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In the June edition of the PAGES newsletter, there are some very big thank yous in order for the Open Science Meeting and Young Scientists Meeting which took place online last month. In addition, we are thrilled to announce that Past Global Changes Horizons magazine will be published next week on 22 June, and you can order a free hard copy of the magazine. We also have an important deadline to remind you about, for applications for both the PAGES-IAI fellowship program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists, and the Inter-Africa mobility program apply by 19 August. And, of course, we have lots of news from our working groups and the PAGES Early-Career Network!


1. 6th PAGES Open Science Meeting and 4th Young Scientists Meeting

2. Past Global Changes Horizons magazine

3. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists

4. PAGES Annual SSC/EXCOM Meeting 2022

5. Working group news

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed, affiliated and former working groups' news

8. Future Earth

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

10. Other news and opportunities

1. 6th PAGES open Science Meeting and 4th Young Scientists Meeting

It's a wrap! PAGES would like to thank everyone who attended the 6th OSM (16-20 May) and 4th YSM (9-13 May) online. We hope that, despite both events being virtual, everyone had a productive and successful experience. We would also like to say a very special thank you to the Local Organizing Committee for all their hard work, and for mastering the challenges of an online event with such bravura. To everyone else involved in the events in any way, we thank you so much for everything, and for your (continued) support. 

2. Past Global Changes Horizons magazine

PAGES will be publishing its new, annual Past Global Changes Horizons magazine aimed at teenagers and young adults on 22 June. This magazine is a scientific review of why the study of Earth’s history is important, and uses comics, pictures, and drawings that support short papers with strong messages about past sciences and how to prepare for a changing future. Articles cover different environments across the planet. If you are interested in ordering a hard copy of the magazine for free, please complete the webform form by Thursday, 30 June. > Order hard copy

3. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists

The call for applications for both the PAGES-IAI fellowship program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and the Inter-Africa mobility program aimed at African early-career scientists is open. The deadline for applications is 19 August. > More information 

4. PAGES Annual SSC/EXCOM Meeting 2022

PAGES' activities are overseen by an international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), where new applications are considered, working group activities are reviewed, new and old initiatives are discussed, and much more. The SSC meets once a year. In 2020 and 2021 the meeting was online. In 2022 we were thrilled to be able to welcome some members of the SSC to Bern, Switzerland, in hybrid format. We thank all the SSC members that attended both in-person and online, and for all your hard work and dedication to the PAGES project. Minutes of the meetings will be made available on the website. > View past meeting minutes

5. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. 2K Network


a. The CoralHydro2k Seawater δ18Osw Database Project is accepting data submissions as they continue populating the new database. "All δ18Osw observations are welcomed (published and unpublished), regardless of the depth or location where the water samples were collected. We strongly encourage submissions with detailed metadata (analytical precision, standards and instrument used, etc.) as part of our commitment to generating a FAIR-aligned database.” Researchers can submit their data via the Qualtrics survey, where there is a YouTube video with instructions on how to submit the data. > Qualtrics Survey 

b. DeLong KL, et al. have published a paper on the CoralHydro2k Seawater δ18Osw Database Project with the title “Clues from the Sea Paint a Picture of Earth’s Water Cycle” in Eos. The authors argue that "New instrumentation and growing modeling needs in the Earth sciences are driving a renewed effort to compile and curate seawater oxygen isotope data in a centralized, accessible database" and have written the following paper to explain how the CoralHydro2k project of the 2k Network is aiding this effort. > Article 

iii. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)

a. The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) will hold its annual conference from 12-16 September. There will be talks and posters; the group welcomes peat talks. The abstract deadline is 30 June. The theme this year is quite broad; anything related to C-PEAT (modern and ancient, including deep time) would make for a good contribution. Themed sessions will group talks with similar topics. > Calendar  

b. Applications for microgrants for Early Career Researchers are now open. Thanks to all proceeds from the 2022 #PeatCalendar, and donations from peaty friends. > Apply 

c. Get ready to submit photos for the 2023 #PeatCalendar edition. The group will be sending out an official call for photos soon, so keep this in mind while in the field and remember to take lots of photos. > Join the mailing list 

iv. Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE)

