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Newsletter October 2022

In this month’s newsletter, PAGES is excited to announce that its latest magazine “Sea ice in the polar regions" is available to read and download! Hard copy orders can still be made through a personal PAGES profile, or via an online webform. You can also find out more about the newest working group, MARDI (Marine ARctic DIatoms), how to contribute to the next Past Global Changes Horizons issue to be published in September/October 2023, and how to join the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee for the term starting January 2024. 


1. Past Global Changes Magazine, Volume 30(2) and hard copy orders

2. Call for SSC nominations open

3. Call for Horizons contributions

4. New PAGES working group 

5. PAGES-INQUA joint ECR workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)

6. Farewell to PAGES’ Science Officer

7. Working group news

8. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

9. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

10. Future Earth

11. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

12. Other news and opportunities

1.  Past Global Changes Magazine, Volume 30(2) and hard copy orders

a. The new Past Global Changes Magazine "Sea ice in the polar regions", with a special section on “Early-career perspectives on ice-core science”, is now available to read and download. This volume tackles the issue of how understanding past, present, and future changes in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is crucial to understanding a wide range of interconnected impacts. It contains articles describing novel proxies and reconstructions of sea ice at a range of timescales, from both poles, highlighting some state-of-the-art knowledge in this field. > Access the magazine 

b. PAGES is committed to providing access to paleoscience in an accessible and informative way. Past Global Changes Magazine is a free magazine with this aim, published twice annually, and delivered in hard copy format, free of charge, to those who are interested. We are also equally committed to conducting the PAGES mission in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. We now request that anyone interested in receiving a hard copy of PAGES magazines log in to their PAGES database profile, click on the box to "receive a hard copy of the PAGES magazine" and check their postal address is correct. The deadline to log into your profile and tick the box is 31 October. No PAGES profile? You can complete the web order form here

2. Call for SSC nominations open

PAGES is pleased to announce that the call for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for the term starting January 2024 is now open. The deadline for applications is 5 April 2023. > SSC membership applications 

3.  Call for Horizons contributions

Many of you have probably seen the first two issues of the magazine published by PAGES: Past Global Changes Horizons: Picture the past. Change the future. This magazine is quickly becoming a popular science magazine, aimed primarily at the younger generation, budding scientists, and all those enthusiasts, both young and old, who are interested in, or want to learn more about, the science of the past. We are happy to share with you the call for contributions to the next Horizons issue, to be published in September/October 2023. > More information 

4. New PAGES working group 

PAGES is pleased to announce the launch of a new working group. MARDI (Marine ARctic DIatoms) aims to “improve the precision and reliability of quantitative diatom-based palaeoceanographic reconstructions in the Arctic and subarctic. This will give diatom workers tools to create a wider spatial and temporal set of environmental reconstructions that can be used by paleoclimate modelers to calibrate models and improve data-model comparisons." > Find out more 

5. PAGES-INQUA joint ECR workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)

The hybrid workshop will be taking place from 20-24 November with the in-person component in La Serena, Chile. Online participants can access the workshop contents, such as keynote talks, presentations, and discussions, remotely. Registration for virtual attendees is now open and closes on 14 November. > Register for online attendance 

6. Farewell to PAGES’ Science Officer

PAGES bids farewell to our Science Officer, Sarah Eggleston, at the end of October. Sarah has successfully navigated this position for the past four years, and her invaluable contributions will shape PAGES’ operations for years to come. We would like to thank Sarah, and wish her the very best as she moves on to her next chapter. 

7. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists 

ii. 2k Network 

Save the date! CVAS and the 2k Network will be hosting a topical science meeting scheduled to take place from 5-10 March 2023. More information will be communicated as soon as it is available. Contact the CVAS Steering Committee here or the 2k Network Steering Committee here if you have any questions. 

iii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME) 

The second ACME workshop “Numerical ecology and time series analysis of marine proxy data” will be taking place from 14-16 November in Copenhagen, Denmark. This workshop will focus on statistical treatment of sedimentary proxy data and correct data handling as a foundation for accurate and robust paleo environment/climate reconstructions. > Calendar 

iv. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT) 

Manuscript submission is open for a new article collection on "Wetland Ecology and Biogeochemistry Under Natural and Human Disturbance- Volume II". This is a collaboration with Frontiers in Earth Science, but submissions are also welcome via Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution and Frontiers in Environmental Science, if you believe your study is a better fit for those other journals. If you are interested, please register via the link below. You will shortly receive a follow-up email with further details from Frontiers. > Register interest 

v. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) 

Save the date! CVAS and the 2k Network will be hosting a topical science meeting scheduled to take place from 5-10 March 2023. More information will be communicated as soon as it is available. Contact the CVAS Steering Committee here or the 2k Network Steering Committee here if you have any questions. 

vi. Human Traces 

The recording of the last seminar with Dr. Jeff Blackford (University of Dundee) on “Distinguishing human traces from natural events in Mesolithic peat proxy records”, which was held on 20 September, is now available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

vii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE) 

The recording of the seminar held on 5 October with Dr. Katie Cramer on "Integrating historical data into Caribbean reef management and conservation" is now available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

viii. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

After a successful PAGES Open Science Meeting session, Yassine Ait Brahim and Andrea Columbu will be organizing a special issue to be published in Quaternary Research on "New developments in speleothem paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental science". The Deadline for submissions is 31 December. For more information contact Yassine: (Yassine[dot]AITBRAHIM[at]um6p[dot]ma) and/or Andrea: (andrea[dot]columbu[at]unipr[dot]it). Full paper submission deadline is 31 December. > More information 

ix. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) 

a. The fifth VICS workshop, originally scheduled to take place in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2020 (but repeatedly postponed due to the pandemic), will be taking place from 22-24 May 2023 in Bern, Switzerland. This workshop will extend the range of interest deeper into the past, as well as into the future, and mark the end of Phase 2 of the VICS working group. The group is planning to enable remote participation for the talks, but encourage in-person attendance. The three-day workshop is open to everyone interested in this research area and the group would particularly like to welcome early-career researchers and researchers from the Global South (financial support will be available). > Calendar 

b. Members of the group got together for a one-day workshop in Bern ahead of the 3rd IPICS conference. They discussed the current status, best practices and new avenues to detect and characterize volcanic fingerprints in ice cores, and the various ways on how volcanic eruptions can affect climate. In particular, the 26 participants from various research fields envisaged a compilation of new data products that will enable other PAGES Working Groups (2k Network, PAGES Iso2k, CRIAS, and CLIVAR) to better characterize past volcanic forcing into their analyses. > View program and participant list 

8. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) 

i. If you have ideas for a webinar and would like to organize one for the PAGES ECN, please reach out to the webinar cluster: (webinar[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com).

ii. The ECN has created/published a range of promotional materials that can be used in posters, presentations, handing out to new connections and creating business cards, etc. If you would like to receive these, or have ideas for more, then please contact the steering committee directly: (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)

iii. Due to leadership rotation, the ECN is welcoming applications for the PAGES Early-Career Network Steering Committee members. The group appeals to graduate students or recent MSc/PhD graduates in the paleosciences, eager to contribute to early-career networking and PAGES’ and the PAGES ECN’s goals/activities. Volunteer participation as a Steering Committee member will give you the opportunity to help shape the early-career paleoscience landscape, make you more visible among a wide network of peers, and provide valuable leadership experience to draw upon in future roles. > More information 

iv. The PAGES ECN is would like to organize an opportunity for a relaxed "catch-up" with fellow early career researchers for those attending the AGU Fall Meeting. If you plan to attend, and are interested in meeting up, then please fill in the linked form and the steering committee will try to find a day and time that works for everyone. This will be an informal social event - a great chance to meet some new people, see old friends, talk about life as an ECR, and even practice your networking skills in a low-pressure environment. > Link to PAGES ECN AGU meet up

On a related note: the group would like to highlight the great research being presented by PAGES ECN members at AGU. If you would like to share your presentation with other ECN members attending the meeting, then please either email your presentation details to (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com) with the subject “AGU 2022” or add the details to the linked sheet directly. They will collate the responses and share the list. > ECN members presentation sheet

v. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

9. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

> See PAGES former working groups

i. Climate Change & History Research Initiative (CCHRI)

Professor John Haldon recently wrote for the British Academy on aspects of past responses to environmental challenges. > Access the article

ii. Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3)

