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PAGES deadlines

PAGES has a number of upcoming deadlines:

  • African and South American/Caribbean Fellowships - 19 August
  • Application for new working groups or workshop support - 19 September 
  • Nominations for the Early Career Award - 3 October
  • Expressions of interest to host the 2025 PAGES OSM/YSM - 3 October

African and South American/Caribbean Fellowships - 19 August 2022

Are you an early-career PhD or postdoc scientist?
Are you interested in building your paleoscience network within Africa or building your paleoscience network within South America or the Caribbean? 

PAGES is excited to announce two fellowship opportunities!

The program aims to give limited support for travel and subsistence to early-career researchers from African countries, or from South America and the Caribbean (PhD students and postdocs at relevant institutions), who are interested in gaining experience in another on their own continent. The final goal is to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of the paleoscience network within Africa, and within South America and the Caribbean.

The fellowships will be awarded for a short duration; between two and four weeks, and must be used within 12 months (awardees will have up to 12 months to take up their fellowship once awarded).

More information on the African fellowship:

More information on the South American/Caribbean fellowship:

Application for new working groups or workshop support - 19 September 2022

PAGES offers several opportunities to receive financial support or recognition.

> Propose a new working group 
> Apply for endorsement/affiliation of your external working group
> Apply for PAGES financial support to hold a meeting or workshop (This is for PAGES working groups, Open Call, Educational and Fast Track applications) 
> Apply for PAGES' endorsement of your event

Nominations for the Early Career Award - 3 October 2022

PAGES is pleased to offer a biennial Early-Career Award (ECA) for excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration.

More information is available here:

Read more about the ECR and find out who was the first recipient here:

Expressions of interest to host the 2025 PAGES OSM/YSM - 3 October 2022

PAGES is inviting Expressions of interest to host the 2025 PAGES Open Science Meeting and Young Scientists Meeting outside the European or African time zones by 3 October 2022.

More details can be found here:
