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Hubertus Fischer and Eric W. Wolff
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European Science Foundation Conference - Ötztal, Austria, 27 May - 1 June 2012


Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the major modes of climate variability and how they are likely to change in the future. The high-latitude modes have already undergone significant change over the past century. Trends in the tropical modes (ENSO, Indian Ocean Dipole IOD) have been detected in the more recent climatological record (from England 2011).

Assessing the ongoing climate warming demands a detailed understanding of global and regional climate variations as well as the capacity to forecast future changes using climate models. While greenhouse gas forcing affects climate globally, it is the regional changes that have a direct impact on individual welfare and societies. Moreover, spatially representative climate modes and teleconnection patterns offer the means to contrast rather coarsely-resolved climate models to point-wise paleoclimate data.

Accordingly, modes of climate variability and their biogeochemical impact were the subject of this conference. The first session provided the background on the definition of modes and teleconnection patterns based on observational evidence. Moreover, the physical context of atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections by advection and wave propagation was provided.

Session 2 focussed on tropical climate variability. Latest results show that the ENSO impact is not confined to the tropical Pacific but that hydrological changes and wave propagation transfer energy to other ocean basins. However, representation of ENSO in global climate models is still not satisfactory, hampering progress in making predictions. Past monsoon intensity was another discussion point. It appears to be highly controlled by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and concurrent changes in the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

Completely different boundary conditions for modes of climate variability prevailed during the last glacial, which was the topic of session 3. Model studies show that the topography of ice sheets has a strong control on the teleconnection patterns in the North Atlantic and also likely in the Southern Ocean. Moreover the phase relationship between ice sheet retreat, greenhouse gases and ocean circulation shows that climate changes in the Southern Ocean slightly preceded the CO2 increase over the transition, while increasing CO2 accelerated ice sheet loss in the northern hemisphere and led climate changes in the North.

Extratropical teleconnection patterns were the subject of session 4. Reconstructions show that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) also has far-field connections to adjacent regions. The discussion showed that field reconstructions are more desirable for NAO analysis compared to two-point indices. For the Southern Ocean region the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is the most important teleconnection pattern. Latest results show that both ozone and greenhouse gases can change the location of the southern jet stream and the Southern Ocean westerlies. The lack of a sufficient representation of the stratosphere/troposphere coupling in many models is a major caveat for the model response of the SAM to climate changes.

Session 5 raised the discussion that changes in the ocean circulation modes such as the AMOC and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current can also cause strong changes in inter-hemispheric heat transport and atmospheric CO2 levels. During the glacial, proxy evidence shows that a less-ventilated, carbon enriched water mass prevailed in the Southern Ocean extending into the deep North Atlantic as well as into intermediate waters. Changes in both the southern westerly winds and in the AMOC are able to disrupt this water mass, bringing old CO2 back to the surface. Model studies also show that changes in the AMOC lead to rapid hemispheric responses in climate and the hydrological cycle, which are essentially synchronous with the shut-off of the AMOC.

Changes in the AMOC also have strong impacts on tropical and boreal wetlands and, thus, methane emissions as discussed in session 6. Another influence of changing modes on biogeochemical cycles is the control of the southern westerly wind belt on dust mobilization and transport in the Southern Ocean region, which also strongly affects marine bioproductivity. Ecological studies show that export production can be significantly enhanced by iron fertilization. However, this is not always the case – it depends on complex ecological interaction within the trophic chain and the competition between calcareous and silicious plankton groups.

In addition to invited lectures and poster sessions, several interactive discussions were organized to identify the major gaps and stumbling blocks in research on modes and teleconnection patterns and potential solutions. The conference demonstrated unequivocally that trans- and interdisciplinary research is required to move forward in this field of strong societal importance.

Tzedakis PC, McManus JF, Raynaud D, Hodell DA, Skinner LC & Wolff EW
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Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK, 2-5 July 2012

Examination of the paleoclimate record reveals a large diversity among interglacials in terms of their intensity, duration and internal variability, but a general theory accounting for these differing characteristics remains elusive (Tzedakis et al. 2009). This has provided the impetus to attempt a comprehensive comparison of interglacials of the last 800 ka BP within the context of a PAGES Working Group on Past Interglacials (PIGS).

An initial PIGS workshop held at Bernin, France in October 2008, laid out the themes to be addressed at each of three subsequent workshops. A second workshop, held at the University of the Aegean on the Island of Lesvos, Greece in August 2009, examined intra-interglacial variability and the deglacial onset of interglacials. The third workshop, held at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA in October 2010 focused on the duration of interglacials and the ensuing glacial inception. The fourth workshop, held in Cambridge, UK in July 2012, focused on how well we can explain the diversity of interglacials from the forcing and feedbacks. The meeting brought together 35 scientists from 10 countries (including nine postdoctoral investigators and two PhD students), representing the marine, ice core, terrestrial and modeling communities.


Figure 1: Differences in interglacial intensities in relation to the Mid-Brunhes Event (MBE; ~430 ka BP). (A) Percent biogenic silica in composite sequence BDP-96 from Lake Baikal, SE Siberia (Prokopenko et al. 2006); (B) Planktonic δ18O record from ODP Site 983, North Atlantic (Channell et al. 1998; Channell and Kleiven 2000); (C) Atmospheric CO2 concentration in Antarctic ice cores (Lüthi et al. 2008); (D) δD composition of ice in the EDC ice core (Jouzel et al. 2007); (E) Mg/Ca deep-water temperatures from ODP site 1123 on the Chatham Rise, SW Pacific (Elderfield et al. 2012).

The first theme of the workshop was on interglacial intensities, and more specifically, whether the distinction between "cooler" and "warmer" interglacials before and after the so-called Mid-Brunhes Event (MBE) ~430 ka BP, respectively, identified in Antarctic temperatures, CO2 concentrations and benthic δ18O records (Jouzel et al. 2007; Lüthi et al. 2007; Tzedakis et al. 2009; Fig. 1C-D) was evident in other records. A review of the evidence showed that a pre- and post-MBE distinction was also observed in deep-water temperature reconstructions (Elderfield et al. 2012), but not in some regional marine and terrestrial records, including speleothems, faunal and floral temperature reconstructions and lake sediment records (Fig. 1A-B). This raises questions about the global significance of the MBE and the extent to which Antarctic temperatures are representative of global temperatures during the pre-MBE interglacials.

The second theme of the workshop revolved around the duration of interglacials. More specifically, it examined the sequence of climatic events at glacial terminations and inceptions and considered whether any emerging patterns could be identified. This was followed by a discussion of whether differences in the duration of interglacials can provide insights into climate forcings and feedbacks that are relevant to the onset and end of interglacials. It was proposed that the broad duration of interglacials may be determined by the phasing of precession and obliquity and the history of insolation, rather than the instantaneous forcing strength at inception (Tzedakis et al. 2012).