The group is preparing the Climate of the Past special issue "Reconstructing Southern Ocean sea-ice dynamics on glacial-to-historical timescales". The special issue editors are Karen Kohfeld, Xavier Crosta, Alice Marzocchi, Juliane Müller, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Laurie Menviel and Bjørg Risebrobakken. Submission deadline is 31 December 2022. > Access the special issue  

v. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

a. CVAS leaders are planning a joint CVAS-PAGES2k meeting on regional variability at the centennial timescale. The group would like to implement this as a summer meeting in person (maybe incl. hybrid). Please get in touch with the CVAS leaders if you are interested in helping with the physical and/or scientific organization. > Contact leaders  

b. The group is also planning a new CVAS seminar series, with a focus of the former Paleoclimate Reanalyses, Data Assimilation and Proxy System modeling (DAPS) working group. In this series, they hope to cover all areas of proxy system modeling which have been developed up until now. If you want to help with the organization of the seminar, or have expertise in proxy system modeling and wish to contribute a discussion or talk, please get in touch with the group leaders. > Contact leaders 

vi. Floods Working Group (FWG)

The Group announces with profound sadness the loss of one of our founding members, Bruno Wilhem, in April 2022. Those that have been engaged in the FWG since the beginning will recognize his enthusiasm and energy for expanding paleohydrology science, pushing collaborative projects, the flood metadata base and who-is-who, and articles that became an important reference in our field. Bruno organized the "Grenoble workshop" in 2016, which constituted an important milestone at the beginning of our group and we all have excellent memories of his hospitality. Bruno had a brilliant scientific career, being recognized as a specialist on the analyses of lakes sediments to unraveling past flood activity, and its relation with past climate and environmental changes. Recently, in collaboration with other colleagues, he published an important research piece showing how past and recent flood hazard in the European Alps changed during warmer climate periods (Wilhelm et al., 2022. Nat. Geosci. 15, 118–123). Bruno leaves a huge void in our community, but he will be an inspiration to all of us who were lucky enough to know him.

vii. Human Traces

a. The group would like to invite those interested to submit an abstract to their session “Human Traces in the aquatic sedimentary record” at the IAL IPA joint meeting 2022, in Bariloche (Argentina), from 27 November to 1 December. Early bird registration will end on 17 June and the deadline for abstract submission is 22 July. > Registration and abstract submission 

b. The group would also like to inform those interested that they will be holding their first in person workshop right before or right after the IAL IPA joint meeting 2022, in Bariloche (Argentina). More information will be communicated soon. 

viii. Paleo constraints on sea level rise (PALSEA)

"It is with sadness that the group announces the death of Prof Michael J. Tooley (Durham University 1969-1995; subsequently University of St Andrews and Prof Emeritus Kingston University) after a period of illness. Michael’s Quaternary environmental change research particularly focused on sea level and coastal changes.  He was a key member of the IGCP 61/200 communities. Michael’s influential work “Sea-level changes: North West England during the Flandrian stage” highlighted the importance of detailed litho- and bio-stratigraphy to understand the pattern and processes driving regional palaeo sea-level change.  In 1992 Michael co-edited, with Saskia Jelgersma, a volume on the “Impacts of sea-level rise on European coastal lowlands” highlighting the profound effect sea-level rise will have on coastal populations.  Michael served as Secretary, Vice President and then President of the INQUA Shorelines Commission from 1991 to 1999. Michael will be buried alongside family in County Durham, UK.  Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family and colleagues."

