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In the first newsletter of 2024, PAGES would like to wish everyone a peaceful and positive start to the new year. We are also thrilled to announce a new explanatory video showcasing what PAGES is about in a nutshell.


The PAGES IPO is thrilled to announce that a new video explaining what the PAGES project is all about, and who the PAGES community is, is available to watch, share and enjoy. 


PAGES congratulates its Science Officer, Iván Hernández-Almeida, on a co-authored paper in Climate of the Past published on 3 January 2024.


By: Marie Bouchet, A. Landais and F. Parrenin


Dear paleoscience community,

As we approach the festive season, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude and extend warm wishes to each and every one of you. The holiday season is a time to reflect on the achievements and milestones we've reached together throughout the year.


The PAGES IPO would like to congratulate the five African Mobility Research Fellows and three Latin-America and Caribbean Scholarship recipients for 2024.


Please share with your extended network and partners if relevant to your network.

Future Earth and World Climate Research Programme have convened a statement from scientists around the world in response to comments regarding fossil fuel phaseout pathways.


PAGES' Open Science Meetings (OSM) and Young Science Meetings (YSM) are held every four years. They are designed to encourage interaction between scientists from all career levels, disciplines and regions.


PAGES is pleased to announce the PAGES Early-Career Award (ECA) recipient is Dr Oana Dumitru.