know each other; 2) present ongoing activities (Pb record, landscape opening record, webinar series); and 3) launch a lake-sediment database as initiated by the Aquatic Transition working group. If you are interested, please register by 1 October via email with (Nathalie[dot]dubois[at]eawag[dot]ch). Early-career researchers and researchers from low-income countries are invited to apply for financial support by sending a one-page motivation letter and two-page CV. > Calendar 

b. The group is pleased to announce that the seminar series will be starting again. The next seminar in the series will be on 20 September at 15:00 UTC with Dr. Jeff Blackford on “Distinguishing human traces from natural events in Mesolithic peat proxy records.” > Calendar

vii. Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioMioVAR)

The group has put out a ‘Call for Participation’ for the Miocene Temperature Synthesis Workshop as part of the PlioMioVar working group. Following the momentum of Miocene-focused activities, including the recently established MioMEET meetings, Special Issue on the Miocene (2020), and development of the Miocene Data Portal (2021), there is a community driven effort to refine our understanding of the Miocene climate dynamics. This workshop aims to synthesize temperature data and establish protocols for compiling proxy data from an array of proxy types (i.e. d18O, Mg/Ca, Uk37, TEX86, ∆47) covering large spatial and temporal ranges. More information here. If you are interested in participating please fill out the form. > Form 

viii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)

a. The next online seminar will be held on 5 October at 15:00 UTC with Dr. Katie Cramer on "Integrating historical data into Caribbean reef management and conservation". > Calendar 

b. The recording of the last seminar by Ruth Thurstan on “Using historical approaches to evidence marine ecosystem change: Industrial Revolution to the present”, held on 7 September, is available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

c. The group will be hosting an online workshop from 5-7 December from 13:00-15:00 UTC on "Quaternary marine ecosystems: climate versus human impacts in the pre-industrial era". The workshop aims to assemble: 1) published data of marine death assemblages, archaeological data and historical records to write a review on pre-industrial human and climate impacts on marine ecosystems; and 2) metadata on available sedimentary archives that could be repurposed to obtain marine death assemblages. The deadline for registration is 30 September. > Register 

ix. PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS

The QUIGS workshop “Interglacials of the 41-kyr world and the Middle Pleistocene Transition" will be taking place from 19-21 September in New York, USA. > Calendar 

x. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

Members of the SISAL working group are accepting abstracts for the session "Cave deposits for in deep understanding Qauternary climate and environment" at the INQUA congress (July 2023, Roma, Italy). Deadline for Abstract submission is 1 November 2022. > More information and submission

xi. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS

The fifth VICS workshop, originally scheduled to take place in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2020 (but repeatedly postponed due to the pandemic), will now be taking place in the early part of 2023 in Bern, Switzerland. This workshop will extend the range of interests deeper into the past, as well as into the future, and mark the end of Phase 2 of the VICS working group. Details will be communicated as soon as they are available. > Calendar 

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN

i. If you have ideas for a webinar and would like to organize one for the PAGES ECN, please reach out to the webinar cluster: (webinar[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)

ii. The recording of the “‘Research Show and Tell” webinar from 15 July 2022 where Stella Mosher and Nathan Chellman presented their work reconstructing fire history from lake sediments using black carbon is now available on the PAGES ECN YouTube channel. > Watch

iii. The second joint PAGES-INQUA early-career researcher in-person workshop "Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)" will be taking place from 20-24 November in La Serena y Coquimbo, Chile. The workshop is being organized by the PAGES Early-Career Network. The Registration deadline for selected participants (payment of workshop fees) is 15 September. > Calendar 

iv. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

> See PAGES former working groups


DEEPICE PhD students will have to create short educational videos on topics related to DEEPICE and their work. The group must decide if these videos will be more useful for middle/high school or university teacher to define the target audience and tailor the content. They are looking for feedback, specifically from teachers. They have created a very short survey to collect feedback and request assistance in forwarding this survey to teachers you work with, who might use this type of video by 26 September. > Go to survey

ii. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS

The PAGES-supported 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference on "Ice Core Science at the three Poles" will be taking place from 2-7 October in Crans Montana, Switzerland. > Calendar 

iii. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS

The 2nd ICYS workshop with the theme "Communicate your Science” will be held on 2 October in connection with the PAGES-supported 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference in Crans Montana, Switzerland, 2-7 October. > Calendar 

