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Seasons greetings from the PAGES International Project Office! As we slowly start to wind down in 2022, you can find more information on what the working groups have been up to in this last newsletter for the year. The PAGES IPO is also planning a symposium in June next year, as well as convening a poster cluster at the WCRP Open Science Conference 2023. In addition, you can find more information on the 2k Network/ CVAS Topical Science Meeting which will be held in 2023, and a welcome to the many new regional representatives of the  PAGES early-career network.  


  1. Save the date for a PAGES Symposium
  2. Call for SSC nominations
  3. Call for Horizons contributions
  4. PAGES poster cluster at WCRP OSC 2023
  5. Working group news
  6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  7. Future Earth
  8. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
  9. Other news and opportunities

1. Save the date for a PAGES Symposium

During the annual Scientific Steering Committee (SSC)  meeting which will be taking place in Bern in 2023, PAGES will be hosting a one-day symposium on 1 June 2023 on PAGES working group activities. Participation will be free, but registration will be compulsory for planning and logistics. Further details will be announced in next month's newsletter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the IPO via email: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

2. Call for SSC nominations open

PAGES would like to remind you that that the call for applications from scientists to serve on the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for the term starting January 2024 is open until 5 April 2023. > SSC membership applications

3.  Call for Horizons contributions

You may or may not know about Horizons magazine published by PAGES: Past Global Changes Horizons: Picture the past. Change the future. This magazine is becoming a popular science magazine, aimed primarily at the younger generation, budding scientists, and all those enthusiasts, both young and old, who are interested in, or want to learn more about, the science of the past. The call for contributions to the next Horizons issue, to be published in September/October 2023 is open, and closes on 31 January 2023. > More information

4. PAGES poster cluster at WCRP OSC 2023

Session titles and descriptions for the WCRP Open Science Conference 2023: Bridging Climate Science and Society, which will take place from 23-27 October 2023 in Rwanda, are now available. Abstract submissions opened on 01 December 2022. PAGES Executive Director, Marie-France Loutre, will be convening a poster cluster on behalf of PAGES; PC04: What was the climate like in the past? What does this tell us about the future? PAGES invites all interested parties to submit an abstract by 28 February 2023. > More information

5. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. 2k Network

a. The group has published the second circular for 2022. In the circular, they detail their plans to address the objectives for the fourth phase of the working group. In addition, they discuss how the group will be jointly organizing a PAGES-funded Topical Science Meeting ‘Centennial climate variability at regional scale in models and reconstructions’ with the Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format based at Potsdam, Germany, from 8-10 March 2023. The group would like to let you know that the call is still open for those who wish to attend or show interest in attending and will close at the end of December. Details on the joint objective of this TSM can be found in the circular as well as on the calendar entry. > Calendar

b. The above-mentioned TSM will also include “a two-day workshop specifically for the 2k Network, the aim of which will be to build on previous work to finalize a definition of what a new hydroclimate database/reconstruction should look like, as well as a framework for database construction and use, timelines and responsibilities. This meeting will be held in the same location as the TSM on the 6-7th March 2023”. > Calendar

iii. Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Societies (CRIAS)

"Historical climatology is an interdisciplinary field of research encompassing the reconstruction of past climate and weather from written sources and artifacts, as well the application of climate reconstructions to the study of human history. Historical climatology has grown in recent years, and this growth has brought both insights and challenges." In this paper published in WIREs Climate Change, White et al. have provided a review of the recent research in historical climatology on "New perspectives on historical climatology". > Article

iv. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

a. The online seminar series on “Proxy System Modelling” continues, taking place (mainly) on Tuesdays. The next seminar will be in 2023, covering the proxies C14, Sediments and bioturbation with speakers Bryan Lougheed (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Andrew Dolman (AWI, Germany) on 10 January at 14:00 UTC. > Calendar

b. The group will be jointly organizing a PAGES-funded Topical Science Meeting ‘Centennial climate variability at regional scale in models and reconstructions’ with the 2k Network working group. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format based at Potsdam, Germany, from 8-10 March 2023. The group would like to let you know that the call is still open for those who wish to attend or show interest in attending and will close at the end of December. Details on the joint objective of this TSM can be found in the calendar entry. > Calendar

v. Understanding past ecological trends (PaleoEcoGen)

PaleoEcoGen, in collaboration with the SedaDNA society, will host the first SedaDNA meeting in Potsdam, Germany from 6 - 9 June 2023. Many experts in the field of sedimentary ancient DNA will present their research on various ecosystems, including freshwater and marine sediments, as well as other paleoenvironments like caves and ice cores. In parallel to the main event, the group is organising workshops on various topics that will be especially interesting to ECRs and other researchers interested in sedaDNA research.  Sign up to the mailing list for updates and more information on how to register to the Symposium and workshop(s). More information to follow in 2023. > Calendar

vi. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)

a. The recording of the last seminar held on 7 December with Rowan Lockwood on "Bay of the Living Dead: Conservation Paleobiology of Chesapeake Bay Oysters" is available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch

b. The next webinar in the series will take place on 4 January 2023 at 15:00 UTC with Dylan Davis on "Archaeology of sustainability: lessons about coastal land-use strategies from SW Madagascar". > Calendar

