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PAGES newsletter March 2022


1. OSM and YSM

2. Past Global Changes Magazine - changes to subscription policy  

3. Apply for PAGES support

4. Call for SSC applications

5. Working group news

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed, affiliated and former working groups' news

8. Recent publications

9. Future Earth

10. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

11. Other news and opportunities

1. OSM and YSM

The PAGES 6th Open Science Meeting will be taking place from 16-20 May online. The deadline for OSM fee waiver applications is 15 March and the deadline for registration is 9 May. The PAGES 4th Young Scientists Meeting will be taking place from 9-13 May online. > Website

2. Past Global Changes Magazine - changes to subscription policy 

PAGES is happy to be able to offer free online access to Past Global Changes Magazine, as well as free hard copies to all interested parties. As an organization focused on climate and environment, we are also interested in keeping the number of printed copies to a minimum. Therefore, in the future, we will allow anyone from the PAGES community the opportunity to order a hard copy of each issue at the time of publication, which will replace our current subscription policy. We sincerely hope that this does not cause any inconvenience.

The next issue of PAGES Magazine, "Using Paleoecology in Restoration Ecology", will be published in April 2022. If you are interested in receiving a hard copy, please enter your details here by 4 April:

3. Apply for PAGES support 

The next deadline for proposing a new PAGES working group, working group phase extensions, data steward scholarships (working groups only) for endorsement or affiliation of your external work group, or financial support for existing working group workshops or meetings is 31 March. > Apply here

4. Call for SSC applications

PAGES activities are overseen by its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The SSC represents a broad spectrum of disciplines and nationalities, and includes scientists at different career stages. PAGES holds an annual call for applications from scientists to serve on its SSC. The next deadline for application is 4 April (term starting January 2023). > Read more

5. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)

a. A new initiative at the New York Times, focusing on a long-term project on peatlands, has created a questionnaire published in the New York Times to capture everyone's stories. So far, over 100 responses have been received and there are already 3 publications in the New York Times thus far (and many more are expected throughout the year): 

Meet Peat: the unsung hero of carbon capture

What do the protectors of Congo peatlands get in return?

What can your community offer the world?

b. Gusti Anshari, Angela Gallego-Sala, and Julie Loisel were tasked with writing about peatlands in the second IPCC AR6 report. Their work can be found in Chapter 2: Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems and their Services: 1. Observed changes in peatlands (section; 2. Risks to peatland systems (section; and 3. Addressing vulnerability of peat swamp forests in South East Asia (section If you have questions or feedback, you can contact the C-PEAT leaders

iii. Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE)

Chadwick M, et al. have a preprint currently under review on "Compilation of Southern Ocean sea-ice records covering the last glacial-interglacial cycle (12–130 ka)" in Climate of the Past. See point 8 for more details. 

iv. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

a. Working with Hughes Goosse (UCLouvain), CVAS leaders are planning a joint CVAS-PAGES2k meeting on regional variability at the centennial timescale. The group would like to implement this as a summer meeting in person (maybe incl. hybrid). Please get in touch with the CVAS leaders if you are interested in helping with the physical and/or scientific organization. The group is still at the early stages and hasn't decided on a location.

b. The group is also planning a new CVAS seminar series, this time taking on he focus of the former Paleoclimate Reanalyses, Data Assimilation and Proxy System modeling (DAPS) working group. In this series, they hope to cover rather holistically all areas of proxy system modelling which have been developed up until now: ice cores, sedimentary archives, coral and tree rings, etc. If you want to help with the organization of the seminar, or have expertise in proxy system modelling and wish to contribute a discussion or talk, please get in touch with the group leaders.

v. Human Traces

The Human Traces monthly webinar series continues with the third webinar taking place on 16 March at 15:00 UTC. This webinar will host Dr. Jérémy Jacob, (LSCE,France) on "Human traces in sewers: taking the pulse of the city" > Calendar  

vi. Understanding past ecological trends (PaleoEcoGen

a. The recordings of the last two seminar series are available to watch online: "Spatial variability of Past Trajectories of alpine ecosystems" by Dr. Charline Giguet-Covex (EDYTEM, France) and "Detecting critical transitions and signals of changing resilience from paleo-ecological records: a multivariate approach" by Dr. Zofia Taranu (Aquatic Contaminants Research Division, Environment & Climate Change, Canada). > Watch

b. The seminar series continues on 24 March at 15:00 UTC "Detecting change in palaeoecological time series, old and new" by Dr. Gavin Simpson (Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark). > Calendar

vii. Paleo constraints on sea level rise (PALSEA)

a. A new paper by Walker JS et al. on “Timing of emergence of modern rates of sea-level rise by 1863” has been published in Nature Communications. See point 8 for more details. 