viii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)

a. The recording of the second seminar in the series by Dr. Nicholas Pyenson on "The origins and fates of ocean giants: From digital ichthyosaurs to spying on whales” is available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

b. There will be no talks during the month of July, but the working group will be continuing with their seminar series from August 2022. For details on all scheduled upcoming talks, visit the Q-MARE seminar series page. > Seminar series 

ix. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL)

a. The recording of the seminar “Exploring trace (and minor...) elements in speleothems palaeo-environmental reconstruction” with Dr. Chris Day (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford) is available to watch online, including a pdf of the Q&A session. > Calendar 

b. The next SISAL seminar will be taking place on 27 June at 07:00 UTC with Prof. Heather Stoll on "Can we separate the non-PCP component of variation in speleothem d13C?" > Calendar 

c. The group is looking for participants in a global collaborative project to examine spatial and temporal coverage of terrestrial paleoclimate records that are available in the most frequently-used databases and repositories. They envisage that the project will result in one or more short publications lead by Early Career Researchers (ECRs) working on different regions, and will be accompanied by a summary article. They are seeking participants from all over the world, to ensure they make use of the extensive region-specific knowledge of PAGES ECRs. If you would like to be involved, please respond directly in the PAGES ECN Science Slack channel, or write to (pages[dot]data[dot]project[at]gmail[dot]com).

d. SISAL members conducted successful sessions at the EGU General Assembly and the PAGES OSM. The EGU session included 26 presentations on subjects ranging from speleothem geochemistry to data-model comparisons using the SISAL database and was attended by 60+ people in person and online. The PAGES OSM session had 10 contributions including new speleothem records and methodological advances.

e. After a successful PAGES Open Science Meeting session, Yassine Ait Brahim and Andrea Columbu will be organizing a special issue to be published in Quaternary Research on "New developments in speleothem paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental science". For more information and details on submitting an abstract, contact Yassine: (Yassine[dot]AITBRAHIM[at]um6p[dot]ma) and/or Andrea: (andrea[dot]columbu[at]unipr[dot]it)

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

i. The North American (NA) PAGES ECN Regional Representatives are pleased to announce the sixth event in the "Show and Tell" series on 15 July at 17:00 UTC. Stella Mosher and Nathan Chellman will present their work reconstructing fire history from lake sediments using black carbon. > Calendar  

ii. Over the past four years, the PAGES ECN has been growing and adding new activities and products. One of them is the Science cluster, which was launched with the aim to build a big multidisciplinary network for scientific collaboration. This cluster is intended to provide a platform for ECRs to meet and discuss potential synergies and collaborations, in particular with respect to writing collaborative papers, applying for joint project funding, or even thinking about starting a new PAGES Working Group. It has been a while since the cluster was officially launched and after many challenges, the group is ready to welcome more members aboard. > More information 

iii. PAGES ECN Twitter spotlight: If you’re on Twitter then you may have already seen the ECR spotlight campaign where the group highlights one of their ECRs and their work. The aim of this is to give ECRs that little bit of extra promotion that they all deserve. If you would like to be highlighted in the near future, the ECN would love to hear from you. Just send an email ( pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com) (or DM them on Twitter) to let them know who you are and what you’re working on. 

iv. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

See PAGES former working groups

i. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS)

The recordings of the 16th seminar in the series with Margit Schwikowski (Paul Scherrer Institute) on

“Environmental changes from glacier ice cores and the ICE MEMORY initiative” and Carla Huber (Paul Scherrer Institute) on “Recent accelerated melting endangers high-mountain glacier archives” are now available to view. The group will decide in the coming months if the seminar series will be continued from October 2022. > Watch 

ii. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP

The ocean drilling program in the U.S. stands at a critical junction and needs support from the U.S. and international community. Not only does the drilling program need to be renewed in the United States, but the D/V JOIDES Resolution is reaching the end of its utility, requiring a new vessel. It is not clear that either of these steps will be approved by the U.S. National Science Foundation, and their decisions will have major implications on the global science community, including—but certainly not limited to—paleoceanography and paleoclimatology. Leaders from the U.S. oceanographic institutions have come together in the Scientific Ocean Drilling Alliance (US-SODA) to express their strongest support for continued funding, and they invite you to sign their petition to show your support: > Sign petition  

iii. Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3)

The next OC3 webinar will be taking place on 21 June at 15:00 UTC with Madison Shankle (PhD candidate at the University of St Andrews) on “Pliocene decoupling of equatorial Pacific temperature and pH gradients”. > Calendar 

8. Future Earth

i. Read the Future Earth May newsletter

ii. SRI2022 Program Announced

The 2022 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2022), the second edition of the world’s largest transdisciplinary Congress in sustainability, will be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 20-24 June 2022 both onsite and online. The Congress will feature workshops, innovation demonstrations, networking and special events, plenaries, an idea market, and much more. There is also still time to register for the congress. > More information 

iii. The Innovate4Cities Report has been released, with contributions by Future Earth. 

