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In the PAGES May newsletter, we are thrilled to announce that the latest volume of the Past Global Changes Magazine on "Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" is available to read online. There is a still a possibility to order a hard copy via the webform by 26 May. In addition, we would like to remind you, or ask you to share the news, about the deadline for applications to apply for an early-career mobility fellowship if you are based in Africa, Latin America or the Caribbean. 

  1. Past Global Changes Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1 
  2. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists
  3. PAGES Symposium
  4. Next deadline for new working groups and workshop/meeting support
  5. Working group news
  6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  8. Future Earth
  9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
  10. Other news and opportunities 

1. Past Global Changes Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1

a. The latest Past Global Changes Magazine on "Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" is now available to read and download. Guest edited by Xavier Benito, Giorgia Camperio, Ignacio A. Jara, Estelle Razanatsoa, and Iván Hernández-Almeida, this volume tackles the issue of how humans, social elements, and natural processes interact with each other and the environment through time. Understanding interactions and feedback mechanisms in these so-called past socio-environmental systems (SES) helps society to adapt, build resilience and develop more sustainable practices. This special issue contains articles describing past SES’ at a range of timescales, highlighting the need for interdisciplinarity and collaboration to advance in this field of paleoscience. > Access the magazine 

b. If you would like to order a hard copy, you can still do so until Friday, 26 May, by filling in your postal address details on the webform. > More information 

2. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists

a. The call for applications for both the PAGES-IAI fellowship program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and the Inter-Africa mobility program aimed at African early-career scientists is open. The deadline for applications is 18 August. > More information 

b. The recording of the PAGES-IAI (Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research) webinar on “Networks on past global change research in Latin America and the Caribbean” which took place on 30 March, is available on YouTube. > Watch recording 

3. PAGES Symposium

The PAGES symposium is promising to be a well-attended and highly interesting event. While registration for in-person attendance has now closed, online attendance is open until today, 25 May. If you plan to attend online, please make sure to register, as the Zoom link will only be made available via email to those who have registered. > More information 

4. New working groups and meeting support deadline 

The next deadline for new working groups, working groups wishing to apply for a next phase, meeting and/or workshop support, is on 11 September. Please remember to contact an SSC member at least two weeks prior to submission of the application. > More information 

5. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists 

ii. 2k Network 


Walter RM et al. have published a paper in Earth System Science Data on “The CoralHydro2k database: a global, actively curated compilation of coral δ18O and Sr ∕ Ca proxy records of tropical ocean hydrology and temperature for the Common Era”. > Access article 

iii. Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy (DiverseK)

The DiverseK workshop on "Challenges and opportunities for Paleo-informed ecosystem conservation in Asia" held from 13-15 May in China proved a great success. Access to the workshop handbook and photos of the event are available on the calendar under "post-meeting material". > Calendar 

iv. Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record (Human Traces)

a. The recording of the last webinar, which took place on 17 April with professor Andrea Columbu (University of Pisa) on “Are cave deposits recording culturally induced environmental changes related to the end of Nuragic Era (~580 BC)? A study case from Sardinia (Italy)” is available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch  

b. The group is in the process of planning their first hybrid meeting on “Pb pollution in lake sediments – creating a database for analysis of regional signals” to be held from 20-21 September 2023, likely in Liverpool or Llandudno, UK. Themes that will be covered include a review of assembled records, choice of regions for synthesis, regional and global histories and archaeology, identify data gaps; common narratives; significant periods and their spatial footprints; factors influencing Pb distribution and development of papers on global synthesis, methodology and grand challenges. There will be funds from PAGES to support the workshop, most likely restricted to ECRs, and others with limited access to funding. The group is requesting that those interested in attending please complete the expression of interest by 1 June.

v. Marine ARctic DIatoms (MARDI)

The MARDI workshop on "Harmonisation of (sub)Arctic diatom taxonomy" will be taking place from 6-8 June in Helsinki, Finland. This workshop is the second in the series of four planned MARDI workshops, each of which builds on the previous workshop and plays a crucial part in achieving the overall MARDI goals. > Calendar  

vi. Understanding past ecological trends (PaleoEcoGen)

The upcoming SedaDNA Meeting to be held in Potsdam from 6-9 June, on "Shedding light on current developments in Paleo Ecological Genomics”, will be co-organized with the PaleoEcoGen working group. > Calendar 

vii. Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioMioVar) 

