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PAGES Newsletter October 2023

In the October newsletter, we remind you of the last days to order a free hard copy of the upcoming Past Global Changes Magazine issue on ice cores, and new developments in analytical techniques. There is also a reminder for nominations for the PAGES Early-Career Award (ECA) and a Save the Date for PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) Call for sessions. 

  1. Congratulations to AGU 2023 honorees
  2. Call for nominations for PAGES Early-Career Award
  3. Order a hard copy of Past Global Changes Magazine
  4. Become a PAGES SSC member
  5. Save the date! PAGES' 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM): Call for Sessions
  6. Working group news
  7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  8. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  9. Future Earth
  10. Other news and opportunities

1. Congratulations to AGU 2023 honorees

PAGES would like to congratulate AGU (American Geophysical Union) 2023 honorees Kevin J. Anchukaitis and Cathy L. Whitlock. Kevin J. Anchukaitis, from the VICS (Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society) working group, will receive the Willi Dansgaard Award. This award recognizes significant paleoceanographic or paleoclimatological contributions from a mid-career scientist. "Notable contributions can include the honoree’s high research impact, innovative interdisciplinary work, educational accomplishments, such as mentoring, or positive societal impact. This award also serves to acknowledge the awardee’s exceptional promise for continued leadership in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology." Cathy L. Whitlock, PAGES SSC and EXCOM Fellow, has been recognized as an AGU 2023 Fellow. The Fellows Program recognizes “AGU members who have made exceptional contributions to Earth and space science through a breakthrough, discovery, or innovation in their field. Fellows act as external experts, capable of advising government agencies and other organizations outside the sciences upon request." > Read more

2. Call for nominations for PAGES Early-Career Award (ECA)

The PAGES ECA honors people in the early stages of their career (PhD students and <5 years after their PhD) for their engagement both within and beyond the scientific community, for example through (but not limited to) involvement in science coordination, outreach, networking, leadership activities, development of international collaborations and for excellence in research in support of PAGES’ goals. The Award will be publicly presented by PAGES at the next Open Science Meeting (OSM) in Shanghai in 2025. The deadline to submit nominations is 31 October. > More information 

3. Order a hard copy of the next Past Global Changes Magazine

The next PAGES Magazine will be delving deep into ice cores. It will feature 26 science highlights by the two early-career networks: the DEEPICE Project (Research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics) and ICYS (Ice Core Young Scientists). The issue will cover all things ice-core related, as well as new developments in analytical techniques, and will be out on 31 October. If you would like to order a *free* hard copy, please complete the webform by 27 October. After this date, the magazine will only be available to read online. > More information 

4. Become a PAGES SSC member

PAGES holds an annual call for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). Scientists who serve on the SSC normally do so for a period of three years, with the potential of renewal for an additional term. The next deadline for applications will be on 11 March 2024. The SSC represents a broad spectrum of disciplines and nationalities, and includes scientists at different career stages. > More information 

5.  Save the date! PAGES' 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM): Call for Sessions

The PAGES' 7th OSM will be taking place from 21–24 May 2025 in Shanghai, China, and online. The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) will be opening the Call for Sessions on 1 December. Further details will follow as soon as these are available. > Calendar 

6. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME)  

The ACME working group have updated and expanded the list of key participants in their second phase.  All participants can be found listed on the ACME webpage. > See participants  

iii. African Tree Ring Network (ATRN)  

PAGES is thrilled to announce the launch of a new working group: African Tree Ring Network (ATRN). The group aims to "bring together African tree ring scientists and take stock of the development in terms of science, methods, data, human capacity, and facility on the continent."They further aim to "analyze the challenges and opportunities to advance tree-ring based science in different environments and climate zones across the continent, and will provide improved methods, approaches, and best practices to enable cross-regional data analysis and synthesis to support informed decision-making on pressing environmental questions and climate issues, considering the diverse effects on African ecosystems." > More information 

iv. Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record (Human Traces)

