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PAGES e-news vol. 2021, no.10


1. PAGES' 6th OSM & 4th YSM online in May 2022

2. Call for SSC applications

3. Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program

4. Working group news

5. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

6. Recent publications

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed and affiliated groups' news

8. Future Earth

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

10. Other news and opportunities

1. PAGES' 6th OSM & 4th YSM online in May 2022

We are very excited to announce that registration and abstract submission is now open for the 6th online OSM. For a list of important dates, please visit the website here

In addition, the call for YSM applications and abstract submission will open on 1 November, 2021. For more information and other important dates in relation to the YSM, please visit the website here

For more information, please email: (PAGES2021[at]uiz[dot]ac[dot]ma)

2. Call for SSC applications

PAGES is pleased to announce the call for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for the term starting January 2023 is now open. The next deadline for applications is Monday, 4 April 2022. During the assessment process, not only is the EXCOM looking for scientific excellence and a high level of commitment to PAGES goals, but also to achieve a balance across the SSC in expertise, nationalities, gender, and career stage. View the current SSC membership status, including nationalities and paleoscientific expertise already represented, here. For more information on the application process and how to join, please visit the website here.

3. Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program

The fellowship for African early-career scientists studying past global changes aims to give limited support for travel and subsistence to early-career researchers from African countries (PhD students and postdocs at African institutions) who are interested in gaining experience in another African country. The final goal is to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of a paleoscience network within Africa. The deadline for applications is 30 October at 22:00 UTC.

For more information on who can apply, the application process and other information, please click here

4. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. 2k Network

a. The 2k Network continues to host a seminar series which is free to join. The next, and final, seminar in the series is on 8 November with Sylvia Dee and Greg Hakimon "Proxy system modeling and the Last Millennium Reanalysis". Registration is free, but required. > Calendar. To view videos of past seminar series, please visit the 2k Network seminar series webpage

b. CoralHydro2k: Have you collected seawater δ18O data, but have nowhere to store it? Then please submit your data to the CoralHydro2k Seawater δ18O Database. > All details

iii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME)

a. The workshop "Towards reliable proxy-based reconstructions: community perspectives and criteria for the ACME database" will be taking place as a hybrid event from 25-27 October 2021 at Tvärminne Zoological Station by the Gulf of Finland, Finland. > Calendar

iv. Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time (C-PEAT)

a. C-PEAT will be represented at COP26 in the GPIs Peatlands Pavilion. The team is in the process of completing an interactive peatland map, a peat core library, as well as a series of peat landscape drawings. These will be used to show delegates what peat is, where it is located, and why it matters.

b. C-PEAT's AGU session is progressing well, with two talk sessions, one e-lightning talk session, and one poster session. > Calendar 

c. PeatECR are working on a 2022 #PeatCalendar. The group is looking to feature photos of peatlands and peatland research from across the globe for this publication, so help from the ECR is needed! Tweet (@PeatlandECR) or email ( (peatecr[at]gmail[dot]com)) the best peatland photos for consideration. The top entry will receive the coveted spot of calendar cover page, while the top three entries will receive a free copy of the calendar! Details for purchase will be circulated in November.

v. Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Societies (CRIAS)

a. The deadline for submissions to the group's special issue of Climate of the Past "International methods and comparisons in climate reconstruction and impacts from archives of societies" is 30 November. Group leaders encourage submissions and reviews of articles in discussion. > Access the special issue on the Climate of the Past website

vi. Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE)

a. The call for contributions to the group's Climate of the Past special issue "Reconstructing Southern Ocean sea-ice dynamics on glacial-to-historical timescales" continues; submission deadline is 31 December, extendable if necessary. > Access the special issue on the Climate of the Past website The special issue editors are Karen Kohfeld, Xavier Crosta, Alice Marzocchi, Juliane Müller, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Laurie Menviel, and Bjørg Risebrobakken. Authors can submit their contributions by using the online registration form on the journal website. During the registration process it is important that the correct special issue is selected. > Submission instructions

