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- PAGES Newsletter April 2023
Wednesday, 12 April, 2023
In the April edition of the PAGES newsletter, we remind anyone interested in receiving a hard copy of the upcoming issue of the Past Global Changes Magazine on "Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" to update postal address details if you wish to receive a hard copy. In addition, the call for applications for the PAGES-IAI fellowship program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and the Inter-Africa mobility program are open, with a deadline of 18 August.
- Past Global Changes Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1
- Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists
- PAGES Symposium
- New working group: Planetary Boundaries
- Working group news
- PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
- Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
- Future Earth
- World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
- Other news
1. Past Global Changes Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1
The next issue of the Past Global Changes Magazine on "Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" will be published in May 2023. If you are interested in receiving a hard copy of this upcoming magazine issue there are two ways you can do this:
- Go to your PAGES profile, update your postal address/ confirm your postal address is correct, and then click the box to confirm you have updated your details and would like to receive a hard copy.
- You can also enter a postal address via the webform here: https://pastglobalchanges.org/form/pages-magazine
The deadline to confirm your details/request a copy of the magazine is 17 May 2023.
2. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists
The call for applications for both the PAGES-IAI fellowship program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and the Inter-Africa mobility program aimed at African early-career scientists is open. The deadline for applications is 18 August. > More information
3. PAGES Symposium
The PAGES one-day symposium, which will be held on 1 June at the University of Bern, Switzerland, will showcase PAGES working group activities. In the words of PAGES Co-Chair, Martin Grosjean, the symposium will present "a unique opportunity to learn more about what paleosciences can contribute to Future Earth, what a global research network is, what it does and why it is important." Participation is free, but registration is compulsory via the webform - space is limited, so please do register, even if you are attending online. The deadline for registration is 4 May. > More information
4. New working group: Planetary Boundaries
Planetary Boundaries, the newest addition to the PAGES working group family, launched in November last year. This new group aims to “explore the interface between palaeoecology and the planetary boundaries literature, thereby contributing to the definition of safe operating spaces.” Find out more about the Planetary Boundaries working group, or get in contact with the leaders: https://pastglobalchanges.org/science/wg/planetary-boundaries/intro
5. Working group news
i. Mailing lists
Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists
ii. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)
The next C-PEAT workshop will be taking place in three different hubs (Indonesia, Poland, USA) simultaneously, from 8-12 May. The group is in the process of developing a detailed agenda and inviting guest speakers. Formal invitations for sign-ups or remote participation will be sent out. > Calendar
iii. Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy (DiverseK)
On 13-15 May, the working group will host a workshop on “Challenges and opportunities for Paleo-informed ecosystem conservation in Asia” in Beijing, China. The workshop will hold Session I: Environmental policies and ecosystem management in Asia and around the world, and Session II: Paleo-informed ecosystem conservation, in a hybrid mode. Detailed information regarding the workshop including a preliminary program, registration, and logistics is available here and in the first circular therein. The abstract submission and registration deadline is 25 April. > Calendar
iv. Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record (Human Traces)
The next Human Traces working group webinar will take place on 17 April at 15:00 UTC with professor Andrea Columbu (University of Pisa) on “Are cave deposits recording culturally induced environmental changes related to the end of Nuragic Era (~580 BC)? A study case from Sardinia (Italy)”. > Calendar
v. Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioMioVAR)
The group will be hosting a workshop on 8 June in Utrecht, Netherlands, and online, for MioOcean (a subgroup of PlioMioVar) compilation participants and related researchers, to get together and progress their compilation efforts. The focus of the second meeting of the group is to discuss temperatures, and the proxy-specific issues that have been resolved to generate these temperatures. There is some funding for ECRs from PAGES, and some funding for UK participants with ties to IODP, to attend this in-person/hybrid workshop. The deadline for registration is 25 April. > Calendar
vi. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)
a. A new paper by Skiba V and Fohlmeister J has been published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta on “Contemporaneously growing speleothems and their value to decipher in-cave processes – A modelling approach”. > Access article
b. After the SISAL session taking place at the EGU on "Speleothems, cave deposits, and karst records - Archives of Modern and Palaeoenvironmental Change", co-organized by SSP3 and co-sponsored by PAGES-SISAL, there will be a dinner. The working group would be thrilled if you would join. Those attending the dinner will commute by public transport from EGU to the restaurant together on Thursday, 27 April, starting at 18:30 (CEST), at Restaurant zum Wohl in Wien. Do sign up if you would like to join for dinner so the organizers have an idea of numbers and dietary requirements: https://forms.gle/P6EbBDwmsqw8ZUUb7
vii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)
Inspired at a Q-MARE workshop on "Planning to achieve Q-MARE's educational goals" https://nagt.org/nagt/meetings/q-mare.html, the group is inviting participants to fill in a Google form with the aim of "assembling Q-MARE-relevant educational media and multimedia into a geotagged portal. The portal will be a starting point for educators, Q-MARE participants, and other stakeholders." The responses from the form will be used to generate an interactive map programmed in R and generated using Leaflet. > More information
viii. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS)
Guillet S et al. published a paper in Nature on "Lunar eclipses illuminate timing and climate impact of medieval volcanism" which sheds light on the impacts of volcanic activity which likely “triggered a Little Ice Age”. > Access article
6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
To receive a comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list.
