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Former PAGES SSC member and Co-Chair, Willy Tinner, together with Gerhard Lang and Karl-Ernst Behre, have released a new publication on "Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics of Europe".


The latest Past Global Changes Magazine is available to read online. 


Authors: Lücke LJ, Schurer AP, Toohey M, Marshall LR and Hegerl GC

Lücke at. have published a paper in Climate of the Past on "The effect of uncertainties in natural forcing records on simulated temperature during the last millennium". 


Authors: Kirby JR, Garrett E and Gehrels WR

Members of the PALSEA working group have published an article in The Holocene on "Holocene relative sea-level changes in northwest Ireland: An empirical test for glacial isostatic adjustment models".


The current issue of Past Global Changes Magazine on "Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" is now out.

If you are interested in receiving a hard copy of this upcoming magazine issue you must:


Authors: Guillet S, Corona C, Oppenheimer C, Lavigne F, Khodri M, Ludlow F, Sigl M, Toohey M, Atkins PS, Yang Z, Muranaka T, Horikawa N & Stoffel M


The following email was sent to the paleoclimate list on 22 March 2023 on behalf of Irina Rogozhina calling for expressions of interest:

"Dear colleagues,


Authors: Muglia J, Mulitza S, Repschläger J, Schmittner A, Lembke-Jene L, Mix A, Saraswat R, Sikes E, Waelbroeck C, Gottschalk J, Lippold J, Lund D, Martinez-Mendez G, Michel E, Muschitiello F, Naik S, Okazaki Y, Stott L, Voelker A, and Zhao N


Authors: Lin Y, Whitehouse PL, Hibbert FD, Woodroffe SA, Hinestrosa G and Webster JM


A combined Special Issue "dedicated to new science related to the 1966 Camp Century ice and sediment core" in both Climate of the Past and The Cryosphere, has been launched.