vii. Human Traces

a. The group plans to hold a workshop during the IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape" in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Once again, however, the event has been postponed from March 2022 to November/December 2022 due to COVID-19 uncertainties. More information will be provided once dates and plans are confirmed. Details will be posted on the website:

viii. LandCover6k

a. The group's 4th (and final) General Workshop, from 2-4 December 2021, will be held online. Registration deadline is 1 November. The program for the workshop is in preparation, but strongly dependent on your contribution. Please consider presenting your work (local, regional or global reconstructions, single study or regional/global syntheses) and send the title of your suggested presentation to (chadhill[at]sas[dot]upenn[dot]edu). > Calendar  

c. LandCover6k is in its second and last phase. Group leader Marie-José Gaillard will finish her tenure with the final working group annual report which will be submitted in March 2022. However, this does not mean that LandCover6k science-related activities will stop. Discussions are ongoing and alternatives are being discussed in relation to future plans. Therefore, if you are interested in being involved in future work and collaborations related to past land-use and land-cover change, please contact a member of the co-ordinating group.

ix. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA)

a. A new paper by C. Cerrone et al. on "Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the western Mediterranean" has been published in Earth System Science Data. See point 6 for more details. 

b. G. Scardino et al. have published a paper titled "Insights on the origin of multiple tsunami events affected the archaeological site of Ognina (south-eastern Sicily, Italy)" in Quaternary International. See point 6 for more details. 

c. AR Simms et al. have published "Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” glacial advance within the Antarctic Peninsula – Examples from glacially-overrun raised beaches" in Quarternary Science Reviews. See point 6 for more details. 

x. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

a. The SISAL seminar series continues with a 2-part seminar by Andrea Borsato. Andrea is based at the University of Newcastle, Australia and is an expert on karst hydrology, trace elements and speleothem-based reconstructions. He will talk about some fundamental concepts and his recent work with trace elements sources and transport, and incorporation and measurement in speleothems. The seminar will be held in two parts, with each part presented twice. to accommodate different time-zones. Part 1: "Analytical techniques, sources and transport" will be on 11 November, 8pm Newcastle-Sydney time and 12 November, 9am Newcastle-Sydney time > Calendar . Part 2: "Partition, incorporation, and climate-environmental significance" will take place on 18th November, 8 pm Newcastle time and 19th November, 9 am Newcastle time > Calendar

b. SISAL is making progress on the linked trace element database, but would like to invite the SISAL community to participate in a survey on two aspects of trace element measurements (units and downsampling) via a Google Form available here: The form will take less than 2 minutes to fill and will remain open until 22 October. Results will be shared via the SISAL mailing list. > Join mailing list

xi. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS)

The group's next workshop in Aarhus, Denmark, has been postponed, most likely until 2022. > Calendar

5. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

i. New steering committee members

The PAGES ECN is pleased to welcome two new members to the steering committee: Georgy Falster (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Washington University in St. Louis, USA) and Ignacio Jara (Postdoctoral Researcher CEAZA Scientific Centre, Chile). They will join the SC in its primary tasks of visioning, coordination, communication, and organization for the ECN.

ii. Science communication outreach project

The ECN is piloting a new science communication outreach project showcasing interviews in languages other than English. The interviews will concern how you got interested in science and what your career pathway has been; i.e. where has science taken you. They are seeking both early career and senior scientists as, ideally, each interview will be between persons at different career stages. We anticipate that the interviews themselves should take approximately 30 minutes with some additional time commitment necessary for reading/approving English-translated captions. The aim is to distribute the interviews to high school and undergraduate students with the goal to highlight the diverse background of scientists and to showcase (paleo-)science as a career path. If you have any interest (including questions!) in participating in this project, please contact them at (outreach[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com). Please also feel free to share this email with anyone you think may be interested. 