c. The next workshop on "Pre-industrial humans, climates and marine ecosystems in education and research" will take place online from 23-37 January 2023. Registration is free and currently open. The deadline for registration is 20 January 2023. > Calendar

d. Q-MARE is organising a workshop on "Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns" in Sesimbra, Portugal, from 22-25 May 2023. This workshop will form part of the Symposium on Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity co-organized by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the COST-Action SEA-UNICORN. There are funds available for early-career researchers to travel to participate. The deadline for application is 31 January 2023. More information and details are available in the calendar entry:

vii. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

SISAL steering committee member, Yassine Ait Brahim, and regional coordinator, Andrea Columbu will be organizing a special issue to be published in Quaternary Research on "New developments in speleothem paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental science". The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2022. For more information contact Yassine: (yassine[dot]aitbrahim[at]um6p[dot]ma) and/or Andrea: (andrea[dot]columbu[at]unipr[dot]it). > More information

6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

i. With the change in steering committee members, many of the previous webinar organizers will be leaving, and the group would like to encourage anyone interested to get involved and contact the webinar cluster with ideas: (webinar[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com).

ii. The most recent PAGES ECN webinar recording with Irka Hajdas (ETH Zurich, UMCS) on "14C Laboratories and what they can do for ECRs" is now available on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch

iii. The next PAGES ECN North America presents: “Research Show and Tell” event will feature Cecilia Cordero Oviedo and her work on pollen and non-biological proxies in the Canadian wetlands. The event is scheduled for 17 January 2023 at 17:00 UTC. Please see the announcement on the PAGES ECN mailing list for the Zoom link to the event. > Join mailing list

iv. Welcome to new PAGES Early-Career Network Regional Representatives (RRs) who have joined at the end of 2022. > View list of new RRs

v. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list.

7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

> See PAGES former working groups

i. DEEPICE - Research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics

The third DEEPICE newsletter has been published with news on upcoming events, and a roundup of recent activities, including the 2nd Training school on statistics and modelling, the IPICS 2022 Conference and the 2nd annual meeting. In addition, readers can find all updates on the DEEPICE PhD projects. > Access newsletter


8. Future Earth

i. Read the November newsletter

ii. Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress - SRI2023

a. You still have one week to submit your proposal to the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI2023). The world's largest gathering for the global sustainability community is happening in Panama and online 26-30 June 2023. SRI invites contributions in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese and Portuguese from sustainability professionals in academia, industry, government, and civil society. Interested in showcasing your work to a global audience? > Submit a proposal

b. As part of the above call, the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research will provide scholarships for in-person or virtual participation at the SRI. If your proposal is accepted, you may apply for a scholarship of up to $1000 upon registration. > More information

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. CLIVAR > Read the December newsletter

ii. The complete lists of titles and descriptions for the WCRP Open Science Conference 2023 parallel sessions and poster clusters are available to view on the OSC website. Abstract submission is open, and will close on 28 February 2023.   

iii. PAGES will be hosting poster cluster PC04: What was the climate like in the past? What does this tell us about the future? We invite anyone interested to please consider submitting an abstract.  > Calendar

7. Other news and opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the November Newsletter

ii.  INQUA seeking new Early-Career Researcher Representatives

The INQUA ECR Committee foster the involvement of scientists in their early-career stage in INQUA activities, networking amongst them and information exchange. > More information

iii. Join the CMIP7 Data Access Task Team

The demand for, and interest in, CMIP data is growing at a rapid rate, and the CMIP6 Community Survey highlighted a number of opportunities for increasing equitable access to, and the utility of this CMIP data. As such, a  CMIP7 Data Access Task Team has been established, and experts are invited to apply. For details on what the task team will be seeking to achieve, and the types of skills and experience required, read the CMIP news here.

iv. Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)

The next Summer School on Speleothem Science will be taking place from 7-13 August 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil. The event is particularly suited for MSc and PhD candidates, as well as selected early-career researchers, whose research interests are closely related to speleothem science. Applications are now open and will close on 31 December. > Calendar

v. 2nd Conservation Paleobiology Symposium

The Conservation Paleobiology Network is sponsoring the 2nd Conservation Paleobiology Symposium, which will be held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, from 16-19 February, 2023. The deadline for early registration is 16 December. > Calendar

vi. INQUA Rome 2023

The abstract deadline has passed, but early bird registration is open until 20 February 2023. There are a number of PAGES working groups, endorsed and affiliated groups and PAGES-related sessions that will be taking place. If your working group is hosting a session, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar. > Calendar

vii. EGU General Assembly

a. The EGU General Assembly will be held from 23-28 April 2023 in Vienna, Austria. The call for abstracts and support applications is currently open and will close on 10 January 2023. There are a number of PAGES working groups, endorsed and affiliated groups and PAGES-related sessions that will be taking place. If your working group is hosting a session, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar. > Calendar

b. PAGES would like to congratulate PAGES Fellows Hugues Goosse and Bette L. Otto-Bliesner for being awarded in next year’s Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awards at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in 2023. > Read more

viii. 45th Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis

This Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis is specifically tailored to the needs of PhD students and postdocs, who wish to learn about an important combination of disciplines (climate change and time series analysis), but have had so far not much exposure to in-depth statistical teaching. The course will take place from 1-10 February 2023. > Calendar


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch ) |

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