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PAGES invites everyone to join us at the EGU24 for a Q&A session

The EGU24 will be taking place from 14–19 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria.


Applications for African, and Latin American & Caribbean Mobility Fellowships are open. 

Are you an African early-career PhD or postdoc scientist interested in building your paleoscience network within Africa?



In the first newsletter of 2024, PAGES would like to wish everyone a peaceful and positive start to the new year. We are also thrilled to announce a new explanatory video showcasing what PAGES is about in a nutshell.


The PAGES IPO is thrilled to announce that a new video explaining what the PAGES project is all about, and who the PAGES community is, is available to watch, share and enjoy. 


PAGES congratulates its Science Officer, Iván Hernández-Almeida, on a co-authored paper in Climate of the Past published on 3 January 2024.


By: Marie Bouchet, A. Landais and F. Parrenin


Dear paleoscience community,

As we approach the festive season, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude and extend warm wishes to each and every one of you. The holiday season is a time to reflect on the achievements and milestones we've reached together throughout the year.


The PAGES IPO would like to congratulate the five African Mobility Research Fellows and three Latin-America and Caribbean Scholarship recipients for 2024.


Please share with your extended network and partners if relevant to your network.

Future Earth and World Climate Research Programme have convened a statement from scientists around the world in response to comments regarding fossil fuel phaseout pathways.