iii. Webinars

a) Upcoming: PAGES ECN North America presents: “Research Show and Tell”. After a long summer pause, the Show and Tell series, hosted by the PAGES ECN North American Regional Representatives, is back! The next event will feature Pablo Martínez Sosa, a PhD candidate at the University of Arizona, presenting “Extracting microbial biomarkers from lake sediments.” The event is scheduled for Monday 25 October at 10:00am (local) Mountain Time Zone (1:00pm EST; 17:00 UTC). Please refer to the upcoming listserv and social media announcements for more details and link to the event. > Calendar

b) PAGES ECN Spanish-language webinar recording of Sandro Nogué, from the University of Southampton, presented her latest paper published in Science on human dimension in insular biodiversity changes. The event was hosted by the PAGES ECN South American Regional representatives and presented in Spanish language. The recording is now available on the PAGES ECN YouTube channel.

c) If you have any ideas for a webinar and want to organize it for PAGES ECN, please reach out to the (webinar cluster). Please also refer to the PAGES calendar for a more complete listing of PAGES webinars and other webinars of interest. 

iv. Mailing list

To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

6. Recent publications

i. 2k Network seminar series

Access the 2k seminar series recordings from past presentations, including Ed Hawkins on "Connecting paleo reconstructions and instrumental records", Dagomar Degroot presenting "Towards a rigorous understanding of societal responses to climate change", and Johann Jungclaus & Evelien van Dijk on "Transient simulations over the Common Era", via the 2k Network playlist. > PAGES' YouTube channel


a. A paper on "Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the western Mediterranean" by C. Cerrone et al. has been published in Earth System Science Data where a database of Last Interglacial (Marine Isotopic Stage 5) sea-level proxies for the western Mediterranean region are described. 'The database was compiled reviewing the information reported in 199 published studies and contains 396 sea-level data points (sea-level index points and marine- or terrestrial-limiting points) and 401 associated dated samples.' The data used in this study were compiled in WALIS, a sea-level database interface developed by ERC Starting Grant “WARMCOASTS” (StG-802414) in collaboration with the PALSEA (PAGES/INQUA) working group. > Article

b. "Insights on the origin of multiple tsunami events affected the archaeological site of Ognina (south-eastern Sicily, Italy)" by G. Scardino et al. has been published in Quarternary International. In this paper, the authors use numerical models to simulate the impact of extreme marine events, at the time of their occurrence, along the Ognina coastal sector. Results demonstrate that the use of advanced modeling tools, combined with in situ geological evidence and geophysical survey, has the potential to support the attribution of coastal geomorphic imprints to specific tsunami or storm events, the better definition of the paleo-landscapes, and the identification of the most likely tsunamigenic sources. > Article 

c. A paper by AR Simms et al. on "Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” glacial advance within the Antarctic Peninsula – Examples from glacially-overrun raised beaches" documents a recent glacial advance at 3 locations across the Antarctic Peninsula which occurred 400 to 90 cal BP (1550–1860 CE), and possibly as 2 advances. The advance is similar in age to the “Little Ice Age” in the Northern Hemisphere. > Article

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed and affiliated groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

i. Hominin Dispersals Research Group (HDRG)

PAGES endorsed the HDRG ‘Refugia of Futures Past’ project which has lead to the recently published paper "Climate change research and action must look beyond 2100" in Global Change Biology. A companion article can also be found in The Conversation

ii. Madagascar workshop 2022

The PAGES-supported "Synergy between palaeo-scientists, ecologists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar" workshop will be held from 2-5 March 2022 in Ranomafana, Madagascar. > Calendar

iii. IAL-IPA conference 2022

The PAGES-supported IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape" will no longer be held in March 2022. Due to uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers have taken the difficult decision to postpone the event again to November/December 2022 with the hope that this will enable more people to attend in-person in Argentina. More information will be provided once dates and plans are confirmed. > Calendar

iv. Climate Change, The Karst Record

The PAGES-supported KR9 Conference will be taking place from 17-20 July 2022, with peripheral activities taking place between 16 and 25 July, 2022. Further details will follow in due course. Deadlines TBA. > Calendar

v. Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics (DEEPICE)

