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1. Launch of new PAGES website

2. Contribute by 15 September to Past Global Changes Horizons vol. 2

3. Apply by 20 September for new working groups and workshop support

4. Apply by 30 September for PAGES-IAI Fellowship Program

5. PAGES' 6th OSM & 4th YSM in May 2022

6. Working group news, including new PaleoEcoGen group

7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

8. Recent publications

9. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed and affiliated groups' news, including CCHRI

10. Future Earth

11. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

12. Other news and opportunities

1. Launch of new PAGES website

We hope you have seen and are enjoying the new PAGES website. It's a massive visual improvement on the older, outdated version but we are still in launch mode, so please bear with us if something is missing. Due to technical limitations, it is also possible (and normal) that you may experience a delay in accessing the website. If you still cannot access the website a few hours later, then please do contact us.

We are still working on importing the majority of the old website information, so, in the meantime, if you need information in a hurry that isn't available in this launch phase, please send us an email and we will find it for you.

In addition, this is the first time we are sending the e-news through the new system. If you encounter any issues, we apologize in advance, and ask you to please get in touch.

And lastly, you can also send your feedback about the new-look site to us.

Email: (chene[dot]vanrensburg[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

2. Contribute by 15 September to Past Global Changes Horizons vol. 2

Past Global Changes Horizons is a new, popular science magazine aimed primarily at the younger generation, budding scientists, and all those enthusiasts, both young and old, who are interested in or want to learn more about the science of the past. The first issue was published in April 2021.

The deadline for the call for contributions for first drafts for volume 2, to be published in June 2022, is 15 September. > All details

3. Apply by 20 September for new working groups and workshop support

The next call for applications for new PAGES working groups and financial support to hold a workshop or meeting closes 20 September. You must contact a PAGES SSC member at least two weeks before the deadline to advise them of your plans.

> Information about creating a new working group

> Information about applying for financial support to conduct a workshop or meeting from April 2022 onwards

4. Apply by 30 September for PAGES-IAI Fellowship Program

PAGES and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) have created a new fellowship opportunity for Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists.

The International Mobility Research Fellowship Program supports Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists pursuing international research experience in paleoscience. It will cover the costs associated with travel and living expenses while abroad. This program, which will run for a minimum of two years, will support up to six fellowships per year.

The call for applications is now open. Fellowships will be awarded for a short duration (one to three months) and must be used within 12 months. The deadline for applications is 30 September at 23:00 UYT (02:00 UTC 1 October). > All details

5. PAGES' 6th OSM & 4th YSM in May 2022

Due to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, the PAGES' 6th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 4th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) will not be held in person in Agadir, Morocco, in May 2022. Discussions are underway with the local organisers and the SSC as to whether the event will be held online, or in a hybrid format. Announcements on the format decision, as well as exact dates, will be communicated as soon as possible.  

> Keep up to date with all announcements and find out more about the program

6. Working group news, including new PaleoEcoGen group

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. 2k Network

a. The 2k Network has launched a new seminar series. It is free to join. The next seminars are:

7 September: Johann Jungclaus and Evelien van Dijk on "Transient simulations over the Common Era in PMIP4/CMIP6 and a look into the coolest period of the first millennium". > Calendar

15 September: Dagomar Degroot "Towards a rigorous understanding of societal responses to climate change". > Calendar

b) CLIVASH2k: Group leaders are running an ECR paper competition for their second special issue in Geosciences "Climate Variability in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere over the Last Millennia Volume 2", with a deadline of 1 September. > All details

c) CoralHydro2k: i. Have you collected seawater δ18O data, but have nowhere to store it? Then please submit your data to the CoralHydro2k Seawater δ18O Database. > All details

ii. Project leader Thomas Felis was involved in the Science to Policy paper "Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge" released during the 14th International Coral Reef Symposium in July 2021. This paper is from the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) and Future Earth Coasts, with Thomas as a contributing author. > Access the paper on the ICRS website

d) PALEOLINK: A new paper has been published by the PALEOLINK project titled "Northern Hemisphere atmospheric pattern enhancing Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events during the past 1000 years". See point 8 for details.