8. Future Earth

i. Read the August newsletter 

ii. Future Earth Communication Grants Program (second call ends 31 October)


This Program aims to ensure that scientific contributions supporting the development of pathways for sustainability reach audiences beyond the scientific community. To promote this, the grant supports the dissemination of scientific research findings via innovative dissemination formats and practices. Researchers, including PhD students, from universities or research institutions are invited to submit proposals for communication products that aim to disseminate scientific outcomes developed within inter- and/or transdisciplinary research projects, and are addressed to the broader public. > More information

iii. Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022

All the sessions from the “Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022” held online and onsite in Pretoria, South Africa (20-24 June 2022) are now open access. > Access sessions 

iv. Future Earth Assembly

The first in-person convening of the Future Earth Assembly will take place from 21-23 September in Paris, France. See the full list of Assembly members here. The meeting is open to observers via Youtube. If you are interested, please contact (assembly[at]futurearth[dot]org) to receive the Youtube link.

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. CLIVAR > Read the August newsletter

ii. Opportunities to contribute to CMIP7

The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project International Project Office invites you to take part in a Priority Variables Consultation "for inclusion within a core set of variables forming the baseline for exchange of climate model data, in any intercomparison project, in accordance with FAIR data and Open Science principles. This consultation is relevant to those involved in developing and operating climate models, data infrastructure and those utilising climate model outputs". Consultation will close at 18:00 UTC on 23 September. > More information 

iii. Open call for CMIP7 Task Teams

Would you like to join the new Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7) Task Team and contribute to the future direction of CMIP? Application deadline is 2 October at 18:00 UTC. > More information 

iv. WCRP Open Science Conference

There is call to submit proposals for poster cluster topics and/or side events at the WCRP Open Science Conference (OSC) that will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 23-27 October 2023. The deadline is 30 September. > More information

10. Other news and opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the August Newsletter

ii. INQUA Rome 2023

A reminder that the deadline for abstract submission will close on 1 November. If your working group is hosting a session, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar


iii. CRESTR package workshop

PAGES-ECN and IPA-ECN are inviting ECRs to a free, in-person workshop on ”CRESTR: An introduction to the crestr package to reconstruct climate from palaeoecological datasets” by Dr. Manuel Chevalier. The workshop will take place right after the IAL-IPA joint meeting in Bariloche, Argentina, on 3 December with a theoretical-practical part, where the participants will be able to practice with their own data. If you are interested, please complete this form before 16 September. Selected participants will be informed via email in the first week of October. > Calendar 

iv. Climate Change: The Karst Record X (KR10)

The organizers are requesting your assistance in deciding the best time to host the “Climate Change: The Karst Record X (KR10)” conference in Cape Town, South Africa, by completing a poll (just one question). The poll closes on 16 September. > Poll 

v. 2nd INQUA-MARE workshop: Arctic Realm

The second INQUA-MARE workshop will be taking place from 5-7 December 2022 in Pisa, Italy, and online. The objective of the group is to “bring together researchers studying recent (Holocene) sediment records from the Arctic, Antarctic and the Tropics, as these regions are linked by thermohaline circulation and atmospheric teleconnection”. Registration for the workshop is free. The deadline for abstracts is 25 October. > Calendar 

vi. SVALCLIME workshop

From 18-21 October the SVALCLIME project will be hosting a hybrid workshop with the title “Deep-time Arctic climate archives: High-resolution coring of Svalbard’s sedimentary record (SVALCLIME)”. Objectives of the workshop are to, amongst others, discuss how and where to obtain high-resolution temporal and spatial core data spanning from the Carboniferous to the Eocene of Arctic Spitsbergen, assess drilling logistics and regulations, drilling rig, and environmental implications based on experience from other projects, discuss scientific objectives which focus on specific themes and determining 5-10 short (<250 m) drilling sites which complement existing core and outcrop data. Deadline for registration is 30 September. > Calendar 

vii. AGU Fall Meeting 

The AGU fall meeting will be taking place from 12-16 December in Chicago, USA. Abstract submission has closed and registration is now open. > Calendar

viii. EGU General Assembly 

The EGU General Assembly will be held from 23-28 April 2023 in Vienna, Austria. The deadline for session proposals is 19 September. > Calendar


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |

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