i. The ECN invites members to participate in a survey to assist in planning future activities and find out what you do (and don't) already know about the ECN. Please take a few minutes to help the steering committee understand how they can ensure they provide members with meaningful and useful content/events, etc. > Go to survey
ii. Welcome new SC members - Goodbye retiring SC members
It is with great pleasure that the ECN welcomes three new people to the Steering Committee (SC): Fernanda Charqueño Celis, Kamila Faizieva, and Aditi Dave. The three started in March and have already proven to be amazing additions to the SC. At the same time, the SC says farewell to Stella Alexandroff, Madelyn Mette, and Tamara Trofimova. These three were co-founders and cornerstones of the ECN from day one, and have put in so much hard work to the benefit of all paleo-ECRs. The PAGES ECN is very grateful. We are sad to see you go. Thank you all so much for your dedication to this network and everyone hopes you enjoy your retirement.
iii. PAGES Write Club
Did you know that the PAGES ECN runs a writing club? The ECN are looking for new retreat facilitators: being a facilitator is a great way to ensure that there are retreats on at times that work for you. It’s not onerous; you just add your retreats to the sign-up sheet at the start of each month, then send Zoom links to your retreat participants the day before. For more information, and to sign up to Write Club (as a member or a facilitator), please email writeclub.pages.ecngmail.com (writeclub[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com). Find out more about the writing club, and other ECN activities here: https://pastglobalchanges.org/ecn/clusters
7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.
> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
> See PAGES former working groups
i. Climate History Network (CHN)
You can find this month's bulletin, with the latest news and research in the field here.
ii. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS)
a. Recordings of the first seminar in the series for the year took place on 23 March on “The mercury record from glacier ice cores”. Speakers included Dr. Feiyue Wang (university of Manitoba) on “The ice core records of mercury prior to EGRIP”, Delia Segato (Ca' Foscari university of Venice and CNR-Institute of Polar Sciences) on “An increase in mercury flux through the Glacial to Holocene transition”, and Jeff (Zhiyuan) Gao (university of Manitoba) on “A sip of the long-term mercury record in EGRIP glacier ice core”. > Watch
b. The next seminar will take place on 13 April at 13:00 UTC with Anja Eichler (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland) on “Ammonium stories preserved in high-alpine ice cores” and Alexis Lamothe (Université Grenoble Alpes) on “15N stable isotopes of ammonium: a new proxy to decipher atmospheric conditions and NH3 sources”. > Calendar
iii. LandCover6k
The group has two preprints open for discussion in the Special Issue: Past vegetation dynamics and their role in past climate changes. Both preprints are open for interactive discussion and comments until 26 May 2023:
1. "Did the Bronze Age deforestation of Europe affect its climate? A regional climate-model study using pollen-based land-cover reconstructions" by Strandberg G et al. > Access preprint
2. "The challenge of comparing pollen-based quantitative vegetation reconstructions with outputs from vegetation models – a European perspective" by Dallmeyer D et al. > Access preprint
iv. The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP)
a. The PMIP WINGS series (PMIP Web-based INteractive Global Seminars) continues to run. The recordings will be hosted on the IPSL YouTube channel and will be available within about a week after the seminar.
b. The fourth PMIP WINGS seminar will be taking place on 20 April at 16:00 UTC. This month, the focus will be on climate changes in the Tropics with Xiaojing Du (Rice University) on "A zonal mode over the tropical Indian Ocean during Heinrich Stadial 1" and John Chiang (UC Berkeley) on "A tale of two annual cycles: the remarkable change in Pacific cold tongue seasonality under orbital precession". > Calendar
8. Future Earth
i. Read the March newsletter
ii. Future Earth will be coordinating a horizon scanning project for the European Commission on the “knowledge gaps in climate change and biodiversity science to inform the development of Horizon Europe’s 2025-2027 work programs. To support this activity, there is an open call for Editorial Board nominations.” Please consider sending in nominations and sharing this opportunity with colleagues. > More information
iii. Future Earth Special Issue in Global Sustainability: Charting the Course for the Next Decade of Sustainability Research and Innovation
Future Earth will be hosting a Special Issue at Global Sustainability (an Open Access journal) and "draws on research and key insights from the Future Earth community, highlighting the key scientific questions emerging from Future Earth’s Global Research Networks (GRNs) and from other organizations addressing compatible challenges." The deadline for full paper submissions is 30 April. > More information
9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
CLIVAR > Read the April bulletin
10. Other news
Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the March Newsletter
PAGES - Past Global Changes | International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 11
pagespages.unibe.ch (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) | pastglobalchanges.org
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