iii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME)

a. The postponed 2020 workshop "Towards reliable proxy-based reconstructions: community perspectives and criteria for the ACME database" will be held from 25-27 October 2021 in Tvärminne, Finland, and also online. One of the main ACME goals is to build a community-refined database for proxies commonly used for environmental reconstructions in Arctic coastal and fjord environments. This hybrid workshop aims to define proxy criteria and a conceptual database structure. > Calendar

iv. Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time (C-PEAT)

a. Collecting peat data: In order to create a synthesis database, C-PEAT leaders plan to hold a series of online Happy Hour events (one for North Americans and one for Europeans). The first event will take place in late August/ early September. Dr Nicole Sanderson, the C-PEAT data steward for the next year, will be co-leading the data gathering, formatting, and analysis efforts. Everyone involved in, or who has, peat core datasets is invited to attend. Announcements about the Happy Hour dates and times will be made asap. If you have questions, please (email Julie). > Calendar

b. Peatland Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow, UK, November 2021: C-PEAT will show off the importance of peatlands - both as paleo archives as well as carbon stores/nature-based climate solutions - at COP26. Group leaders Julie Loisel and Angela Gallego-Sala want to create an international library of peat cores and develop an interactive peatland map. They hope to collect cores (or "peat stories" for the interactive map) from at least 20 different countries. If you wish to know more or find out how to contribute, please (email Julie).

c. The joint PAGES-INQUA workshop on tropical peatland processes and ecosystem services, which was postponed from March 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand, will either be held sometime in late 2021, or possibly even in 2022, depending on COVID-19 restrictions. > Calendar

v. Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Societies (CRIAS)

a. Meklach Y, et al. studied Arab-Islamic documentary sources covering the western Mediterranean region available for the period AD 680–1815, which they found provided information on hydrometeorological events, available online in The Holocene. In addition, in a review written by Nash et al. the group provides "the first global synthesis of the use of the index approach in climate reconstruction" available in Climate of the Past. See point 8 for all details.

b. The deadline for submissions to the group's special issue of Climate of the Past "International methods and comparisons in climate reconstruction and impacts from archives of societies" is 30 November. Group leaders encourage submissions and reviews of articles in discussion. > Access the special issue on the Climate of the Past website

vi. Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE)

a. The group's third workshop "Integrating sea-ice proxies, model simulations, and complementary records of glacial-interglacial climate change", planned for May 2021 in Bordeaux, France, will be held in 2022 instead. New dates will be announced as soon as possible. > Calendar

b. The call for contributions to the group's Climate of the Past special issue "Reconstructing Southern Ocean sea-ice dynamics on glacial-to-historical timescales" continues; submission deadline is 31 December, extendable if necessary. > Access the special issue on the Climate of the Past website The special issue editors are Karen Kohfeld, Xavier Crosta, Alice Marzocchi, Juliane Müller, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, and Laurie Menviel. Authors can submit their contributions by using the online registration form on the journal website. During the registration process it is important that the correct special issue is selected. > Submission instructions

vii. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

Envisaged at the CVAS workshop in Hamburg in 2016, the CVAS paper comparing different estimation techniques for scaling in palaeoclimate time series has been published in the Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. See point 8 for all details. 

viii. Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy (DiverseK)

DiverseK will be hosting a webinar on 16 September, 14:00 - 15:30 UTC on the topic "Indigenous peoples' experience working with scientific researchers". More information on how to register will be provided as soon as possible. For questions or further information, please contact (Kayla De Freitas). > Calendar  

ix. Human Traces

a. Register by 17 September for the group's second workshop "An interdisciplinary view of Human Traces" which will be held online from 21-23 September. > Calendar

b. The group plans to hold a workshop in March 2022 during the IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape" in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. More information will be provided as soon as possible.

x. LandCover6k

a. A new paper by de Vareilles, et al. review the role of archaeobotany in answering questions relating to the Anthropocene and landscape transformations in Trends in Ecology and Evolution. See point 8 for more details. 

