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Newsletter July 2022

There are a number of deadlines coming up that PAGES would like to highlight in this month’s newsletter, including mobility fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists, Early Career Award nominations and Expressions of Interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM. Access the recordings of past webinars, see the latest papers that have been published and stay in the loop for upcoming workshop news by PAGES working groups, and endorsed and affiliated groups.  


1. Open Science Meeting online 2022 recordings

2. Past Global Changes Horizons Magazine

3. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists

4. Early Career Award Call for Nominations Open

5. Expressions of interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM

6. Deadline to apply for PAGES support and new working group proposals

7. Working group news

8. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

9. Supported and endorsed workshops, and endorsed, affiliated and former working groups' news

10. Future Earth

11. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

12. Other news and opportunities

1. Open Science Meeting online 2022 recordings

The recordings of the opening and closing ceremonies of the PAGES Open Science Meeting 2022, as well as all nine plenary sessions, are now available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

2. Past Global Changes Horizons magazine

The 2nd volume of the Past Global Changes Horizons magazine for young adults, and all those interested in learning more about Earth’s History, has been published and is available to read online. > Access the Magazine 

3. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists

The call for applications for both the PAGES-IAI fellowship program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and the Inter-Africa mobility program aimed at African early-career scientists is open. The deadline for applications is 19 August. > More information 

4. Early Career Award Call for Nominations Open

PAGES is pleased to announce that the call for the biennial Early-Career Award (ECA) for excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration is open. The deadline to submit nominations is 03 October. > More information 

5. Expressions of interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM

PAGES is inviting expressions of interest to host the 2025 PAGES Open Science Meeting and Young Scientists Meeting. The bidding process will take place in two stages, with expressions of interest (EoI) due 3 October 2022. The SSC will then invite a shortlist of selected potential hosts to submit a full bid by the end of 2022. > More information 

6. Deadline to apply for PAGES support and new working group proposals

The next PAGES deadline to apply for new working group proposals, and for financial support for workshops and meetings support is 19 September. Please be reminded that applications for workshop and meeting support should be received at least six months before the planned event date. If you would like to propose a new working group, you are requested to contact a member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee, discussing your plans, at least two weeks before you submit this proposal.​ > More information  

7. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists

ii. Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE)

The group is preparing the Climate of the Past special issue "Reconstructing Southern Ocean sea-ice dynamics on glacial-to-historical timescales". The special issue editors are Karen Kohfeld, Xavier Crosta, Alice Marzocchi, Juliane Müller, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Laurie Menviel and Bjørg Risebrobakken. Submission deadline is 31 December 2022. > Access the special issue  

iii. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

The group is planning a new CVAS seminar series, with a focus of the former Paleoclimate Reanalyses, Data Assimilation and Proxy System modeling (DAPS) working group. In this series, they hope to cover all areas of proxy system modeling which have been developed up until now. If you want to help with the organization of the seminar, or have expertise in proxy system modeling and wish to contribute a discussion or talk, please get in touch with the group leaders. > Contact leaders 

iv. Human Traces

a. The group will be hosting its first in-person workshop on 3 December in Bariloche, Argentina (right after the IAL-IPA joint meeting) on “Human traces in lake sediments –Towards a Database for extracting regional signals.” > Calendar 

b. Both the fourth webinar held on 2 May with Dr. Encarni Montoya (University of Liverpool, UK) on “Amazonia history: Contribution of palaeoecology to the scientific debate of pre-Columbian occupation and multi-proxy examples from northern South America” and fifth webinar with Prof. Nicolas Waldmann (University of Haifa, Israel) on “The Levantine corridor: a land bridge for early hominins migrations out of Africa and the birthplace of agriculture” held on 15 June, are available to watch online. > Watch recordings 

v. Understanding past ecological trends (PaleoEcoGen)