The third theme considered whether models are capable of “explaining” the diversity of interglacials, and what they imply in terms of rules and processes. Finally, interglacials were placed within the wider context of glacial-interglacial cycles and the extent to which these are deterministic was debated.

The meeting ended with a session summarizing the discussions and planning a community paper that will develop the major themes considered over the course of the project. To this end, a writing-workshop, involving a focus group is taking place in March 2013.

Anne de Vernal, E.W. Wolff and R. Gersonde
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1st Sea Ice Proxies (SIP) Working Group workshop, Montréal, Canada, 7-9 March 2012


Figure 1: Sea ice edge as a productive environment (photograph from the Southern Ocean and provided by Claire Allen, British Antarctic Survey, UK).

Sea ice is a complex parameter that is difficult to reconstruct from indirect observations. While climate scientists often refer to sea ice as a purely physical parameter, geoscientists reconstruct past sea ice assuming it plays a role in the biogeochemistry of seawater, and thus on primary productivity and trophic structure of the planktonic populations (e.g. Meier et al. 2011). Moreover, whereas climatologists and modelers examine sea ice at hemispheric scale, geoscientists make reconstructions from coring sites where small-scale processes may obscure larger-scale sea ice behavior relevant to the climate system. Nevertheless, geoscientists have unique tools to contribute to the understanding of long-term sea ice dynamics by providing pictures of past sea ice states. This is the overarching objective of the PAGES Sea Ice Proxies (SIP) working group, which was created in 2011.

To achieve the objective of documenting sea ice in the paleoclimate system with the best possible coverage and accuracy, an assessment of each proxy and the development of multi-proxy approaches are both necessary. During the first workshop, scientists with physical, chemical, and biological backgrounds met to assess the reliability and use of sea ice indicators recovered in marine sediments and ice cores, and the robustness of calibration with instrumental data. The geographical and temporal ranges of application of the different proxies were also considered.

Sea ice proxies include chemical tracers in ice cores such as methanesulfonic acid and sea salt, which relate to regional circum-ice-cap sea ice extent (Röthlisberger and Abram 2009). Most sea ice proxies, however, consist of biogenic remains recovered from marine sediment such as diatoms, foraminifers, ostracods and dinocysts, as well as the IP25 biomarker (a C25 mono-unsaturated hydrocarbon). Because productivity in sea ice environments mostly occurs close to the ice edge in spring and summer, most biogenic proxies relate to the occurrence of seasonal sea ice. It is more difficult to quantify the seasonality of the ice extent, although diatom and dinocyst assemblages yield information about the yearly extent of the sea ice cover in the Southern Hemisphere (e.g. Crosta et al. 2004) and Northern Hemisphere (e.g. de Vernal et al. 2008), respectively. IP25 and related biomarker indices offer great promise for reconstruction of sea ice (e.g. Belt et al. 2007; Müller et al. 2011), but large-scale calibrations are still needed and the available data suggest primarily regional relationships. Another difficulty is the identification of multiyear ice because of the extremely low productivity of such environments. However, the occurrence of an ostracod species, parasitic of amphipods living in perennial sea ice environments, may lead to inferences about multiyear ice (Cronin et al. 2010). The shell of Neoquoboquadrina pachyderma, which is the only planktonic foraminifer species found in sea ice environments, may yield an isotopic signature providing clues on sea ice production rates (Hillaire-Marcel and de Vernal 2008).

Each sea ice proxy has limitations and uncertainties. Diatoms have allowed circum-Antarctic sea-ice extent reconstructions, but limitations remain where the signal is affected by opal dissolution. Other uncertainties come from the relationship to sea ice that is often indirect, as in the case of dinocyst, foraminifer and ostracod assemblages. In addition, taxonomical heterogeneity of populations in space may be related to endemism or to the development of genotypes having different ecological affinities, which make each biogenic proxy applicable mostly at a regional scale. Hence the Arctic-subarctic and circum-Antarctic have to be considered as distinct sea ice ecosystems with very different biogenic characteristics.

Reconstructing past sea ice is a challenge, which has to be addressed based on proxies offering complementary local to regional information on sea ice occurrence. The SIP Working Group will publish a special issue of Quaternary Science Reviews entitled “Sea ice in the paleoclimate system: modeling challenges and status of proxies” in 2013. The next step is to combine results with their respective uncertainties for multi proxy data integration and hemispheric scale sea ice reconstructions of Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum time slices. This will be the focus of the July 2013 rendezvous of the SIP Working Group in Cambridge, UK.

Rainer Gersonde and Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz
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Rainer Gersonde1 and Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz2

Recovered in ocean basins and marginal seas, marine sediments represent valuable archives to reconstruct global past climate and ocean variability as far back as the Mesozoic time period (150 -170 million years). Here, we give a short overview on how to recover sediments from the ocean floor.


Figure 1: An example of a PARASOUND-survey at Site SO202-40 on the northern Shatsky Rise (from Gersonde 2012). PARASOUND penetration ranges around 75 m. After selection of a sediment-coring site on a survey transit, the ship returned to the chosen location to recover a piston core. The 5-min-spaced time marks (lower panel) indicate that the ship was positioned at the site shortly after 11:40 am. The piston corer recovered the sediment as indicated by the black bar. After core recovery the ship remained at the site for further sampling.

An important prerequisite for successful sample site selection and the decision for an appropriate drilling strategy or coring device is the acoustic pre-site survey in the target area. To generate high-resolution 3D images of the ocean floor, multi-beam sonar systems are used. Such a system can accurately map the topography of an area with a width of up to five and a half times the water depth below the ship's track. For sediment coring (to a total depth of 70 m) sediment echo-sounding systems such as PARASOUND or sub-bottom profilers provide information on the sediment deposition pattern and can register the sedimentary layering as deep as 200 m below the sea floor (Fig. 1). At sites selected for deep drilling, additional single or multi-channel seismic surveys are required to generate information on the structure and nature of deep sediment (> 100 m depth) and to prevent the accidental drilling of sediment rich in explosive and polluting hydrocarbons.

Drilling techniques

The longest and oldest marine records are recovered in the frame of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP, Within the IODP, launched in 2003, and its predecessors the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP, 1968-1983) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP, 1985-2003), a total of more than 3,300 sites have been drilled in all ocean basins. The oldest sediments yet recovered from the ocean are from the West Pacific and were dated to ca. 170 million years (Lancelot et al. 1990). IODP operates the riser-less vessel JOIDES Resolution JR for sediment drilling for paleoclimate studies. Additional mission-specific platforms are required for drilling in environments that are not always accessible to the JR, such as the sea-ice covered Arctic Ocean and shallow water sites.

The current coring techniques utilized by IODP include:

• The Hydraulic Piston Corer (HPC) and the Advanced Piston Corer (APC), which are push type, non-rotating tools that produce well-preserved, well-oriented and continuous cores from unconsolidated sediment. This makes the recovered sediment cores most suitable for paleoceanographic studies at high resolution. The HPC/APC techniques, however, are generally limited to the upper 200 m of sediment.