b. The next PAGES-supported workshop will take place in Singapore from 17-20 July with the title "Palaeo sea level and ice sheets for Earth's future". > Calendar 

c. The group has announced that they will be resuming their webinar series on sea-level changes, GIA and ice sheets. The next seminar will be on 12 or 13 April at 19:00 UTC with Nick Golledge on "Climate forced changes of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Evidence, inference, and speculation." Details will be made available as soon as possible. > Calendar

viii. Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioMioVAR

The 10th Galileo Conference: The warm Pliocene: Bridging the geological data and modelling communities by the PlioMioVAR working group will take place in Leeds, UK, from 23-26 August. This Galileo conference aims to bring together the modelling and the data community, building on past successes to help define the direction of Pliocene research globally. Abstract submission deadline is 12 May. Deadline for ECS requesting financial support (funded by PAGES) is 25 March. > Calendar

ix. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

Organizers of the PAGES-supported "Climate Change, The Karst Record (KR9 Conference)" conference taking place in Innsbruck, Austria, from 17-20 July have announced a deadline extension. Deadline for submissions for financial support is now 27 March, early-bird registration is 10 April, and abstract submissions is 1 May. > Calendar

x. PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS)

The QUIGS working group will be hosting a workshop entitled “Interglacials of the 41kyr-world and the Middle Pleistocene Transition” from 19-21 September in New York, USÃ (both in-person and remote participation). There will be a limited amount of space available for the workshop. The group particularly welcomes applications from early-career researchers and from those based in developing economies working on relevant topics (partial financial support will be provided, subject to availability). Expressions of interest should be sent to (Baerbel Hoenisch), (Jerry McManus) and (Chronis Tzedakis) by 29 April. > Calendar

xi. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL)

Treble PC et al. have written a paper on, "Ubiquitous karst hydrological control on speleothem oxygen isotope variability in a global study" in Nature Communications. See point 8 for more details.

xii. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS)

Stoffel M et al. currently have a revised preprint under review in Climate of the Past titled "Climatic, weather and socio-economic conditions corresponding with the mid-17th century eruption cluster". See point 8 for more details. 

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

i. A new community-driven ECR project (and product of joint PAGES-INQUA early-career workshop) on synthesizing human-climate-environment interactions has been launched. The project is entitled "The whole is not the sum of the parts: building a synthesis database of past human-environmental systems in the Global South (pSESYNTH)" and aims to test a key hypothesis i.e. whether or not cultural ‘stress’ of ecosystems is widespread across the Global South during the Holocene. Visit the website for more information and to sign up.

ii. If you have any ideas for a webinar and want to organize it for PAGES ECN, please reach out to the webinar cluster.  

iii. The PAGES ECN have created a Jobs, Funding, and Listserv guide for early-career researchers looking for jobs or funding opportunities. This document gives an overview and notes on how to look for resources. The document is open for viewing and is always linked at the bottom of PAGES ECN monthly newsletter. Please send an email to if you have further suggestions that may be added. > Access Guide

iv. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

> See PAGES former working groups

i. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS)

The 14th seminar in the series was held on 17 February with Thomas Bauska (British Antarctic Survey) on "Where did you come from, where did you go? Tracking ancient CO2 sources and sinks with carbon isotopes" and Florian Krauss (University of Bern) on "Continuous Sublimation Extraction/Laser Spectroscopy - a novel method for greenhouse gas measurements in the oldest ice". The recordings are now available to watch on the ICYS page. > Watch

ii. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS

The PAGES-supported 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference on "Ice Core Science at the three Poles" will be taking place from 2-7 October in Crans Montana, Switzerland. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April. > Calendar

iii. LandCover6k 

a. A new paper by Strandberg G et al. entitled, "Mid-Holocene European climate revisited: New high-resolution regional climate model simulations using pollen-based land-cover" has been published in Quaternary Science Reviews. See point 8 for more details.

b. Githumbi E et al. have published "Pollen-Based Maps of Past Regional Vegetation Cover in Europe Over 12 Millennia—Evaluation and Potential' in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. See point 8 for more details.

iv. Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3

a. The seminar on "The OC3 deglacial stable isotope data base: Features and tools" hosted Juan Muglia is available to watch. > Watch recording

b. The next seminar will be taking place on 5 April at 15:00 UTC on "Insights into deglacial AMOC changes - a summary of the PAGES OC3 stable isotope compilation data from the North Atlantic" with Janne Repschläger. Register by 3 April via the online webform available on the calendar entry. > Calendar

v. Varves Working Group

a. The Varves Working Group (VWG) seminar with Dr. Patricia Roeser on "Calcite varves: lesson from lake monitoring" initially planned to take place on 24 February was cancelled. New dates will be announced shortly. > Calendar 

b. The next seminar in the series will be on 16 March at 15:00 UTC with Amy Walsh on "Cryptotephra investigation in varved sedients: the challenges of high resolution." The link for meetings will be given 24 hours before via the VWG mailing list. Please subscribe to the mailing list to receive the link. > Calendar

Suggestions for future presentations on Varve research are more than welcome. Please contact (Adrian Palmer )or (Celia Martin Puertas).

c. Recordings of past seminars are available to watch on the PAGES-VWG YouTube playlist. > Watch

8. Recent publications


Conducted as part of Phase 1 of the C-SIDE working group, and supported by a PAGES Data Stewardship Scholarship, Chadwick M et al. have submitted a paper entitled "Compilation of Southern Ocean sea-ice records covering the last glacial-interglacial cycle (12–130 ka)" in Climate of the Past . The authors present published "qualitative and quantitative estimates of G-IG sea ice from twenty four marine sediment cores, and an Antarctic ice core" and argue that "the differing sensitivities of sea ice to climatic shifts between different regions of the Southern Ocean has important implications for the spatial pattern of nutrient supply and primary productivity, which subsequently impact carbon uptake and atmospheric CO2 concentrations changes across a G-IG cycle." > Article

ii. LandCover6k (former working group)

a. Strandberg G et al. have published a paper entitled "Mid-Holocene European climate revisited: New high-resolution regional climate model simulations using pollen-based land-cover" in Quaternary Science Reviews. The study investigates climate and vegetation 6000 years ago using "one global climate model, two regional climate models, one dynamical vegetation model, pollen-based reconstruction of past vegetation cover using a model of the pollen-vegetation relationship and a statistical model for spatial interpolation of the reconstructed land cover." The authors findings suggest that the anthropogenic land-cover changes, as given by the reconstructed vegetation, are large enough to have a significant impact on climate, and that their results suggest "that anthropogenic land-cover changes at 6 ka lead to around 0.5 °C warmer in southern Europe in summer due to biogeophysical forcing." > Article 

b. Githumbi E et al. have published "Pollen-Based Maps of Past Regional Vegetation Cover in Europe Over 12 Millennia—Evaluation and Potential' in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. The authors present the first continuous time series of spatially complete maps of past plant cover across Europe during the Holocene and argue "from the maps we observe the broad change in the land-cover of Europe from dominance of naturally open land and persisting remnants of continental ice in the Early Holocene to a high fraction of forest cover in the Mid Holocene, and anthropogenic deforestation in the Late Holocene. The temporal and spatial continuity is relevant for land-use, land-cover, and climate research." > Article


Walker JS et al. have published a paper in Nature Communications on “Timing of emergence of modern rates of sea-level rise by 1863”. The authors state that while “sea-level rise is a significant indicator of broader climate changes, and the time of emergence concept can be used to identify when modern rates of sea-level rise emerged above background variability” there persists a range of estimates of the timing both globally and regionally.  In their paper, using a global database of proxy sea-level records of the Common Era, they argue that regional and local sea-level changes occurring over different time periods drive the spatial pattern in emergence, suggesting regional processes underlie centennial-timescale sea-level variability over the Common Era. > Article


Treble PC et al. have written a paper on "Ubiquitous karst hydrological control on speleothem oxygen isotope variability in a global study" in Nature Communications. This paper presents findings from a case study of four new stalagmite records in the Golgotha Cave, southwest Australia. > Article 


Currently under review for Climate of the Past, Stoffel M et al. investigate the sources of the eruptions of the 1630s and 1640s and their possible impact on contemporary climate using ice-core, tree-ring and historical evidence. In their paper "Climatic, weather and socio-economic conditions corresponding with the mid-17th century eruption cluster" they also addresses the socio-political context in which these eruptions occurred, and the human responses they may have triggered. The authors argue that "this example shows that the impacts of past volcanism must always be studied within the contemporary socio-economic contexts, but that it is also time to move past reductive framings and sometimes reactionary oppositional stances in which climate (and environment more broadly) either is or is not deemed an important contributor to major historical events." > Article