b. Register by 1 September for the group's 4th General Workshop to be held at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, from 2-4 December 2021. New information is available, including plans to hold the workshop as a hybrid event. > Calendar

c. LandCover6k is in its second and last phase. Group leader Marie-José Gaillard will finish her tenure with the final working group annual report which will be submitted in March 2022. However, this does not mean that LandCover6k science-related activities will stop. Discussions are ongoing and alternatives are being discussed in relation to future plans. Therefore, if you are interested in being involved in future work and collaborations related to past land-use and land-cover change, please contact a member of the co-ordinating group.

xi. Understanding past ecological trends (PaleoEcoGen)

PAGES is pleased to announce the launch of the new PaleEcoGen working group, which aims to improve our understanding of past critical ecological transitions based on a key and emerging proxy – ancient environmental DNA (eDNA). Ancient eDNA approaches offer the possibility to access multiple taxonomic groups simultaneously, allowing to investigate food-web’s response to past environmental change and human pressure. Metagenomic methods also provide data on functional and evolutionary biodiversity over time. These new perspectives on critical transitions will potentially allow us to identify earlier warning signals relative to other classical approaches. > Find out more, join the mailing list, and be involved!

xii. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA)

a. The joint PALSEA-SERCE workshop "Improving understanding of ice-sheet and solid-Earth processes driving paleo sea-level change" will be held online and in Palisades, NY, USA, from 13-15 September. > Calendar

b. Group leaders would like to bring to your attention a new INQUA-associated journal opportunity. Abstract submission is open until 30 August for the Quaternary International special issue "Lost landscapes: reconstructing the evolution of coastal areas since the Late Pleistocene (PALEOCOAST)". > Join the NEPTUNE community and send your contribution

c. Dyer B, et al. have published a paper in PNAS where they compare observations of paleo sea level across the Bahamian archipelago. Their results suggest that "polar ice sheets may be less sensitive to high-latitude warming than previously thought." See point 8 for more details. 

xiii. PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS)

The planned in-person "Glacial Terminations: processes and feedbacks" workshop, in Cassis, France, from 21-23 September 2021 has been cancelled due to travel/COVID-19 uncertainties. A new workshop focusing on the Mid-Pleistocene Transition/41kyr world is being planned for September 2022 at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, NY, USA. Further announcements will be made as soon as possible.

xiv. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

The group's fifth workshop, which was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem, Israel, in October 2021, has been postponed until the first half of 2022. > Calendar

xv. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS)

The group's next workshop in Aarhus, Denmark, has been postponed, most likely until 2022. > Calendar

7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

i. Webinars

If you have any ideas for a webinar and want to organize it for PAGES ECN, please reach out to the (webinar cluster). Please also refer to the PAGES calendar for a more complete listing of PAGES webinars and other webinars of interest.

ii. Mailing list

To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list.

8. Recent publications

i. Tipping points and past abrupt changes co-production paper

Several PAGES members, including the Executive Director Marie-France Loutre, released a paper in Nature Geoscience which shows that past abrupt climate changes provide evidence of cascading tipping points and "early warning signals"’ in the Earth system. The international team of natural and social scientists, led by Victor Brovkin, examined abrupt changes over the last 30,000 years to show how tipping points, preceded by early warning signals, cam help inform our response to the current climate crisis. This paper is an outcome of the workshop “Abrupt changes, thresholds, and tipping points in Earth history and future implications” held in Hamburg, Germany, in November 2018. The workshop was officially endorsed by PAGES and AIMES, both Global Research Projects of Future Earth. > Article

ii. 2k Network seminar series

a. Access the 2k seminar series recordings from past presentations, including Jason Smerdon and Nathan Steiger on "Annual Reconstructions of Global Hydroclimate Fields over the Common Era using Data Assimilation", Nick McKay "2k Network data stewardship", and Georgy Falster "Using the stable isotopic composition of water to gain new insights into global hydroclimate variability through the Common Era", via the 2k Network playlist. > PAGES' YouTube channel

bCortina-Guerra A, et al. published a paper on "Northern Hemisphere atmospheric pattern enhancing Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events during the past 1000 years" in Climate of the Past. Their model results are consistent with SST reconstructions "that documented an increase in the west–east basin gradients during EMT-type events". > Article