• The Extended Core Barrel (XCB) coring system, which is used to recover deeper and more consolidated sediments.

• The Rotary Core Barrel (RCB) system, the oldest and most basic technique, which is used to retrieve cores from hard sediment and rock.

For all these techniques the sediment is retrieved in plastic liners. This allows the core, which is then cut into 1.5-m segments, to be suitably handled, logged, and sampled on board and on shore. For a detailed compilation of IODP drilling techniques see

Considering that access to drilling vessels is limited, MARUM (University of Bremen) has developed the MEBO sea floor drill rig (Freudenthal and Wefer 2007). MEBO weights 10 tons and can be deployed from standard research vessels. It is operable at water depths up to 2000 m and drills up to 80-m-long cores. Thus, this relatively inexpensive drilling technique allows for the recovery of more consolidated sediment that cannot be collected with the available non-drilling methods (Box 1).

Non-drilling techniques

The paleoceanographic studies in the framework of the Past4Future project and similar research initiatives studying the late Pleistocene use cores drilled with the JR. However, the main body of material is collected using non-drilling systems deployed from conventional research vessels. The basic design of the coring devices consists of one or more steel tubes or boxes attached below a lead weight unit. This set-up is winched to the sea floor and pushed into the sediment to recover a core. Below, we briefly review four main types of coring devices. Additional information and technical details on each device are given in Box 1.


Figure 2: A) Deployment of gravity corer from R/V Akademic Joffe (Photo: A.K. Gunvald). B) A 25 m long piston corer on the deck of R/V Sonne. Other instruments on the deck include a kasten corer weight (in front next to core deployment device), a multicorer (center of deck) and a box corer (stern of deck; photo: B. Diekmann). C) Recovery of a 12-m-long kasten corer on R/V Polarstern (photo: R. Gersonde). D) A multicorer with 12 plastic tubes located below the multicorer weight (photo: M. Winterfeld), E) A box corer (photo: R. Gersonde).

The simplest design is the gravity corer, consisting of an up to 20-m-long steel tube attached to a lead weight of 1–2 tons (Fig. 2A). Longer cores can, however, be recovered with the piston corer (Fig. 2B). Originally invented in 1947 by B. Kullenberg (Swedish Deep Sea Expedition) the piston corer has been further developed during the last few decades and is one of the most used coring devices within the marine coring community. Attached to the piston corer weight assembly is a trigger arm, which carries a wire with a small weight or a small gravity corer device (trigger corer) extending below the base of the piston corer tube. When the trigger corer penetrates the sea floor to collect the uppermost sediment sequence, the trigger arm is lifted and the piston corer is released falling freely with its own gravity into the sediment. When contact is made with the sediment surface, a piston, located inside the coring tube, is lifted up at the speed of penetration. Such a design reduces the friction inside the tube and allows for the collection of long cores. The Calypso piston corer operated from the French R/V (Research Vessel) Marion Dufresne and the US R/V Knorr can recover cores as long as 60 to 70 m, depending on the type of sediments penetrated (for more details see and Another simpler device is the kasten corer. This coring device also penetrates marine sediments by gravity and consists of long, rectangular boxes with up to 30-cm-edge length (Fig. 2C). Because of the large volume of sediment sampled, this coring technique is beneficial for multi-proxy paleoceanographic studies. Gersonde (2012) presents a photo gallery with the set-up and handing of the different coring devices as well as on-board sampling.

Sediment coring is generally accompanied by surface sediment sampling for undisturbed recovery of the sediment/water interface. This is most often achieved using a multicorer, which samples up to 12 individual cores (up to 50-cm-long; Fig. 2D). Surface sediment samples may also be obtained using different designs of grabs and box corers (Fig. 2E) but generally these do not result in the same quality of sampling as the multicorer. The surface sediment sampling is of importance for understanding modern sediment deposition and the development of reference data sets for paleoceanographic transfer functions. It also provides material for the reconstruction of the most recent ocean history.

Marine sediment core storage

National and international sediment core repositories assure long-term maintenance and curation of sediment materials under refrigerated conditions around 4°C. Besides IODP core repositories located at College Station (US), Kochi (Japan) and Bremen (Germany), important repositories are at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University), Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Florida State University (Talahassee), Oregon State University (Corvallis), Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany), MARUM (Bremen), and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility.

Many countries (e.g. the US, Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, Russia, Japan) operate research vessels that can deploy longer (more than 10 m) coring systems. The ships are financed through international and national programs and may stay at sea for as long as 70 days per cruise. Long cruises are especially scheduled to visit remote areas, such as the polar oceans. Depending on the visited ocean basin and the cruise duration, the total recovery may exceed 1000 m of sediment core collected from up to 60 to 70 sites. Drilling cruises with the JR last around 50 to 55 days and may recover more than 8000 m of sediment core during one single cruise.

Gravity Corer
Piston Corer
Kasten Corer
MEBO sea floor drill rig
Core diameter
0.1 x 0.1 - 0.3 x 0.3 m2
7.4-8.4 cm
Max. core length
up to 20 m
up to 60-70 m
10-12 m
up to 80 m
Total weight
1-5 tons
1-10 tons
3-7 tons
~10 tons
Max. water depth
Limited by ship wire length
Limited by ship wire length
Limited by ship wire length
2000 m
- Easy and fast handling
- Long core retrieval
- Large volume of sediment ideal for multi-proxy studies
- Drills both soft and hard sediments
- Deployable in rough sea
- Core recovered in liner
- Operates from standard research vessels
- Core recovered in liner
- Potential of over-penetration (i.e. loss of the top sediment)
- Time consuming/complex deployment
- Heavy core weight
- Time consuming/complex deployment
- Possible compression of sediment and of non-uniform recovery of deeper sediment
- Needs good sea conditions
- Needs good sea conditions
- Needs good sea conditions
- Only works in soft sediment
- Potential sediment inflow due to piston failure
- Liner-less core recovery: on-board sampling of core
- Core recovery may be discontinuous in sediment with alternating composition
- Only works in soft sediment
- High operation costs

2Centre for Past Climate Studies, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark


PAGES Magazine articles
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PAGES publications

Publications resulting from PAGES activities over the last months are too numerous to be mentioned individually here, but you can browse them in our products database on the PAGES website. Nevertheless, three PAGES working groups (WGs) produced oeuvres in the form of special issues that deserve highlighting: The PALSEA WG published a special issue in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, the Global Monsoon WG in Climate Dynamics, and the LOTRED South America WG in Climate of the Past. All are listed and linked in the PAGES product database.

The Goa meetings

Anticipation is mounting about the rapidly approaching 4th PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 2nd Young Scientists Meeting (YSM), which will be held in February 2013 in Goa, India. The OSM will not only be a forum for the exchange of latest research results, but also one for open discussions on the best way forward for our research field, particularly in the context of changing scientific boundary conditions as envisioned by the Future Earth process (see page 89). The scientific OSM program will have plenary, parallel, and poster sessions and a public lecture. The 588 accepted OSM abstracts are an indication that we can look forward to a most lively event. Although abstract submission is closed, registration will remain open until the event itself for the more spontaneous attendees. The two days prior to the OSM will be all about the next generation of paleoscientists. During the YSM, 80+ competitively selected participants will talk science, train their professional skills, and forge connections across disciplinary and regional boundaries.

Staff updates

Saadia Iqbal has joined the PAGES International Project Office (IPO), replacing Anand Chandrasekhar as the new PAGES Project and Communications Officer. Saadia, a US citizen, has a background as a writer and editor. Before joining PAGES she worked, among other places, at the World Bank and National Geographic Magazine. We welcome Saadia to PAGES and are looking forward to working with her!

Guest scientists

Two early-career researchers, Emma Stone and Emilie Capron, spent two months this fall at the PAGES IPO to guest-edit the upcoming PAGES newsletter issue. The issue was initiated by the European project Past4Future and will focus on interglacial climate, specifically the last interglacial and the Holocene. Emma, a postdoc at the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK, studies the climate of past warm periods using climate models of varying complexity. Emilie, a postdoc at the British Antarctic Survey, UK, is an ice core scientist studying the past evolution of firns and the temporal evolution of the last interglacial climate in polar and sub-polar regions. The guest-editing by the two young researchers was intended to add to their professional skill set. They indeed learned fast and well and the product is something to look forward to. Their newsletter issue will come out in early 2013.

If you are also interested in spending time as a guest scientist at the PAGES office to work in a focused way on PAGES-related work for a period of a few days to several months, get in touch and send us your application. Find detailed information on the website under My PAGES > Get involved.

SSC nominations

Earlier in the year than usual, PAGES is inviting nominations of scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The SSC is the body responsible for overseeing PAGES activities. Scientists who serve on the SSC normally do so initially for a period of three years, with potential for renewal for an additional term. Up to three new members who can contribute to a committee that is balanced in terms of expertise, geography, and gender are sought to join in 2014. The deadline for sending in nominations is 10 January 2013, so as to be in time for discussion at the SSC meeting directly following the Open Science Meeting. Please refer to the PAGES website for nomination guidelines (My PAGES > Get Involved).

Meeting support

The next deadline for applying for PAGES meeting support is 10 January 2013, for evaluation by the PAGES SSC in mid-February. Support can be sought for workshop-style meetings relevant to PAGES Foci and Cross Cutting Themes. The three meeting categories eligible include PAGES Working Group workshops, an open call for other PAGES-relevant workshops, and one for educational meetings. Application guidelines and online forms can be found on the PAGES website (My PAGES > Meeting Support).

Next newsletter issues

The next two issues of PAGESnews will showcase special sections on the last two interglacials and on ENSO, respectively. While the interglacial issue is closed, suitable articles on ENSO may still be included. Contact Pascal Braconnot ( before 31 December 2012. As always, you are invited to submit Science Highlights, Program News, and Workshop Reports for the Open Section of PAGESnews. Find author guidelines on the PAGES website

(My PAGES > Newsletter).

Takeshi Nakatsuka, Ryuji Tada and Kenji Kawamura
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Despite its long tradition, Japanese paleoscience was not well represented in the scientific world until recently. This may be partly due to Japan’s geographical location at the eastern rim of the Eurasian continent, far away from the scientific hotspots of Europe and North America. In addition, numerous publications were written in Japanese and have not yet been translated.

To strengthen the contact with the Japanese paleoscience community and to highlight the diversity of Japanese paleoresearch, a PAGES Regional Workshop was held in Nagoya, Japan in 2010, alongside the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee meeting. That workshop resulted in the idea of a dedicated special section of the PAGES newsletter. The following thirteen science highlights showcase to the global community a cross-section of Japanese contributions to paleoscience.

The North Pacific Ocean around Japan was for a long time one of the most under-researched areas in paleoceanography due to the very deep waters and the resulting scarcity of calcareous microfossils in the sediments. However, by taking advantage of recent progress in sediment coring technology (e.g. through the IMAGES program), Japanese scientists now have access to many new sediment cores. For example, Okazaki et al. used cores from sea mounts and continental slopes to demonstrate that deep-water ventilation occurred in the North Pacific during the deglacial as it does today in the North Atlantic. Recent studies in the western North Pacific Region (Harada et al., Nagashima and Tada, and Yamamoto) also show that the western North Pacific and its marginal seas are well suited to reconstruct millennial-scale climate variability.

Climate in East Asia, including Japan, is characterized by the strong Asian summer and winter monsoon, resulting in a meridional “green” belt extending from the equator to the subarctic uninterrupted by any major mid-latitude desert. The monsoon signal is well preserved in the sediments of Lake Biwa, one of the most studied lakes in Japan (Takemura). At the northwestern coast of Japan, the strong seasonality intrinsic to the monsoon has led to the formation of distinct varve layers in the brackish lake sediments of Lake Suigetsu. Detailed counting of varve layers up to 150 ka by Nakagawa et al. revealed details of climate variations over the entire last glacial-interglacial cycle. Moreover, with several hundreds of 14C data of plant fragments in the dated varve layers, Lake Suigetsu is now becoming a new international standard for 14C calibration.

Asian summer monsoon often favors dense forests where it is difficult to extract significant paleoclimate signals from tree-ring width. Alternatives are presented by Sano et al. and Watanabe et al. They indicate that oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose and oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in stalagmites are good proxies for past hydroclimate in the humid tropical-subtropical regions of Asia. Finally, data from glacial ice cores in high mountains (Fujita and Sakai) and from coral cores in subtropical islands (Suzuki) help elucidate past changes in Asian monsoon dynamics.

Japan has a very long history and a unique cultural heritage. Japanese paleoscientists have been utilizing many precious cultural artifacts, such as documentary information, to reconstruct past variations in climate and environment. One of the significant features in Japanese culture is that, until the 19th century, most buildings in Japan were made of wood. The construction timber can be recovered from old buildings or excavated at archeological sites, and utilized for high-resolution climate reconstructions. When coupled with Δ14C and δ18O analyses, these studies can even help in elucidating impacts of changes in solar activity on Earth’s past climate (Miyahara et al.).

In Japan, the quantity of historical private and governmental documents and their conservation is remarkable, reflecting the high literacy rates in pre-modern Japan. By assembling numerous weather descriptions in national diary archives, daily meteorological conditions in Japan, including weather charts, have been quantitatively reconstructed for the last 400 years (Zaiki). Historical documents not only describe daily weather but often also local environmental conditions such as deforestation and animal extinction, together with the population’s (political) reactions to those environmental changes. Yumoto has led a unique research project involving historians and archeologists, and reports how the Japanese environment has been managed in the past and what lessons can be learned for the sustainable management of ecosystems.

Compared to Europe and North America, past climatic and environmental changes in the western North Pacific and East Asian regions, and their role in the global system, are still poorly understood. Many interesting challenges remain for Japanese and Asian paleoscientists, together with colleagues from elsewhere, to elucidate the unique climate and environment in this region.


Yusuke Okazaki, A. Timmermann, L. Menviel, M.O. Chikamoto, N. Harada and A. Abe-Ouchi
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PAGES news

Sedimentary and modeling evidence presume a major deglacial switch between the sites of deepwater formation in the North Atlantic and North Pacific. These results suggest that the North Pacific may have played a more prominent role in organizing the global ocean circulation and shifting climate regimes than previously thought.

The North Pacific is considered a terminal region of the “Ocean’s Conveyer belt circulation”. Abyssal waters from the south flow into the North Pacific, upwell to mid-depth, mix with surrounding waters, and return south (Schmitz 1996). In this configuration and as a result of mixing, the present North Pacific is characterized by high concentrations of surface nutrients, thus promoting high biological productivity. Today, no deep water forms in the North Pacific in response to surface buoyancy fluxes because the surface water of the North Pacific is not saline and dense enough to trigger deep convection and downwelling (Warren 1983). However, in certain areas, such as the Okhotsk Sea, surface conditions are still favorable to form North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) to depths of about 300 to 800 m (Talley 1993).

Last Glacial Maximum

The glacial Pacific Ocean had two water masses: well-ventilated and nutrient-depleted glacial NPIW above ~2000 m and less-ventilated and nutrient-enriched deep water below ~2000 m (Keigwin 1998; Matsumoto et al. 2002). Compared to today, the NPIW volume under glacial conditions was significantly higher extending down to about 2000 m. Microfossil (Ohkushi et al. 2003) and neodymium isotope data (Horikawa et al. 2010) suggest that the glacial NPIW possibly originated from the Bering Sea. This “stratified” water mass structure of the glacial North Pacific prevented upwelling of nutrient-rich deep waters. Thus, biological productivity in the glacial North Pacific was relatively low (Narita et al. 2002; Jaccard et al. 2005; Galbraith et al. 2007; Brunelle et al. 2010).

Last Glacial Termination


Figure 1: Ventilation age changes based on published radiocarbon data in the western North Pacific between 900 and 2800 m water depths (Okazaki et al. 2010). Reconstructed ventilation change based on the 14C age offset between co-existing benthic (BF) and planktic foraminifers (PF; open diamonds), projection ages (considering atmospheric 14C change; gray circles), and smoothed spline interpolation of averaged BF-PF age offsets and projection ages (blue line). H1: Heinrich event 1.


Figure 2: Zonally averaged simulated radiocarbon age anomalies in the North Pacific between a collapsed Atlantic MOC state and the preindustrial control simulation. Squares indicate projection age anomalies for the deglacial H1 period reconstructed from western North Pacific sediment cores (Okazaki et al. 2010).

Major reorganization of water-mass structure in the North Pacific occurred during the last glacial termination, when a stratified glacial mode transformed to an upwelling interglacial mode. During the early period of the termination between 17.5 and 15 ka BP, the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) in the Atlantic substantially weakened (McManus et al. 2004) due to freshwater forcing by melting icebergs in the North Atlantic (Heinrich event 1; H1). A compilation of sedimentary radiocarbon ventilation records in the North Pacific and freshwater perturbation experiment mimicking a Heinrich event performed with the earth system model of intermediate complexity, LOVECLIM, suggest that deep water formation in the North Pacific extended to a depth of ~2500 to 3000 m during H1 (Fig. 1 and 2; Okazaki et al. 2010; Menviel et al. 2011). The establishment of the Pacific MOC during times of Atlantic MOC weakening could have played an important global role in regulating poleward oceanic heat transport during H1.

During the Bølling-Allerød period (15-13.0 ka BP) and after the Younger Dryas (13-11.5 ka BP), the ocean circulation in the North Pacific resumed to an interglacial mode without deep-water formation, similar to the modern condition. At the beginning of the Bølling-Allerød, productivity in the subarctic Pacific rose rapidly (Crusius et al. 2004; Galbraith et al. 2007; Brunelle et al. 2010) in association with enhanced upwelling and breakdown of the glacial stratification.

The Atlantic MOC was weakened during the Younger Dryas event, but not as much as during H1 (McManus et al. 2004). Oceanic ventilation in the North Pacific during the Younger Dryas appeared to be stronger than that of the Bølling-Allerød possibly responding to the MOC weakening in the Atlantic. However, it is unclear whether an MOC was established or not in the Pacific during the Younger Dryas. 

Role of the Bering Strait

Modeling studies demonstrate that a closed Bering Strait (sill depth 50 m) is required for the build-up and maintenance of higher surface salinity in the North Pacific during Heinrich events (Saenko et al. 2004; Hu et al. 2007; Okazaki et al. 2010), which is a precondition for establishing MOC in the Pacific. The role of the final opening of the Bering Strait between 11 and 12 ka BP (Keigwin et al. 2006) in the transition from the glacial to the modern NPIW regime is still not well understood. 


Different thrusts have to be pursued to further elucidate the effects of North Pacific Ocean circulation changes on global climate change. 

1. Model intercomparison

The establishment and extent of a Pacific MOC following an Atlantic MOC weakening are model-dependent (Chikamoto et al. 2012; Hu et al. 2012). Further model intercomparison studies should be performed to test the robustness of the proposed mechanism for the Pacific MOC set up as well as its extent in the North Pacific. 

2. Error reduction for reconstructed ventilation records

As shown in Fig. 1, reconstructed ventilation data still have substantial errors. This is mainly caused by large uncertainties of the marine reservoir effect in the conversion from radiocarbon age to calendar age. In order to constrain the regional marine reservoir effect, precise age dating for the targeted sample is fundamental. High-resolution magnetostratigraphy and tephra chronology are potential tools for evaluating past regional marine reservoir ages.

3. Reconstruction of the Bering Strait gateway history

The Bering Strait opened and closed numerous times during the last glacial cycle (e.g. Brigham-Grette 2001). However, the detailed history is not reconstructed yet, but would provide new insights on the impact of this gateway on past global ocean circulation and climate change.

Naomi Harada, A. Timmermann, M. Sato, O. Seki, Y. Nakamura, K. Kimoto, Y. Okazaki, K. Nagashima, S.A. Gorbarenko, L. Menviel, M.O. Chikamoto and A. Abe-Ouchi
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Statistical multivariate analysis of a new compilation of alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures from the western North Pacific indicates a coherent mode of millennial-scale variability that is closely linked to the deglacial changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.

The mid- to high-latitude region of the western-central North Pacific including its marginal seas is an essential area for understanding paleoclimate change across Asia. Surface seawater conditions such as temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) in this region play a key role in controlling the sinking branch of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation. For instance, the formation of Dense Shelf Water (Martin et al. 1998) on the continental shelf of the northwestern Okhotsk Sea is affected by autumn SST (Ogi et al. 2001), SSS, and the sea-ice extent (Sakamoto et al. 2005). Sea-ice extent has a direct effect on the volume and characteristics of Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water, a key component of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (Tally and Nagata 1995). Moreover, large-scale changes of temperature and salinity can weaken the stratification in the Bering Sea and lead to the formation of Pacific deep water, as described in Okazaki et al. (2010).

Understanding the drivers of North Pacific surface density changes during the large-scale climate transition of the last deglaciation may provide important insights into an often-overlooked branch of the global ocean conveyor belt circulation and its effect on climate and the global carbon cycle.

Here, we focus on the SST contribution to the surface density changes in the North Pacific. Despite previous efforts to synthesize compilations of deglacial SST (Kiefer and Kienast 2005), gaps still remain in our understanding of SST variations in sinking and subduction regions in the mid- to high-latitude western-central North Pacific. We present a new compilation of SST reconstructions for the last deglaciation derived from the UK’37 -index of alkenones (Brassell et al. 1986; Prahl and Wakeham 1987) from the western-central North Pacific. We discuss how these SST responded to millennial-scale variability in the North Atlantic during the last deglaciation, including Heinrich Event 1 (H1, 17.5-14.6 ka), the Bølling-Allerød period (B-A, 14.6-12.8 ka), and the Younger Dryas (YD, 12.8-11.5 ka) through associated changes in the atmospheric circulation.

Interpretation of alkenone SST


Figure 1: Sediment core locations in the western–central North Pacific and the Okhotsk and Japan Seas. Numbers indicate the coring sites as in Harada et al. (2012). Arrows show the average direction of flow of surface waters, with red and blue arrows indicating warm and cold currents, respectively. EKC, East Kamchatka Current; WSAW, Western Subarctic Water; ESC, East Sakhalin Current; SWC, Soya Warm Current; TSWC, Tsushima Warm Current; OKIZ, Oyashio–Kuroshio interfrontal zone; WSG, Western subarctic gyre.

Alkenone-SSTs were reconstructed from 19 sites in the North Pacific (Fig. 1). Alkenone-SSTs are likely to exhibit seasonal biases towards early summer to autumn in the Okhotsk Sea (Seki et al. 2007) and western-central North Pacific (Harada et al. 2004; Minoshima et al. 2007) but represent more evenly weighted near-annual mean SST in the Sea of Japan (Ishiwatari et al. 2001). In a sediment-trap study in the western North Pacific (40-50°N), Harada et al. (2006) found that the season of the maximum alkenone export flux varied from the beginning of summer to late autumn, and the export period corresponded to the period when stratification had developed in the surface-subsurface layer. The light-limitation depth is also critical for alkenone producers (Harada et al. 2006). Thus calm conditions and high surface–subsurface light intensity are important for alkenone producers, and their main growing season might shift depending on when adequate conditions for their active growth occur. The high adaptability of alkenone producers might have often caused seasonal biases for alkenone-SST depending on the conditions at the coring locations. 

Pacific-Atlantic SST linkages

An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was conducted for alkenone-SSTs of the interval 22-8 ka BP at 14 sites (Figs. 2A-2D; Harada et al. 2012) to extract the common dominant features of spatio-temporal variability from all the records.


Figure 2: Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of alkenone-derived temperatures throughout 22-8 ka BP. A) First principal component [°C] corresponding to EOF1 pattern. B) Second principal component [°C] corresponding to the EOF2 pattern, along with estimates of North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (McManus et al. 2004). C) EOF1 and (D) EOF2 spatial patterns [unitless]. The color scale indicates the loading of the EOF pattern.

The dominant EOF mode (EOF1) is characterized at most core sites in the northwestern Pacific by a cooling trend from 20 to 14 ka BP and a subsequent warming trend from 14 to 8 ka BP (Fig. 2A). Note that the EOF contribution to the SST evolution at any core site is obtained by multiplying the principal components with the EOF pattern loading (Fig. 2C) at this site. A possible scenario is based on an independent EOF analysis from longer, but spatially more constrained alkenone-SST datasets (Harada et al. 2012), suggesting that the first EOF follows the precessional cycle of autumn insolation at 45°N, with increased insolation during the LGM and minimum insolation around 13 ka BP. These results suggest that the alkenone data track autumn temperature variations throughout the entire analysis period, and that warming during the fall season can be explained by strengthened surface stratification.

The second EOF mode (EOF2) clearly captures the main deglacial warming signal at most of the core sites as well as the millennial-scale variability associated with temperature and ocean circulation changes in the North Atlantic. It shows a distinct minimum during H1, a rapid increase, concomitant with the B–A transition, as well as the YD. The correspondence to a North Atlantic ventilation proxy, based on 231Pa/230Th isotope ratios (Fig. 2B) demonstrates a clear linkage between changes in the North Atlantic overturning circulation and Pacific climate variations. The spatial EOF2 pattern is dominated by two cores (from sites 6 and 11, purple and deep red colors, respectively in Fig. 2D) having an opposite pattern. During H1 and according to the EOF2 reconstruction the waters near the location of site 11 would have cooled and those near the site 6 would have warmed. This opposite temperature pattern between southern and northern sites may relate to a south-north migration of the Kuroshio/Oyashio front. This pattern may be evidence of the heat convergence toward the north by the intensified Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (Okazaki et al. 2010). Wind-induced transport near the western boundary affected by an intensification or shift of the Aleutian Low might be another possible factor. An intensified Aleutian Low causes also a northward migration and a strengthening of the subtropical gyre, thereby warming the waters overlying site 6 and turning heat away from the area of the site 11.

Our analysis revealed a distinct pattern of millennial-scale variability in the western North Pacific that correlates well with millennial-scale climate variations in the North Atlantic. Overall, our study suggests that multivariate data analysis of core compilations can help to identify the dominant patterns of variability and provide important insight into the driving mechanisms of variability on a range of timescales.


Kana Nagashima and Ryuji Tada
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We present evidence for millennial-scale changes of the westerly jet path over East Asia during the last glacial period and suggest that the westerly jet plays a critical role in a millennial-scale climate teleconnection between Asia and the North Atlantic.


Figure 1: Spring and summer atmospheric circulation patterns and the East Asian Summer Monsoon rainband over East Asia (shown by clouds). The locations of the marine sediment core MD01-2407, the Hulu Cave speleothem, and important geographical features are also shown.


Figure 2: Dust provenance records from the Japan Sea compared with paleoclimate records from Greenland and southeastern China. A) GISP2 δ18O record (Grootes and Stuiver 1997); (B) Hulu Cave stalagmite δ18O record (Wang et al. 2001); (C) lightness (L*; Watanabe et al. 2007), (D) median grain size of the silt fraction, and (E) ESR intensity of silt-sized quartz (Nagashima et al. 2011) in core MD01-2407 from the Japan Sea. Plus signs (+) mark age-control points in core MD01-2407 (Yokoyama et al. 2007). Vertical purple bars indicate stadials in GISP2, heavier oxygen isotope (weak Asian monsoon) events in Hulu Cave, and light-colored layers in core MD01-2407. The vertical hatched bar indicates an interval in the core containing volcanic ash.

The δ18O records of stalagmites from the Hulu Cave in southeastern China (Wang et al. 2001) and the grayscale profile of hemipelagic sediments from the Japan Sea (Tada 2004; Tada et al. 1999; core MD01-2407) show millennial-scale variations in East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) rainfall along the Yangtze River (Fig. 1) in association with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events (Fig. 2). Moreover, annual-resolution studies of a Greenland ice core suggest that decreases in the eolian dust flux from mid-latitude Asian deserts approximately coincided with or even led the temperature rises at the onsets of the Bølling-Allerød, the Pre-Boreal, and a prominent D-O interstadial (Steffensen et al. 2008; Thomas et al. 2009). These findings suggest a direct linkage of millennial-scale climate changes between Asia and the North Atlantic. However, the dynamics of such a teleconnection remains unresolved.

Here we focus on the westerly jet because of its high potential to link climate changes between East Asia and the North Atlantic. At present, the westerly jet axis over East Asia passes south of the Himalayas during winter and early spring, and then jumps to north of the Tibetan Plateau in late spring to early summer in association with intensified Hadley Cell circulation (Schiemann et al. 2009). Wang et al. (2011) proposed that for a summer monsoon rainband to develop along the Yangtze River, the westerly jet needs to be at or slightly north of the river's latitude during summer. This mechanism is well explained by Sampe and Xie (2010). They demonstrated that eastward advection of warm air from the eastern flank of the Tibetan Plateau along the westerly jet axis triggers the convection that forms the rainband. They further showed that the westerly jet anchors the rainband by steering transient weather disturbances, which promote convection by intensifying moisture advection with upward motion. Over the North Atlantic, the westerly jet also steers transient eddies that bring precipitation, and its path is largely controlled by the sea-ice extent and meridional gradient of sea surface temperature (Laîné et al. 2009). By analogy with the present close linkage of the westerly jet path with the positions of both the EASM rainband and weather fronts in the North Atlantic, we infer that dynamic changes in the westerly jet path may have played a critical role in linking millennial-scale changes in EASM precipitation and North Atlantic climate during the last glacial (Fang et al. 1999; Tada 2004). Supporting this inference, productivity changes of the western Mediterranean Sea estimated from geochemical proxies of marine sediments (Moreno et al. 2004, 2005) suggest westerly jet path changes over the North Atlantic in association with D-O events. However, millennial-scale changes of the westerly jet path over East Asia have not yet been demonstrated. Here we introduce the result of our recent study that reconstructed variations in the westerly jet path over East Asia during the last glacial by examining the provenance and grain size of Asian dust in a sediment core from the Japan Sea (Nagashima et al. 2011).

Dust provenance reflects seasonal shifts of the westerly jet

Nagashima et al. (2011) demonstrated that the relative abundance of Asian dust emitted from two major Asian deserts, the Taklimakan Desert and the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia (hereafter, Mongolian Gobi) reflects changes in the seasonal northward movement of the westerly jet axis. At present, dust emission events in both these deserts are most frequent in spring because the large temperature gradient between high and middle latitudes and the resulting synoptic-scale disturbance in the atmospheric circulation generates strong cold fronts that give rise to storms (Roe 2009). In spring, severe dust storms are approximately twice as frequent in the Mongolian Gobi as in the Taklimakan (Kurosaki and Mikami 2005; Sun et al. 2001) because the Mongolian Gobi lies along the main pathway of cold air masses from Siberia. In this season, the emitted dust is transported eastward mostly by near-surface northwesterly winds. During summer, however, the latitudinal temperature gradient is smaller, suppressing storm event frequency in the Gobi (Roe 2009), whereas dust emission event frequency remains high in the Taklimakan (Kurosaki and Mikami 2005) because of the local circulation system between the desert and high surrounding mountains (Abe et al. 2005). When winds blowing against the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau lift the dust above 5000 m, the emitted dust can be entrained into the westerly jet, which is north of the plateau during summer, and transported long distances. Thus, the relative abundance of dust from the Taklimakan versus the Mongolian Gobi mainly reflects the relative frequency of summer versus spring-type dust events. Since spring-type dust events cease once the westerly jet jumps to the north of the Tibetan Plateau (Nagashima et al. 2011), changes in the relative abundance of dust derived from these two deserts record the timing of this northward jump. This idea led us to reconstruct the changes in the provenance of dust from the Asian continent in sediment core MD01-2407 (37°04'00''N, 134°42'11''E) from the south-central Japan Sea (Fig. 1) by using the electron spin resonance (ESR) signal intensity of quartz (for details, see Nagashima et al. 2007; Sun et al. 2007).

Millennial-scale teleconnection via the westerly jet

Hemipelagic sediments in the Japan Sea are characterized by alternating dark and light layers; light layers were deposited during D-O stadials and dark layers during D-O interstadials (Tada 2004; Tada et al. 1999; Fig. 2C). The ESR signal intensities of silt-sized (eolian) quartz (Nagashima et al. 2007) in samples from core MD01-2407 ranged between values of 6.6-9.2 for Taklimakan and 12.0-13.6 for Mongolian Gobi (Nagashima et al. 2011). Lower ESR signal intensities (larger contribution from the Taklimakan Desert) clearly correspond to dark layers (D-O interstadials) and higher intensities (larger contribution from the Mongolian Gobi) to light layers (D-O stadials) (Fig. 2C, E). These inferred differences in dust provenance between dark and light layers are supported by the smaller median diameter of the silt fraction within the dark layers (Fig. 2D). Eolian grain size decreases with increasing distance from the source, and the Taklimakan Desert is more distant from the Japan Sea than the Mongolian Gobi; thus, the median grain size of eolian dust from the Taklimakan is smaller than that from the Mongolian Gobi. The dominance of dust from the Taklimakan in D-O interstadials suggests that the westerly jet jumped to the north of the Tibetan Plateau earlier during interstadials, favoring the development of a rainband along the Yangtze River during summer (Sampe and Xie 2010). Therefore, a northerly migration of the westerly jet path over East Asia can explain the increased precipitation over the Yangtze River during D-O interstadials (Fig. 2B), and also links millennial-scale changes in the EASM with those in the North Atlantic climate.

Oxygen isotope records of speleothems from the southwestern United States also suggest a northward shift of the polar jet during D-O interstadials (Asmerom et al. 2010). Furthermore, speleothem growth patterns in northeastern Brazil (Wang et al. 2004) and the chemical composition of Lake Malawi (East Africa) sediments (Brown et al. 2007) reveal a northward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) during D-O interstadials over these respective regions. Taken together, these results suggest that a dynamic N-S displacement of the atmospheric circulation pattern (the westerly jet at mid-latitudes and the ITCZ at low latitudes) may almost simultaneously propagate D-O events on hemispheric and inter-hemispheric scales.


