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PAGES Newsletter July 2024

In the July newsletter, PAGES would like to remind early-career researchers of the approaching deadline to apply for an African or Latin American and Caribbean fellowship. There is also news on registrations, abstracts submissions and applications concerning the upcoming Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) in Shanghai, China in 2025, and a call for Expressions of Interest to host the OSM and YSM in 2029. Readers can also find lots of activity by working groups, and the PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) also has two calls out, as well as an announcement about registrations for the upcoming INQUA-PAGES Joint ECR Workshop. 

  1. PAGES Mobility Fellowships
  2. Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) 2025
  3. Open Science Meeting (OSM) 2025
  4. Call to host OSM and YSM 2029
  5. Next deadline for PAGES support
  6. PAGES Horizons Magazine
  7. PAGES Early-Career Award (ECA) Nominations
  8. Working group news
  9. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  10. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  11. Future Earth
  12. Other news and opportunities

1. PAGES Mobility Fellowships

The deadline for both the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program for African early-career researchers (ECRs) and the International Mobility Research Fellowship Program for Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) ECRs is on 15 August. These mobility fellowships aim to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience networks in the African and LAC regions. Please share this call with your networks far and wide! > More information   

2. Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) Shanghai 2025

The PAGES 5th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) will be taking place from 19–20 May 2025 in Shanghai, China. Applications will open on 1 August and can be accessed via the OSM/YSM website. The deadline to apply will be 1 December. The schedule, invited talk and breakout group titles can be accessed on the website. > Visit the YSM program

3. Open Science Meeting (OSM) Shanghai 2025

The 7th PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) will be taking place from 21–24 May 2025 in Shanghai, China. Abstract submissions and registration will open on 1 August. The deadline for abstract submissions will be on 1 December 2024. > Visit the website 

4. Call to host OSM and YSM 2029

While the upcoming 7th Open Science Meeting and 5th Young Scientists Meeting are in full preparation to host the paleoscience community in Shanghai, China, in 2025, the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) has opened the call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) to host the OSM and YSM in 2029. The bidding process takes place in two stages. First, an EoI is sent to PAGES to be evaluated by the SSC. The decision of the location for the OSM and YSM 2029 will be decided during the SSC meeting held in Spring 2025, and announced at the OSM 2025 in China next year. > More information

5. Next deadline for PAGES support

The next deadline to apply for workshop/meeting support and/or a new working group will be on 11 September. At the PAGES annual Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting which took place in Marrakech, Morocco at the beginning of May, it was agreed that the SSC would welcome, as a new exploratory avenue, working group proposals focused on the application of novel technologies applied to paleoscience, e.g. artificial intelligence, novel imaging techniques, etc. > Details 

6. Past Global Changes Horizons Magazine

a. PAGES Horizons magazine is a popular science magazine aimed primarily at the younger generation, budding scientists, and all those enthusiasts both young and old who are interested in, or want to learn more about, the science of the past. The third issue will be published in the next week, with the central theme on how studying past extreme wet and dry phases aids our understanding, and informs future action, on floods and droughts under the current global change. You can still order a free hard copy of the third volume before 21 July.  > Access past Horizons issues 

b. For a fourth issue of Horizons magazine, to be published not earlier than 2026, PAGES requests a full proposal, including a magazine topic, confirmed editorial team, and list of authors. If you are interested on taking the fourth issue head on, and would like more information, please feel free to contact Iván Hernández-Almeida, PAGES Science Officer, via email:

7. PAGES Early-Career Award (ECA) Nominations

The call for ECA nominations is out. The PAGES ECA recognizes excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration. It honors people in the early stages of their career for their engagement both within and beyond the scientific community, for example through (though not limited to) involvement in science coordination, outreach, networking, leadership activities, development of international collaborations and for excellence in research in support of PAGES' goals. The deadline to send in nominations is 30 September. > More information 

8. Working group news

i. Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy (DiverseK)

a. A new paper has been published in Science of The Total Environment by Antoine E et al. on the “Legacy of last millennium timber use on plant cover in Central Europe: Insights from tree rings and pollen”. > Access article 
b. Charuta Kulkarni, along with the paleoecologist and ecologist colleagues from India, co-convened a symposium on "Learning from the past to inform landscape management for conservation" at the Indian Wildlife Ecology Conference which took place in Bengaluru, India, from 14–16 June. The symposium involved talks from a diversity of Indian landscapes including wet evergreen forests, forest-grassland mosaics and grasslands, followed by a panel discussion on the application of long-term ecology into ecosystem restoration. > More information 
c. There will be a hybrid workshop on “Synergy between palaeo-scientists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar and its surrounding islands” from 24–26 September in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Registration is open online . > Calendar  
d. There will also be a workshop on “Data-Driven Decisions - enhancing mountain ecosystem management through the integration of long-term data” taking place in Innsbruck, Austria, from 3–4 October. This workshop aims to provide a process-based understanding of mountain landscape development over time (past, present and future). The workshop will focus on the long-term impact of climatic factors and socioeconomic drivers on environmental indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Please express your interest in participating by registering here. > Calendar 