MioOcean (a subgroup of PlioMioVar) is organizing a second workshop for compilation participants and associated researchers to make progress on efforts already made. "The focus of workshop 2 is to discuss temperatures and the proxy-specific issues that have been resolved to generate these temperatures. This workshop follows MioMEET (5-7 June) and will be held at the Landgoed Zonheuvel Hotel and Conference Centre (8 June). Workshop 2 will be hybrid, meaning participants can join online via Zoom or attend in-person."

viii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE

a. Inspired at a Q-MARE workshop on "Planning to achieve Q-MARE's educational goals", the group is inviting participants to fill in a Google form with the aim of "assembling Q-MARE-relevant educational media and multimedia into a geotagged portal. The portal will be a starting point for educators, Q-MARE participants, and other stakeholders." The responses from the form will be used to generate an interactive map programmed in R and generated using Leaflet. > More information 

b. The next Q-MARE seminar will be on the 7 June (time TBA), in which John Pandolfi will talk about the detection, causes, and consequences of novelty in marine ecosystems.

ix. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS

Lücke et al have published a paper in Climate of the Past on "The effect of uncertainties in natural forcing records on simulated temperature during the last millennium". > Access the article 

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN

To receive a comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

a. The ECN European Regional Representatives have launched a new webinar series on "Let's talk about career opportunities''. This series aims to get early-career paleoscientists together to discuss all things career-related, including fellowships, grants, and careers outside of academia. The first webinar was held on 12 May with Dr. Dulce Oliveira and Dr. Lélia Matos (Marine Sciences Center, Portugal) on postdoc contracts. If you would like to stay updated on future seminars, you can join the ECN mailing list or contact the steering committee members 

b. The ECN runs a writing club, which is a great way to set aside non-negotiable time in busy calendars for writing. Each Write Club writing retreat runs for approximately two hours, and is structured according to the ‘Pomodoro’ method: 25 minutes of uninterrupted, distraction-free writing, followed by 5 minutes of break time. Retreats are run by facilitators in different time zones. If you are interested in joining the writing club, either as a participant or as a facilitator of a retreat, please email (writeclub[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com).  

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

> See PAGES former working groups

i. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS

Recordings of the seminar, which took place on 13 April with Anja Eichler (Paul Scherrer Institute) on “Ammonium stories preserved in high-alpine ice cores” and Alexis Lamothe (Université Grenoble Alpes) on “15N stable isotopes of ammonium: a new proxy to decipher atmospheric conditions and NH3 sources” are now available to watch on the ICYS webpage. > Watch 

ii. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)

After two years of discussions, ECORD and JAPAN entities will be launching into a new phase under the name "the International Ocean Drilling Programme - IODP³ (IODP-cubed)", which will begin on 1 January 2025. ECORD and JAPAN will be the IODP-3 members, and members from other national organizations will be invited to join. > Read the full statement on the planning updates page of the IODP website. > More information 

iii. LandCover6k 

The group has two preprints open for discussion in the Special Issue in Climate of the Past: Past vegetation dynamics and their role in past climate changes. Both preprints are open for interactive discussion and comments until 26 May: 

1. "Did the Bronze Age deforestation of Europe affect its climate? A regional climate-model study using pollen-based land-cover reconstructions" by Strandberg G et al. > Access preprint  

2. "The challenge of comparing pollen-based quantitative vegetation reconstructions with outputs from vegetation models – a European perspective" by Dallmeyer D et al. > Access preprint  

iv. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA)

A new paper has been published in The Holocene by Kirby JR et al on “Holocene relative sea-level changes in northwest Ireland: An empirical test for glacial isostatic adjustment models”. > Access article  

v. The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP

a. The 5th PMIP WINGS seminar will be taking place tomorrow, 25 May at 15:00 UTC. The plan is to update everyone on the latest developments, including personnel changes and, therefore, changes in the organization. In addition, there will be some updates on murmurs of CMIP7. > Calendar  

b. The sixth PMIP WINGS seminar will be held on 22 June at 09:00 UTC with Masanobu Yamamoto (Hokkaido University) and Axel Timmermann (IBS Center for Climate Physics), who will present 20-minute talks followed by some discussion, and chaired by Masakazu Yoshimori. > More information 

c. The recording of the fourth PMIP WINGS seminar with Xiaojing Du (Rice University) on "A zonal mode over the tropical Indian Ocean during Heinrich Stadial 1" and John Chiang (UC Berkeley) on "A tale of two annual cycles: the remarkable change in Pacific cold tongue seasonality under orbital precession" which took place on 20 April, is available to watch on YouTube. > Watch 