Masanobu Yamamoto
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A Holocene temperature record from the Japan margin shows a significant 1500-year period, suggesting the existence of a persistent cycle since the last glacial period.


Figure 1: Locations of the study site MD01-2421, and other mentioned reference sites in the North Pacific. The subarctic and subtropical gyre circulations are driven by westerly and trade winds that are regulated by the summer North Pacific High (H) and the winter Aleutian Low (L). Figure modified from Isono et al. (2009).


Figure 2: Holocene variations in (A) detrended UK'37-derived SST at the study site (Isono et al. 2009), (B) its 400-year running mean omitting the cooling event at 8.5 ka, (C) hematite-stained grain content in a North Atlantic core (Bond et al. 1997), (D) mixed layer density in the North Atlantic (Thornalley et al. 2009), (E) lateral SST differences in the Okinawa Trough (Jian et al. 2000), (F) detrended UK'37-derived SST at ODP Site 1019 at the California margin (Barron et al. 2003), and (G) tree-ring Δ14C-based sunspot numbers (Solanki et al. 2004). Gray shading indicates cold periods at the Japan margin. (H) Time deviations from a regular 1470-year template for the mid-point of warmings at site MD01-2421 during the Holocene and at Greenland site GISP2 during the last glacial period (Rahmstorf 2003). Numbers in panel H indicate Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadials; “A” = Allerød. Figure modified from Isono et al. (2009).

Suborbital climate variability during the last glacial period has been suggested to be paced with a 1500-year period, but the expression and spatial distribution of this oscillation during interglacials remain unclear. Millennial-scale variations during the Holocene were first reported by Bond et al. (1997) based on ice-rafted hematite-stained grains (HSG) in North Atlantic sediments. Although spectral analyses did not yield a significant 1500-year period, the abundance of these grains peaked on average every 1.5 millennia (Bond et al. 2001). However, few other climate records have shown a clear 1500-year periodicity in the Holocene.

Here, I discuss 1500-year variability found in a multi-decadally resolved Holocene record of alkenone sea-surface temperatures (SST) from the northwestern Pacific off central Japan (Isono et al. 2009). In that region warm waters of the Kuroshio Current mix with cold waters of the Oyashio Current (Fig. 1).

A Holocene 1500-year cycle off Japan

Detrended SST variations at Site MD01-2421 show a series of SST minima (Fig. 2A; Isono et al. 2009). The youngest of them, centered at ~0.3 ka and ~1.5 ka, occur around the time of the Little Ice Age and the Dark Ages Cold Period in Europe, respectively. Spectral analysis of SST over the last 10.8 ka revealed a statistically significant periodicity of 1470 years. One cooling period at 8.5 ka is not consistent with the ~1500-year cycle, but might correspond with the 8.2-ka cooling event (Alley et al. 1997).

With the exception of the cooling event at 8.5 ka, the SST minima re-occur at intervals of 1.1-1.7 ka. In the 400-year running average of the detrended SST (Fig. 2B) the standard deviations for warming (i.e. mid-point between maximum and minimum SST), warmest, cooling, and coldest events of the last seven cycles from the 1470-year templates are 112, 237, 245, and 160 years, respectively. This implies that the periodicity is most stable for warming events, suggesting that the oscillation is paced at warming events. The standard deviation of the last seven warming events is nearly equal to the 130 years identified for glacial Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events (Schulz 2002; Rahmstorf 2003). The deviation of the last seven warming events in the Pacific from a regular 1470-year recurrence is about as small as for the deviation of DO events (Rahmstorf 2003; Fig. 2H). This correspondence suggests the existence of a persistent 1470-year cycle during both the Holocene and the last glacial period.

The occurrence of a persistent regular 1500-year cycle in glacial and interglacial modes suggests that it is a response to a periodic external forcing rather than an internal oscillation in the climate system (Rahmstorf 2003). Solar output variations estimated from variations in tree ring Δ14C variations (Solanki et al. 2004) do not match the Japan-margin SST variation (Figs. 2A and 2G), except for the Little Ice Age when low temperatures at the Japan margin correspond to low solar output. Spectral analysis of solar radiation variation does not show a ~1500-year periodicity (Stuiver and Braziunas 1993). Braun et al. (2005) suggested that a non-linear response of freshwater input into the North Atlantic Ocean to the solar de Vries/Suess and Gleissberg cycles (210- and 87-year periodicities, respectively) is a candidate mechanism for the 1500-year cycle. Their modeling study suggested that some non-linear process might be producing a 1500-year cycle. Debret et al. (2007) distinguished solar forcing of 1000- and 2500-year oscillations from a 1500-year cycle in Holocene records from North Atlantic sediments by wavelets analysis. They attributed the 1500-year cycle to oceanic forcing.

The 1500-year oscillation was subdued in the Holocene, whereas it was amplified and dominant as DO events in the last glacial. This suggests that positive feedbacks operated to amplify the 1500-year oscillation under glacial boundary conditions.

Spatial distribution of the 1500-year cycle

Modern oceanographic modes indicate that the SST off Japan reflect variations in the North Pacific gyre system, i.e. the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Mantua et al. 1997) and the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (Di Lorenzo et al. 2008). If such modes operated over millennia, then the 1500-year temperature variation at the Japan margin implies that the North Pacific gyre circulation is affected by 1500-year cycles. At the northern California margin site ODP 1019, analysis of an alkenone-derived SST record (Fig. 2F; Barron et al. 2003) revealed a broad peak of spectral density with a periodicity range of ~1470 to 1820 years. The 1470-year variation was coherent with the SST oscillations we found off Japan. Jian et al. (2000) generated foraminifera-based SST records for the northern and southern Okinawa Trough (sites B-3GC and 255) and claimed that the SST difference between the two sites varied with a 1500-year periodicity. However, only the SST minima 1, 2, and 4 at our site MD01-2421 correlate with ΔSST maxima at the Okinawa Trough (Fig. 2E). The SST minima at the Japan margin also correlate with Bond events 2, 5, and 7 and partly with events 0, 1, and 3 (Fig. 2C). The Japan margin record shows similarities to the degree of stratification in the subpolar North Atlantic (Fig. 2D; Thornalley et al. 2009). Although none of these correspondences are perfect, they suggest that the southward shift of the Kuroshio Extension jet in the northwestern Pacific was often synchronous with ocean circulation in the North Atlantic.

All of the sites discussed for displaying 1500-year oscillations are sensitive to the northern mid-latitude westerlies, which suggests that the westerlies and subtropical and subarctic gyre dynamics have been involved in propagating or generating 1500-year oscillations in the climate system. However, the forcing of the 1500-year variability and its effect on the climate system in both glacials and interglacials still remain puzzling. Future investigations are necessary to clarify these issues.