iii. CRIAS

a. Meklach Y, et al. published "Potential of Arabic documentary sources for reconstructing past climate in the western Mediterranean region from AD 680 to 1815" in The Holocene. They found that Arab-Islamic documentary sources covering the western Mediterranean region (AD 680–1815) provide information on hydrometeorological events. They report on the most intense droughts found in Iberia in that time-frame, as well as intense rain episodes. > Article 

b. Several new papers are available in the group's Climate of the Past special issue "International methods and comparisons in climate reconstruction and impacts from archives of societies". > Access special issue

iv. CVAS

Envisaged at the CVAS workshop in Hamburg in 2016, Hébert R, et al. published "Comparing estimation techniques for temporal scaling in palaeoclimate time series" in the Milankovic special issue (NPG/CP inter-journal SI)They found that, for scaling estimates in irregular time series, the interpolation-free methods are to be preferred over the methods requiring interpolation as they allow for the utilization of the information from shorter timescales which are particularly affected by the irregularity. > Article


a. Deirdre Ryan et al. published "The last interglacial sea-level record of Aotearoa New Zealand" in the group's Earth System Science Data special issue. A total of 77 relative sea-level indicators (direct, marine-limiting, and terrestrial-limiting points), commonly in association with marine terraces, were identified from over 120 studies reviewed. > Article

b. Jessica DePaolis et al. published "Stratigraphic evidence of two historical tsunamis on the semi-arid coast of north-central Chile" in Quaternary Science Reviews. It is the first geologic record of pre-2015 tsunami inundation in north-central Chile. > Article

c. Blake Dyer et al. published "Sea-level trends across The Bahamas constrain peak last interglacial ice melt" in PNAS. Results suggest that "polar ice sheets may be less sensitive to high-latitude warming than previously thought." > Article

9. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed and affiliated groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

i. Swiss Climate Summer Schools

a. The PAGES-endorsed 19th International Swiss Climate Summer School will be held from 29 August to 3 September 2021 in Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. > Calendar

b. The PAGES-endorsed 20th International Swiss Climate Summer School will be held from 28 August to 2 September 2022 in Grindelwald, Switzerland. > Calendar

ii. Madagascar workshop 2022

The PAGES-supported "Synergy between palaeo-scientists, ecologists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar" workshop will be held from 2-5 March 2022 in Ranomafana, Madagascar. > Calendar

iii. IAL-IPA conference 2022

The PAGES-supported IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape" will be held in March 2022 in San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina. > Calendar

iv. Climate Change, The Karst Record

The PAGES-supported KR9 Conference will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, from 16-25 July 2022. Deadlines TBA. > Calendar

v. Carpathian Climate and Environment Working Group (CarpClim)

The PAGES-supported Carpathian-Balkan Paleoscience Workshop will be held online and in Sacel, Maramures, Romania, from 5-10 October 2021. > Calendar

vi. Climate Change and History Research Initiative (CCHRI)

PAGES is pleased to announce an association with the newly endorsed CCHRI. 

The CCHRI is an international interdisciplinary project to bring together archaeologists, historians and climate historians as well as paleoenvironmentalists in an endeavour to transcend disciplinary boundaries and avoid mutual misunderstanding in respect of the use and application of data. The project was established through the History Department at Princeton University, USA, in order to promote and develop better integration and collaboration between social, human and natural sciences relevant to past responses to environmental and related challenges.

> Read more about the project here


a. The DEEPICE project now has its own Twitter account (and #deepiceproject). Plus, sign up for its biannual newsletter

b. The 15 selected PhD students working on the DEEPICE project will meet for the first time in October 2021. > Calendar

viii. Hominim Dispersals Research Group (HDRG)

Don't forget to consult the HDRG website for recently published papers.

ix. Historical Climatology

In the 21st episode of the Climate History podcast, co-host Emma Moesswilde interviews Debjani Bhattacharyya, Associate Professor of History at Drexel University to discuss "Climate Histories and Futures in the Indian Ocean World". Professor Bhattacharyya is among the most innovative scholars of past climate change, and the histories she uncovers have clear relevance for the future of the Indian Ocean World. > Listen on Historical Climatology website

x. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS)