The recording of the OC3 webinar held on 25 October with Dr. Patrick Blaser (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) on " Similar Atlantic Water Mass sourcing during the Last Glacial Maximum and Heinrich Stadial" is now available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

10. Future Earth

i. Read the September newsletter 

ii. Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress - SRI2023

Are you working on innovative ideas for advancing sustainability? You are welcome to share them at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress! SRI2023 is inviting contributions to the program through informative demonstrations, sessions, workshops, and more. You can submit your proposal in English, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese or Spanish. SRI2023 is being held in Panama City, Panama, and online from 26-30 June 2023. > More information 

iii. Future Earth community at COP27

Future Earth is trying to amplify the involvement of researchers from the Future Earth community at COP27 taking place from 6-18 November in Sharm el-Scheikh, Egypt. If anyone from the community is going to COP27 and speaking at a side event, Pavilion, or any other event, please reach out to Rebecca Fenn at Future Earth will then create an overview featuring all the events at COP27 in which representatives from the Future Earth community are involved, and also share this on the website. 

iv. Call for Proposals: Pathways Communication Grants (second call)

The second call for the Pathways Communication Grants is open. Proposals should outline and describe the importance of the communication product and its potential impact on the development of sustainable pathways. Deadline for Submitting Proposals is 31 October. > More information 

11. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

CLIVAR > Read the September newsletter

12. Other news and opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the September Newsletter 

ii. Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)

The next Summer School on Speleothem Science will be taking place from 6-13 August 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil. The event is particularly suited for MSc and PhD candidates, as well as selected early-career researchers, whose research interests are closely related to speleothem science. Applications open on 1 November and close on 31 December. > Calendar 

iii. IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape"

The PAGES-supported International Association of Limnogeology (IAL) and International Paleolimnology Association (IPA) joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape" will be held from 27 November to 1 December 2022 in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina. > Calendar 

iv. INQUA Rome 2023

A reminder that the deadline for abstract submission will close on 1 November. If your working group is hosting a session, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar. > Calendar 

v. 2nd INQUA-MARE workshop: Arctic Realm

The second INQUA-MARE workshop will be taking place from 5-7 December 2022 in Pisa, Italy, and online. The objective of the group is to “bring together researchers studying recent (Holocene) sediment records from the Arctic, Antarctic and the Tropics, as these regions are linked by thermohaline circulation and atmospheric teleconnection”. Abstract submission deadline is 15 November. Registration for the workshop is free and the deadline is 1 December. > Calendar 

vi. AGU Fall Meeting 

The AGU fall meeting will be taking place from 12-16 December in Chicago, USA. If your working group is hosting a session, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar. > Calendar 

vii. EGU General Assembly

The EGU General Assembly will be held from 23-28 April 2023 in Vienna, Austria. The call for abstracts and support applications opens on 1 November. The deadline for abstract submission is 10 January 2023. The deadline for support applications is 1 December. If your working group is hosting a session, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar. > Calendar 

viii. 2023 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Training School

The 2023 GIA Training School will be taking place from 3-7 July 2023 in Gävle, Sweden. The course is targeted at individuals who are working on (or will soon start working on) GIA modeling, or topics directly related to GIA modeling. Applications will open on 1 November and close on 31 January 2023. > Calendar 

ix. Sea-level change in the past, present and future

The Geological Society Events, Climate, is organizing a meeting on "Sea level change in the past, present and future" in London and online, from 6-7 February 2023. This meeting is aimed at researchers and academics at any career stage with a general interest in paleo sea-level change. The two-day hybrid meeting will consist of a mixture of invited and submitted talks, and discussion/breakout sessions. There will be posters in each session depending on the number of submissions. > Calendar 

x. 28th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly

The 28th IUGG General Assembly will be held from 11-20 July 2023 in Berlin, Germany. There will be a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions. Abstracts must be submitted by 14 February 2023. > Calendar 

xi. Special Issue of the journal Geomorphology 

Contributions are invited to the special Issue of the journal Geomorphology with the title “Surface-Subsurface Connectivity in Karst Geomorphology” by 1 March 2023. For more information about the scope of the special issue, please visit the website. > More information 


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 |

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