ii. Human Traces 

a. Human Traces will be hosting a workshop on "Paleoanthropocene transitions in Oceania" to be held at the University of Sydney, Australia, from 5–6 November. If you are working on Human Traces in Oceania or a related topic in this region and would like to attend this Human Traces workshop, as well as to enquire about support as an ECR or you are from a developing country, please register/ email Nathalie Dubois: > Calendar 
b. The group will be editing a special issue of the PAGES Magazine in Spring 2025 on the topic of “Early human traces: Landscape openness proxies across space and time.” If you’re working on a non-conventional proxy, archive or location, recording anthropogenic landscape opening, and are interested in contributing an article, please get in touch with Nathalie Dubois via email:
c. The recording of the last webinar on "Unravelling the effects of climate and human activity on soil evolution during the Holocene thanks to lake sediments" with Dr. William Rapuc, post-doctoral fellow at the University of Durham (UK) and EDYTEM laboratory (France), is available to watch on the Human Traces YouTube channel. > Watch the recording 

iii. The Marine Arctic Diatoms Working Group (MARDI

MARDI invites you to join the upcoming workshop on statistical relations between sedimentary diatom assemblages and environmental parameters which will take place from 23–25 October in Aarhus, Denmark. The aim of the workshop is to study patterns in a dataset of more than 1000 surface samples across the Arctic marine realm and link the diatom assemblages to modern observations of climate and environment. Financial support for attending the meeting is available but will be primarily allocated to early-career researchers and/or researchers from low- and middle-income countries. The deadline for registration is 15 August. Registration is online. > Calendar   

iv. Past Ocean Oxygenation (PO2)

The first PO2 workshop will take place from 11–13 November in Bristol, UK, in hybrid format. The topic is "Ice Sheets, Ocean Oxygenation, and the Carbon Cycle: Constraining Changes in Seawater Oxygenation during the Late Quaternary." The preliminary program, including invited speakers, is now available on the event website. The group anticipates some financial assistance will be available for registered early-career researchers (ECRs) who wish to apply. Please monitor the website and the mailing list for the application details. Sign up for the PO2 mailing list to receive all future updates. Registration will open soon. > Join the PO2 mailing list 

v. Planetary Boundaries Working Group

The members of the Planetary Boundaries Working Group submitted their position paper to Global Change Ecology. They met online on 11 June.  Dr Sabine Prader and Professor Alistair Seddon presented their research on the existing and innovative analytical approaches undertaken in testing shifting biome boundaries based on palaeoecological data. Prof. Ke Zhang and Dr Ondrej Mottl discussed their one-day PAGES Planetary Boundaries workshop associated with the PAGES OSM, in 2025 in Shanghai, China, focused on upscaling from case studies. We formally welcomed Dr Jemma Finch from the University of KwaZulu Natal as our new South African partner. She joins Prof Ke Zhang in leading a GRC Funded Pilot call for SDGs, which will be used to develop the methods for safe operating spaces, as applied to Chinese and South African case studies. We concluded the meeting by discussing the prospects of presenting the working group's progress at the South African conference, Fynbos Forum. The next meeting will be in September 2024. The goal of the meeting is to share updates, propose workshop activities, and plan the next steps.

9. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN

The ECN newsletter aims to highlight news especially relevant to ECRs. If you find other announcements that you believe should be shared with the ECN, please email the Steering Committee ( for inclusion in the monthly newsletter mailing list.

