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[PMIPn news]

Email sent  on behalf of the PMIP Quaternary Interglacials WG Louise Sime, Anne de Vernal, Matthew Osman, Xu Zhang, Christian Stepanek on 10 June 2024.

Dear Quaternary Interglacials enthusiasts!


Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report - Call for nomination of experts


"Phase 4 of Pages 2k is progressing towards building a comprehensive hydroclimate database for the Common Era.


"The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) is calling on its member governments and observer organizations to nominate experts who will draft the outline of the Working Group contributions to the Seventh Assessment Report.


The latest issue of Past Global Changes Magazine on "(Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science" is now available to read and download online.

Access the magazine


As we near the end of April, the PAGES IPO would like to take this opportunity to remind the paleocommunity that the deadline for PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) session proposals is 15 May!


By Gabriel I, Plunkett G, Abbott PM, Behrens M, Burke A, Chellman N, Cook E, Fleitmann D, Hörhold M, Hutchison W, McConnell JR, Óladóttir BA, Preiser-Kapeller J, Sliwinski JT, Sugden P, Twarloh B and Sigl M.


There have been some developments around PMIP recently, as well as with the wider CMIP7 effort.

Prof. C. M. Brierley (University College London) sent an email out on 11 April 2024 to the community informing everyone of PMIP and CMIP7 updates.

Dear friends of PMIP,


On 10 April 2024, ProClim (Swiss Forum for Climate and Global Change) hosted its 24th Swiss Global Change Day.


"DEEPICE stories" was created in collaboration with the 15 PhD students of the European research project DEEPICE.