a. The next Human Traces Webinar will take place on 20 October at 14:00 UTC. Silvana Halac, researcher at the Earth Sciences Research Center, Conicet, Argentina, and Professor at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina, will be presenting on "Tackling the evolution and dynamics of the Anthropocene from sedimentary records in artificial lakes of Central Argentina: The water quality challenge". > Calendar  

b. John Boyle (University of Liverpool), one of the Human Traces steering committee members, will be giving a seminar at the University of Bern as part of the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) series: “Towards a global synthesis of long-term Pb pollution records in lake sediment and peat. A PAGES “Human Traces” activity". The seminar will take place on 24 October from 14:00–16:00 UTC. > OCCR seminar series 

v. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL

a. Preprint available in Earth System Science Data by Kaushal N et al. on "SISALv3: A global speleothem stable isotope and trace element database". The design and construction of the SISALv3 database were supported financially by a PAGES Data Stewardship Scholarship to Franziska Lechleitner and Nikita Kaushal. > Access the preprint  

b. In August, the group released "The SISAL webApp" version 2. This is the construction of a web-based interface to access the SISAL database. The group welcomes comments, feedback or suggestions for future desired options (within reason). Please feel free to contact the SISAL working group members. An accompanying description paper by Hatvani IG et al. is available in Quaternary Research. > Access the description paper

7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN

To receive a comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

a. The ECN have welcomed two new Steering Committee members who joined in late September 2023: Sudhir Bhadra from the Indian Institute of Science, India, and Alexandra Fazekas-Németh from GADAM Center of the Silezian University, Poland. > View all ECN steering committee members and regional representatives 

b. There is a call for speakers for the webinar series “Expanding our knowledge in the study of global changes” which will be prepared and run by the Latin American Regional Representatives of the PAGES ECN. The series is specifically designed for students and early-career researchers in the study of climate and global changes, and aims to “bring new perspectives to the study of past global changes, as well as encouraging enhanced collaboration, multidisciplinary approaches, and open science among early-career researchers”. The organizers are seeking speakers on a wide range of topics, including quaternary paleoecology and nature conservation, and forecasting global changes. You can nominate yourself or another speaker. > Go to nomination form 

8. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

> See PAGES former working groups

i. Climate History Network (CHN

The October bulletin of events and publications in climate history are available to read online here

ii. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)

C-PEAT working group members will be hosting an oral session on "Carbon Cycling, Ecosystem Functioning, and Restoration in Global Peatlands'' at the upcoming American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2024 which will take place from 11–15 December in San Francisco, California. In the session, the global peatland community are invited to present their research on peatlands across latitudes, from a wide range of peatlands and studies. > Calendar 

iii. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA)  

a. Dumitru OA et al. have published a new paper in Quaternary Science Reviews on "Last interglacial global mean sea level from high-precision U-series ages of Bahamian fossil coral reefs". > Access article 

b. A new paper by Lin Y et al. has been published in Geophysical Research Letters on "GEORGIA: A Graph Neural Network Based EmulatOR for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment". > Access article  

iv. The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) 

PMIP is currently drafting the simulation portfolio and the modeling protocol for the next round of the model intercomparison. The PMIP Interglacials Working Group are running a survey for input and ideas towards shaping the simulation portfolio of interglacial simulations. “Whether you are planning to contribute interglacial simulations to the next round of PMIP, you plan to use such simulations for your research, or you are generally interested in PMIP interglacials, please consider submitting a response to our survey”. > Access survey  

9. Future Earth    

i. Future Earth’s 2022–23 Annual Report is available to read online. > Access the report 

ii. The 2024 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2024) will be held in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, from 10–15 June 2024. The call for contributions, including workshops, dialogues and networking events, is open. Themes for the upcoming congress include: Green Transitions; Transforming Technologies and the Future of Work; Living on the Frontlines of Change – The Arctic and Beyond; and Powering the World. The deadline to submit a contribution is 30 November. > Visit the website   

iii. In order to highlight Future Earth community presence at COP28, the secretariat is working on a shared calendar of events which aims to cross-promote events across all channels. If you, or someone you know, are part of the Future Earth community and will be attending the COP28, please get in touch with (bridget[dot]blake[at]futureearth[dot]org) and (natalie[dot]chong[at]futureearth[dot]org)