ICYS is holding a monthly international ice-core seminar series with talks from senior researchers and early-career researchers on a similar theme. > Access the recordings

xi. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS)

The PAGES-supported 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference, which was due to be held from 10-15 October 2021 in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, will now be held from 1-7 October 2022. > Calendar

xii. International Paleofire Network (IPN)

The recording of the third IPN Paleofire seminar series, with Emma Rehn, from James Cook University, Australia, presenting "A multi-proxy approach to palaeofire in Australian tropical savannas" is now available to watch. > Watch

10. Future Earth

i. UNFCCC COP26 - Future Earth delegation - deadline 27 August 2021

As an observer organisation, Future Earth will register a delegation to attend the UNFCCC COP26 held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, from 31 October to 12 November 2021. Due to health and safety restrictions the in-person meeting is subject to change or evolve depending on direction from the UK Government, or the Scottish government and it has already been announced that side events and exhibits will take place online. Nevertheless, in order to attend and participate in the meetings, you will need to be registered. Even if quotas per organisations are not set yet by the UNFCCC, please reach out to Clément Brousse ( to be added on Future Earth delegation's list. Future Earth applied to host a side event and an exhibit but answers won't be available before October 2021. More information on COP26 here.

ii. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the July Newsletter

11. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. Climate Research Forum - South America

Register for the next Climate Research Forum, to be held from 8-9 September, which focuses on South America.

> Register

ii. Extremes workshop

The WCRP Workshop on Extremes in Climate Prediction Ensemble (ExCPEns) "Subseasonal, seasonal, annual to decadal, and multi-decadal" will be held from 25-27 October in Busan, Korea and also online. > All details

iii. WCRP Open Science Conference 2023

The WCRP Open Science Conference 2023, tentatively scheduled for March 2023, will bring together diverse research communities, programmes and partners to discuss the latest developments in climate science, with an emphasis on science-based information for decision making. The Conference will also celebrate the achievements of WCRP's Grand Challenges which will close at the end of 2022. A call for bids to host the conference will be announced soon. > All details


> Read the August Bulletin here.

12. Other news and opportunities

i. IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)

On 9 August, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The AR6 will be completed in 2022. Darrell Kaufman, former PAGES SSC and EXCOM member, Regents' Professor at the School of Earth & Sustainability at Northern Arizona University and lead author of chapter 2 of the IPCC AR6-WGI has prepared an index to where paleoclimate can be found in the Summary for Policy Makers and how it relates to the underlying report. > Read more

ii. US paleoCAMP Summer School

paleoCAMP is a new summer school for graduate students in paleoclimatology. It will be offered for the first time in July 2022, at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory in California, USA. Organizers would like anonymous input on what skills, elements, and activities should be offered at paleoCAMP. Go to the official website and/or fill out the Google survey form.

iii. Earth Science Women's Network survey

The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN) professional development and member events committees are planning activities for implementation next year. To ensure that these activities are aligned with the needs and interests of the ESWN community, ESWN leaders invite you to participate in a five-minute Google survey. > All details

iv. Cryosphere Pavilion at COP26

With the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Switzerland, ICIMOD and the COP25 Presidency of Chile, among others, there will be a Cryosphere Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow. In-person, hybrid and virtual event applications are sought - deadline 31 August. In addition to up to nine side events each day, the Pavilion will include exhibits; evening cultural events with ties to the Arctic and mountain regions, especially indigenous cultures; and early-career scientist Pavilion volunteers. Note that the Pavilion will be in the Blue Zone, so accreditation will be needed. However, hybrid and virtual event applications are also welcome. > More detailed information, and the application process. After reviewing these materials, questions can be emailed to (heidi[at]iccinet[dot]org)

v. 19th Swiss Geoscience Meeting

Submit abstracts by 31 August for the 19th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19-20 November 2021. > Calendar

vi. INQUA Award: the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal for outstanding young Quaternary scientists

Nominations are invited for the 2021 Award of the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal, which is awarded to an early-career scientist, who will normally be less than 40 years of age or, if older, within eight years of completing their first PhD project. Candidates may be working in any branch of Quaternary science. > Closing date for nominations is 1 September



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11  |

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