8. Future Earth 

i. Read the Future Earth April newsletter

ii. Horizon scanning project

Future Earth will be coordinating a horizon scanning project for the European Commission on the “knowledge gaps in climate change and biodiversity science to inform the development of Horizon Europe’s 2025-2027 work programs. To support this activity, there is an open call for Editorial Board nominations.” Please consider sending in nominations and sharing this opportunity with colleagues. > More information 

iii. Special Issue at Global Sustainability

Future Earth will be hosting a Special Issue at Global Sustainability (an Open Access journal) and "draws on research and key insights from the Future Earth community, highlighting the key scientific questions emerging from Future Earth’s Global Research Networks (GRNs) and from other organizations addressing compatible challenges." Full paper submissions to the collection are open until 14 July 2023. Publications will be in summer/early fall 2023. > More information 

iv. Autumn School on Sustainability Science

The French hub of Future Earth is organizing an Autumn School on Sustainability Science. Applications are open until 31 May and early-career researchers based in Europe are encouraged to apply. The school will be taking place from 16-20 October in Aussois, France, and enables participants to "share and reflect on the various ways science communities in Europe frame sustainability science and transform their practices to better address sustainability challenges and make a greater contribution to societal transformations". > Details 

As a partner, the SCNAT Sustainability Research Initiative (Future Earth Switzerland) will cover the travel expenses of participants based in Switzerland. Upon acceptance of their application, participants can contact SCNAT by emailing: If requests exceed the maximum allocated budget, they will pay equal shares to each participant. 

v. Call for side event applications for COP28

The UNFCCC COP28 will be taking place in the United Arab Emirates from 20 November - 12 December. Future Earth (observer organization) once again has the opportunity to submit a side event application. Last year, PAGES SSC member Boris Vannière, amongst others, presented in the side event "Wildfire increase, a challenge for Earth system and societies". If you would like to submit a proposal, please do so via the spreadsheet. You will also be able to see other proposals in the spreadsheet, and are welcome to contact other people directly to discuss collaborations. The deadline to submit a proposal is 31 May. If you have any questions, please contact > Submit proposal 

vi. Call for nomination of experts for the scoping meeting for the IPCC methodology report on short-lived climate forcers

Future Earth was invited to nominate experts to the IPCC scoping meeting for the IPCC methodology report on short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs). The scoping meeting will be held in late 2023 or early 2024. The aim of the scoping meeting is to consider the outline of the Methodology Report on SLCFs, as well as preparing draft terms of reference, a draft table of contents, and a draft work plan for the Methodology Report. The Methodology Report on SLCFs will be produced under the IPCC's 7th Assessment Cycle. Please send your nomination through the form by 23 June. > Nominations form 

vii. Virtual participation in the Bonn Climate Change Conference

For the upcoming Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 58), UNFCCC is offering the possibility of virtual-only participation and Future Earth (observer organisation) can send five additional delegates (for virtual-only participation) to the conference. Please contact PAGES if you are interested in joining: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP

CLIVAR > Read the May bulletin 

10. Other news & opportunities

i. It is with great sadness that the PAGES IPO team has learned of the passing of Dr. Claude Lorius. Claude was a pioneering glaciologist whose ground-breaking discoveries in Antarctica were fundamental in proving the human role in global warming. Claude was also a dedicated PAGES scientific steering committee member from 1991 to 1996. We are grateful to have had his time and wisdom as part of the PAGES family, and for everything he has done. Our sincerest condolences go to his family and friends. 

ii. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the April Newsletter

iii. Risk-KAN new leadership call

The Knowledge Action Network (KAN) on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (Risk-KAN)  is a joint initiative by Future Earth, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP). The current leaders of the past4future Risk-KAN working group are looking for successors. If you are, or someone you know may be, interested in how to use deep time or historical data in the context of extreme events, public understanding and policy-making, please contact the current leaders. > More information

iv. SCAR launches 2023 Fellowship Scheme

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) has launched its 2023 Antarctic-related fellowships aimed at early-career researchers. There are a total of four to five fellowships available of up to 15 000 USD each. The deadline for applications is 31 July. > More information 

v. Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)

The next Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4) will be taking place from 6-13 August 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil. The main objectives of this summer school are to educate the next generation of speleothem scientists; provide them with the opportunity to meet and learn from the leading experts in the field from all over the world and; build their networks with speakers and peer-students in an informal and welcoming environment. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 31 May


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |

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