iv. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has put out a number of Calls for: Scoping Experts - 2nd Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (deadline 12 November); Experts - Methodological Assessment on Monitoring Biodiversity and Nature's Contributions to People (deadline 19 December); Task Force Experts (deadline 12 November); Early-career researchers (ECRs) for its Fellowship Programme on Methodological Assessment on Monitoring Biodiversity and Nature's Contributions to People (deadline 19 December) and the Fellowship Programme for Task Force on Scenarios and Models (deadline 19 December). Contact (natalie[dot]chong[at]futureearth[dot]org) for all details on these Calls, and instructions on applying.

10. Other news & opportunities

i. 22nd Swiss Climate Summer School

The next Swiss Climate Summer School will be taking place from 1–6 September 2024 in Grindelwald, Switzerland, and will be held under the theme "Climate Change: From the Dawn of the Anthropocene to Options for the Future". The course will cover topics on "Current climate change: What is detected and attributed? Past climate change: How unusual is the present? The science-policy interface: Has it worked? Many futures ahead: What options remain?". The summer school is open to PhD students and postdocs. Deadline for applications is 15 January 2024. > Calendar 

ii. Beyond-EPICA Oldest Ice Core (BE-OIC) seminar series

The co-chairs of the EU Beyond-EPICA Oldest Ice Core (BE-OIC) Climate and Carbon Cycle feedback Consortium are organizing a short online seminar series during the Northern Hemisphere autumn of 2023. The series aims to provide "an update on advances related to paleoclimate reconstructions and simulations across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and to our understanding of this major climatic transition based on proxy records from natural archives and climate modelling efforts." There will be a seminar once a month between September and December 2023 from 12:00–13:00 UTC with two speakers working on related topics. The next seminar will be taking place on 14 November with Jeremy Shakun (Boston College) on “Global and regional temperature change over the last 4.5 My” and David Hoddell (University of Cambridge) on “Millennial climate variability in the early Pleistocene”. > Calendar 

iii. International Symposium on Archives of Quaternary River Basin Erosion

From 6–10 April 2024 the International Symposium on Archives of Quaternary River Basin Erosion will be held in Galera, a small town in the northeast of the newly established UNESCO Granada Geopark. The conference will last five days, starting with two days of oral and poster presentations and three final days of field trips where numerous sites within the Guadix-Baza Basin, famous for the first finds of Hominids in Europe and unprecedented density of Plio-Pleistocene vertebrate fauna, will be explored. > Calendar

iv. 3rd INQUA-MARE workshop: Tropical Realm

The organizers of the 3rd INQUA-MARE workshop have extended the deadlines. Registrations will now close on 15 November and abstract submission will close on 1 December. The workshop will be taking place from 9–11 January 2024 in San José, Costa Rica. > Calendar 

v. EGU General Assembly 2024 

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) will be taking place from 14–19 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria, and online. Session finalization is expected at the end of October. The call for abstracts will open on 1 November. If your PAGES working group is hosting a session, please do let the PAGES IPO know via email ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)), so we can add your session to the calendar

vi. World Biodiversity Forum (WBF) 2024: From Science to Action - special session on paleontology

The WBF 2024 will be taking place from 17–20 June 2024 in Davos, Switzerland. It aims to bring together researchers from across all disciplines of biodiversity science and explore how to move from science to actions and solutions to conserve biodiversity and become sustainable. The call for abstracts is now open and will close on 19 November. For the first time, the WBF will be hosting a special session on paleontology: BEF_1.5 Insights from the past for a better future with convenors Catalina Pimiento (University of Zurich), Gregor Mathes (University of Zurich), Kristina Kocakova (University of Zurich) and Jack Cooper (Swansea University). Convenors encourage "both near-time and deep-time perspectives on ecological and evolutionary processes during periods of environmental change (natural and anthropogenic) from disciplines such as paleoecology, paleontology, and historical ecology." > Calendar 

PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |

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