9. Future Earth

i. Read the Future Earth February Newsletter

ii. The 2022 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2022) aims to unite global leaders, experts, industry, practitioners, and innovators to inspire action and promote transformation in sustainability. This year's SRI will be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 20-24 June 2022 both onsite and online. Early bird registration is now open and closes on. > Register 

iii. The World Biodiversity Forum 2022 will take place at Davos Congress Centre, Switzerland, from 26 June - 1 July. Registration is open. > More information

iv. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the February Newsletter

10. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. The call for papers and registration is now open for the "WCRP Sea Level Conference: Advancing Science, Connecting Society". Deadline for abstract submission is 15 March. > Calendar

ii. WCRP is seeking input to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP): "CMIP Community next steps survey" with a deadline of 14 March. Specifically, they are hoping to gather views on the positive aspects and challenges faced in CMIP6, and how future phases of CMIP could be structured and delivered. > Survey 

iii. The WCRP Open Science Conference 2023, tentatively scheduled for March 2023, will bring together diverse research communities, programs and partners to discuss the latest developments in climate science, with an emphasis on science-based information for decision making. The Conference will also celebrate the achievements of WCRP's Grand Challenges which will close at the end of 2022. > Register your interest 

iv. Access the WCRP Insights: March 2022

11. Other news and opportunities

i. As part of the capacity-building work of the IPBES task force on scenarios and models, aimed at improving the uptake and use of scenarios and models by a broad range of policymakers and stakeholders, there will be an online webinar on the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison (BES-SIM) on 8 April at 11:00 UTC. > Calendar  

ii. The PAGES-supported "European Pollen Database Open Science Meeting" will be taking place from 1-3 June. The aim is to maintain and foster the community of palaeoecologists using the EPD and Neotoma for data storage and analysis. The idea is to bring together palynologists and researchers using different proxies that may be archived in Neotoma (macrofossils, sedaDNA, charcoal, geochemistry, isotopes). Registration is currently open and will close on 1 May. > Calendar

iii. The PAGES-supported workshop “A synthesis of Cenozoic paleoceanographic proxies for seawater oxygenation” will take place on 3 September in Bergen, Norway, and is intended for those working on the development and calibration of seawater oxygen proxies. The workshop goal is to facilitate a conversation around, and generate a review of Cenozoic paleoceanographic proxies for assessing seawater oxygen concentrations (qualitative and quantitative), with in-depth discussion of potential restrictions, issues, and specific regional applications. The meeting will initiate and/or develop the writing of a planned synthesis paper through a series of break-out sessions and will also involve time to discuss key global perspectives and the potential coordination for an application for a PAGES working group. Registration is open and closes on 1 May. Limited to 30 participants. > Calendar 

iv. The PAGES-supported meeting "Synergy between palaeo-scientists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar and its surrounding islands", in cooperation with the DiverseK working group, will be held in two phases over the year. The first phase is a virtual workshop which will take place from 23-24 March. The second phase will be held on-site in Madagascar for two days in October/November 2022- January 2023. Registration is now open. > Calendar

v. The PAGES-supported International Association of Limnogeology-International Paleolimnology Association (IAL-IPA) congress will be held 27 November - 1 December in Bariloche, Argentina. Early registration deadline is 17 June. > Calendar

Conference organizers are inviting all paleolimnology and limnogeology early-career researchers to attend a pre IAL-IPA virtual meeting from 27-29 April. > Pre-register

vi. IPCC opens registration for the Government and Expert review of the Draft of Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report. If you are an interested expert, you can register for participation in the review. The Government and Expert Review of the Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report will take place from 10 January to 20 March, 23:59 (GMT+1). Registration of experts closes on 13 March, one week before the end of the review. > Register

vii. The XXI INQUA Congress of the International union for Quaternary Research "Time for Change" will take place from 13-20 July 2023 in Rome, Italy. The deadline session proposals is 31 March. Abstract submissions open on 30 April. > Calendar

viii.The European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly will take place from 23-27 May in Vienna, Austria. The deadline for early on-site and virtual registration is 31 March. > Register

ix. The 21st International Sedimentological Congress will take place in Beijing (and online) 22-26 August. Several sessions may be of interest to PAGES members. Abstract submissions close 4 April; early-bird registration closes 1 May. > More information


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |

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