The report "reflects the research, policy, public discussions, recommendations, and research gaps in work on cities that were discussed at the conference. They also further built on the former Global Research and Action Agenda for Cities and Climate Change Science (GRAA), drawing on hundreds of presentations and discussions at the Innovate4Cities 2021 Conference that have relevance across disciplines. The Future Earth community also helped shape the Innovate4Cities conference that took place on 11-15 October 2021, on which this report is based". > Read more.

iv. The Surface Ocean–Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), an international and interdisciplinary research project on biogeochemical-physical air-sea interactions and processes will hold its 8th SOLAS Open Science Conference on 25-29 September 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa (hybrid format). Abstract submission and travel support application extended to 20 June. Early bird registration deadline is 31 July. The deadline for for Early Career Scientist Day (ECSD) application is 25 July. > More information on SOLAS 

v. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the May Newsletter

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. The WCRP Open Science Conference will be taking place from 23-27 October 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda in Hybrid format. > Register interest for more information 

10. Other news and opportunities

i. The PAGES supported IAL-IPA joint meeting, “Lakes as Memories of the Territory” will be taking place in Argentina from 27 November - 01 December 2022. Deadline for early registration and abstracts is 17 June. For more information on sessions, social program and scientific program download the second circular. > Calendar 

ii. The PAGES-supported 14th International Conference on Palaeoceanography (ICP14) registration for both online and onsite participants will remain open until the meetings starts. Currently, there are more than 500 participants. The organizers would like to announce that the program has been updated and there is a wealth of new information available for those interested in attending the meeting, including information on posters, ePosters, Student poster awards, pre- and post-conference workshops, bids for IPC15 and more. > Calendar 

iii. C4: Climate Change and Carbon Cycle - Global Change from the Deep-past to the Anthropocene

The PAGES-supported workshop will be taking place from 22-24 June in Pisa, Italy. > Calendar 

iv. The PAGES-supported workshop “Boron-CO2 workshop: testing and extending the limits of the foraminiferal boron proxy for seawater pH and atmospheric CO2 reconstructions” will be taking place in Bergen, Norway and online, on 4 September. The number of participants is limited to 30, and there is some funding available for ECR participants. Deadline for registration is 20 June. > Calendar   

v. The Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS) will be taking place from 19-23 September in Lima, Peru with virtual options. The meeting aims to bring together PhD students, early career scientists and world experts to understand, review, and synthesize what is known about dynamics, sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems and their living resources to climate variability, change and extreme events. Registration is now open and closes on 15 August. > Calendar 

vi. The 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting will be taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland from 18-20 November. The Faculty of Geosciences and Environment of the University of Lausanne, the Musée Cantonal de Géologie and the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) cordially invite you to participate in this event. Abstract submissions are open and will close on 31 August. > Calendar

vii. The 42nd Conference for the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) will be held in Glasgow from 2-4 December with the theme “The environmental archaeology of landscapes and land-use”. The deadline for oral abstracts is 29 July. > Calendar 

viii. The Virtual International Sclerochronology Conference (vISC2022) will be taking place online from 13-15 September 2022. Abstract deadline is 15 July, and the deadline for registration for all attendees is 15 August. > More information 

ix. The second online CUNY (City University of New York) Human Ecodynamics Centre online workshop, titled Past Serving the Future took place on 12-13 May 2022. Multiple participants related efforts to bring a productive paleo-perspective to modern efforts to move toward sustainability.  There were a number of talks illustrating recent progress in linking archaeology, paleoecology, maritime historical ecology and modern marine resource management. The program and recordings of the Zoom talks are available on the NABO (North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation) website. > Watch recordings 


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |

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