i. 3rd INQUA-PAGES Joint ECR Workshop
Registration is open for the the 3rd INQUA-PAGES Joint ECR Workshop on "Tropical hydroclimate variability in the Quaternary: Insights from proxies and models, and the way forward". The event will be taking place in Goa, India, from 3–7 November and aims to bring together early-career researchers investigating tropical climate hydrodynamics in the Quaternary based on proxy data and climate models, with the common goal of bridging the gap between these two components of research and fostering collaboration. The deadline for registration is 22 July. > Register 

ii. Call for Regional Representatives from Southeast Asia and Oceania
The ECN are inviting applications to be a PAGES ECN Regional Representative from Southeast Asia and Oceania. They seek independent and proactive early-career researchers (graduate students and scientists within ~5 years of obtaining their degree) from the currently lesser-represented regions, Southeast Asia and Oceania. The deadline to apply is 5 August. > Further information 

iii. Call for speakers of the new ECN webinar series
The PAGES ECN Regional Representatives invite you to join and/or speak at the upcoming webinar series "Expanding Our Knowledge in the Study of Global Changes." This series is specifically designed for students and early-career researchers in the study of climate and global changes from their different areas. They are looking for speakers to address a number of topics, including, but not limited to Integration of ethnobiological, anthropological, and paleoecological perspectives, Quaternary paleoecology and nature conservation, Conservation and restoration plans and policies, and much more. Read more about the webinar series and the topics in both English and Spanish here.  

10. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
> See PAGES former working groups

i. Climate Change & History Research Initiative (CCHRI

Abstracts from the 2024 colloquium "Resilience and sustainability: past trajectories, contemporary directions, policy relevance" which took place from 3–5 June in Princeton, can be accessed here. The meeting was a great success, with excellent presentations and discussion, and some valuable conclusions about building effective links between the worlds of scholarship and policy. The plan is to publish a volume of papers from the meeting that is planned to appear in both open access and print versions in 2025. Please get in touch with John Haldon via email: if you have any problem accessing the abstracts.

11. Future Earth 

i. Funding Opportunities with upcoming deadlines 
Inclusivity and Diversity Participation (ongoing deadline). This funding opportunity encourages members of the Future Earth networks to submit applications for support of travel, registration, and/or participation expenses.

ii. Apply to participate in the IPBES 11 Plenary
You are invited to apply to participate in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 11 Plenary which will take place in Windhoek, Namibia, from 10–16 December. Apply online before 30 September. > Apply

iii. Apply to be part of Future Earth's delegation at COP29
Future Earth will have a delegation at UNFCCC COP29 which will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11–22 November. If you would like to be a delegate, fill in the application form before 2 August. Please note that Future Earth does not cover travel and accommodation costs. At the moment, it is unclear how many spots there will be on the delegation. This means that final decisions about delegates will be taken later (September). > Apply 

iv. Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change (GIYSCC) 2024
The second Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change (GIYSCC) will be held on 9 August across three, 8-hour time zones, in 24 hours  (00:00 GMT – 24:00 GMT) on the United Nations International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. An emphasis of GIYSCC 2024 will be on Small Island Developing States (SIDS). > More information 

12. Other news & opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative 
Newsletter June 2024

ii. Rapid communication: Distribute paleoscience information across the next IPCC reports
Preprint available in Climate of the Past on "Rapid communication: Distribute paleoscience information across the next IPCC reports" by Kaufman D and Masson-Delmotte V. "Rather than reverting to a dedicated paleoclimate chapter, knowledge about pre-industrial climate should be further integrated with other lines of evidence throughout the 7th assessment reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change." PAGES encourages the paleoscience community to provide their comments and feedback. > Access the preprint  

iii. Call for Collaborative Open Research Data Infrastructure Projects
This call invites projects of up to two years to develop software and data infrastructure contributing to a collaborative open research data ecosystem in Switzerland. The SDSC will contribute in-kind expertise in ORD, research data management, software engineering, knowledge modeling, semantic technologies, and deployment and optimization of ML system implementation, including LLMs. Please note that (only) the main applicant must be affiliated with one of the recognized Swiss higher education research centers. > More information   

iv. The Karst Record: KR10
KR10 will be taking place from 24–28 March 2025 in Cape Town, South Africa. Abstract submission and registration for KR10 will open in August. Organizers have a diverse scientific programme with excellent keynote speakers and interesting workshops. There will be an optional pre-conference field trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Cradle of Humankind and optional mid-conferences excursions, including the West Coast Fossil Park and Constantia wineries. > More information  

v. 22nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting 
The Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2024 will be held at the University of Basel, Switzerland, from 8–9 November. In the afternoon on 8 November, a series of four Invited keynote lectures will be held on this year’s Plenary Session topic: “The Anthropocene - Past, Present and Future”. On 9 November, 24 scientific symposia will cover the diverse spectrum of current research in geosciences, encompassing the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the biosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere. In the morning, a workshop on «Decolonizing Geosciences» will be organised by GEODES Deadline for abstract submissions is 30 August. > Calendar 

vi. AGU24
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) will be taking place from 9–13 December in Washington, D.C, USA. Abstract submissions are now open and will close on 31 July. > More information  

PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 10 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |
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