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- 27 (1): Paleo Constraints On Sea-Level Rise
27 (1): Paleo Constraints on Sea-Level Rise
Eds: Barlow NLM, Milne GA, Shakun JD & Eggleston S
Past Global Changes Magazine
Number of pages
This issue of Past Global Changes Magazine, “Paleo Constraints on Sea-Level Rise”, highlights scientific advances made over the last decade of the PALSEA working group, as well as identifies new challenges for the sea-level, ice-sheet, and broader paleo communities. The included articles summarize our current understanding of sea-level and ice-sheet changes during past warm periods and the application of this knowledge to infer future sea-level hazard.
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Individual Articles
> Front Cover
> Contents
> News
> A decade of PALSEA: Advances and future aims [p.3]
Natasha L.M. Barlow, G.A. Milne and J.D. Shakun
Science Highlights
> Peak sea level during the warm Pliocene: Errors, limitations, and constraints [p.4-5]
Kenneth G. Miller, M.E. Raymo, J.V. Browning, Y. Rosenthal and J.D. Wright
> What do we know about Last Interglacial sea level? [p.6-7]
Andrea Dutton and Natasha L.M. Barlow
> Late Holocene sea level [p.8-9]
Robert L. Barnett, A.C. Kemp and W.R. Gehrels
> Sea-level databases [p.10-11]
Nicole S. Khan, F. Hibbert and A. Rovere
> Interglacial ice extents of the Greenland ice sheet [p.12-13]
Anders E. Carlson and Nicolaj K. Larsen
> On recovering Last Interglacial changes in the Antarctic ice sheet [p.14-15]
Louise C. Sime, A.E. Carlson and M. Holloway
> Advances in glacial isostatic adjustment modeling [p.16-17]
Glenn A. Milne, D. Al-Attar, P.L. Whitehouse, O. Crawford and R. Love
> The importance of dynamic topography for understanding past sea-level changes [p.18-19]
Jacqueline Austermann and Alessandro M. Forte
> Paleo ice-sheet modeling to constrain past sea level [p.20-21]
Bas de Boer, F. Colleoni, N.R. Golledge and R.M. DeConto
> Arctic warming and the Greenland ice sheet during the Last Interglacial [p.22-23]
Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, M. Lofverstrom, P. Bakker and R. Feng
> The importance of sediment in sea-level change [p.24-25]
Ken L. Ferrier, W. van der Wal, G.A. Ruetenik and P. Stocchi
> Storms and extreme events: Insights from the historical and paleo record [p.26-27]
Simon E. Engelhart, J.E. Pilarczyk and A. Rovere
> Geological records of past sea-level changes as constraints for future projections [p.28-29]
Benjamin P. Horton, R.E. Kopp, A. Dutton and T.A. Shaw
Workshop Reports
> Climate variability in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere over the past 2000 years [p.30]
> Understanding past changes in sea ice in the Southern Ocean [p.31]
> Impacts of sea-level rise from past to present: iSLR18 [p.32]
> Climate, ice sheets and sea level during past interglacial periods [p.33]
> Abrupt changes, thresholds, and tipping points in Earth's history and future implications [p.34]
> Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: Starting a new synergic effort around marine geochemical proxies [p.35]
> Past plant diversity changes and mountain tree species conservation [p.36]
> Archaeology that counts: International colloqium on digital archaeology [p.37]
> Co-designed paleo experiments on land-cover and land-use change impacts [p.38]
> Global soils and sediment transfers in the Anthropocene: Database meeting [p.39]
> Analyses of the SISAL database: Regional patterns in isotope signatures [p.40]
> A joint effort to bring together global, regional modeling and proxy communities [p.41]
> Methods and interdisciplinary communication in historical climatology [p.42]
> Bruno Messerli (1931-2019) [p.43]