A network of international researchers launches a European collaboration on 14 October. This collaboration will train a new generation of scientists to understand how past climate changes impacted Antarctica. > Read more

vi. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS)

a. ICYS is holding a monthly international ice-core seminar series with talks from senior researchers and early-career researchers on a similar theme. The next seminar will be held by Liz Thomas (British Antarctic Survey, UK) and Dieter Tetzner (British Antarctic Survey, UK) in October. Exact date and time to be confirmed. > Calendar

b. The recordings for the ninth seminar with Tessa Vance from the University of Tasmania, Australia and Sarah Jackson from the Australian National University, Australia are available online. > Watch

vii. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS)

The PAGES-supported 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference, which was due to be held from 10-15 October 2021 in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, will now be held from 2-7 October 2022. The Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS) workshop will be held on 1 October 2022. > Calendar

viii. International Paleofire Network (IPN)

Upcoming IPN Paleofire seminar series on 20 October with Grant Snitker from the US Forest service, USA on "Leveraging archaeological perspectives in reconstructing historical fire and fuel conditions: a case study from coastal South Carolina, USA" > IPN website

ix. Climate History Network (CHN)

For a full update of news, read the CHN newsletter

x. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)

> Read the September Newsletter

8. Future Earth

i. The Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI2022) will take place from 20-24 June 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa and online. > More information

ii.The first Future Earth Assembly gathered online on 29 and 30 September 2021 to elect its new Governing Council. This was also an opportunity for each Future Earth entity to introduce their activities by way of a poster and/or a short 2-5 minute video. You can watch the PAGES video here

iii. Job opportunity: Future Earth is looking for two Science Officers to join their team in Paris. Applications will be reviewed as they are received and the call will be closed no later than 31 October 2021.

iv. Read the Future Earth September Newsletter here

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. Discussion Series: Tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt change in the Earth system

The second discussion, in a series of discussions on tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt change in the Earth system, will be taking place on 29 November. The discussion series aims to advance the knowledge about tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system. It supports efforts to increase consistency in the treatment of tipping elements in the scientific community, develop a research agenda, and design joint experiments and ideas for a Tipping Element Model Intercomparison Project (TipMip). For more information and to register, click here

ii. Extremes workshop

The WCRP Workshop on Extremes in Climate Prediction Ensemble (ExCPEns) "Subseasonal, seasonal, annual to decadal, and multi-decadal" will be held from 25-27 October in Busan, Korea, and also online. Registration will be open until 20 October> All details

iii. WCRP Open Science Conference 2023

The WCRP Open Science Conference 2023, tentatively scheduled for March 2023, will bring together diverse research communities, programmes and partners to discuss the latest developments in climate science, with an emphasis on science-based information for decision making. The Conference will also celebrate the achievements of WCRP's Grand Challenges which will close at the end of 2022. A call for bids to host the conference will be announced soon. > All details


Read the October Bulletin > here.

10. Other news and opportunities

i. 2nd Paleoclimate Hackathon

PaleoHack is a free, virtual event organized by LinkedEarth, supported by the US National Science Foundation, aiming to build capacity in the analysis of paleoclimate timeseries. PaleoHack leverages the emerging data standard LiPD (Linked Paleo Data) and associated software ecosystem in Python. The event is aimed at early-career researchers, but all are welcome within the limits of available seats. > More information

ii. R package for closed- and open-system U-Th dating

To facilitate access to closed- and open-system U–Th dating to the broad scientific community, Dosseto A & Marwick B have put together a R package for closed- and open-system U-Th dating, named UThwigl. Free access to the article for 50 days with this link:

iii. Climate of the Past Special Issues

The special issue "International methods and comparisons in climate reconstruction and impacts from archives of societies" is open for new submissions until 30 November. > More information

The special issue “Interdisciplinary studies of volcanic impacts on climate and society” is open for new submissions until November. > More information

iv. British Cave Research Association Cave Science Symposium 2021

The Annual Cave Science Symposium will be held on 27 November, with a field trip on 28 November. The abstract deadline is 17 October. Details of abstract submission and registration can be found here



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11  |

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