a. In early June, two sedaDNA events were part of the 27th biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association in Madison, Wisconsin. First, an international coalition of sedaDNA researchers and leaders from the Neotoma Paleoecology Database met to survey the informatics landscape for sedaDNA, discuss best practices for storing and sharing sedaDNA, and establish the metadata needs for sedaDNA dataset uploads to Neotoma. Second, more than two dozen paleoenvironmental researchers attended an introductory workshop on sedimentary ancient DNA. This introductory workshop was facilitated by Peter Heintzman (The Arctic University of Norway), Caroline Kisielinski (University of Kansas), and Trisha Spanbauer (University of Toledo) and focused on the history of the field, current advances, and methodological applications of sedaDNA. Both events were supported by NSF Grant 2011295 and the University of Wisconsin and endorsed by the sedaDNA Scientific Society and the PAGES PaleoEcoGen working group. Introductory workshop resources can be located on the AmQua website: AMQUA - Resources    

b. We are delighted to host the SedaDNA Meeting, co-organized with the PAGES PaleoEcoGen working group, in Potsdam next year. We are currently in the planning phase, but for now we would like to ask you to save the date: 7-9 June 2023. All meeting details will be regularly updated online - Register to the PAleoEcoGen mailing list to stay informed. > Register 

vi. Paleo constraints on sea level rise (PALSEA)

a. “Standardization of sea-level data is one of the central goals of PALSEA. In the last couple of years, a large part of the paleo sea-level community has worked to assemble regional datasets on Last Interglacial sea-level proxies. Now the work is completed, so we would like to draw your attention to an editorial collating all the contributions to the WALIS Special Issue, that was published in the journal Earth System Science Data (ESSD). As ESSD is a journal accepting discussions alongside peer-review, there is time until 16 August to offer your thoughts and comments on the editorial. If you find data missing, or proxies reported incorrectly, we would be glad to hear from you. Corrections will be implemented in the next version, which we hope to deliver in 1-1.5 years from now.” (Alessio Rovere, PALSEA group leader) > Access preprint 

b. A new paper by Yokoyama Y et al. has been published in Scientific Reports on “Plutonium isotopes in the North Western Pacific sediments coupled with radiocarbon in corals recording precise timing of the Anthropocene”. The authors propose "a novel method that couples annual banded reef building corals and nearshore anoxic marine sediments to provide a marker to precisely determine the start of the nuclear era which is known as a part of the Anthropocene." > Article 

vii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)

a. The group will be hosting a large workshop online from 5-7 December, 15:00 - 18:00 CET, on "Quaternary marine ecosystems: climate versus human impacts in the pre-industrial era". The workshop is hosted by ICM-CSIC and organized by Maria Bas, Andre Colonese, Tatiana Theodoropoulou, Bryony Cashwell and Konstantina Agiadi. The workshop aims to assemble: published data of marine death assemblages, archaeological data and historical records to write a review on pre-industrial human and climate impacts on marine ecosystems; and metadata on available sedimentary archives that could be repurposed to obtain marine death assemblages. > Calendar  

b. The next talk in the Q-MARE Seminar Series will take place on 3 August at 15:00 UTC, and will be given by Nussaïbah B. Raja-Schoob on "Predicting extinction risk: Lessons from the past for problems of the future". > Calendar  

c. Watch past seminar recordings on the PAGES YouTube playlist. > Watch 

viii. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL)

a. The recording for the seminar held on 27 June with Prof. Heather Stoll (ETH, Zürich) titled “Can we separate the non-PCP component of variation in speleothem d13C?” is now available to watch on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch 

b. The group will be closing submissions for the next update of the SISAL database at the end of July 2022. If you have stable isotope or trace element data that is not already in the SISAL database, please contact the group leaders as soon as possible. > Contact 

c. After a successful PAGES Open Science Meeting session, Yassine Ait Brahim and Andrea Columbu will be organizing a special issue to be published in Quaternary Research on "New developments in speleothem paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental science". For more information and details on submitting an abstract, contact Yassine: (Yassine[dot]AITBRAHIM[at]um6p[dot]ma) and/or Andrea: (andrea[dot]columbu[at]unipr[dot]it)

ix. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS)

a. Stoffel M et al. have published an article on “Climatic, weather, and socio-economic conditions corresponding to the mid-17th-century eruption cluster” in Climate of the Past. The paper investigates the sources of explosive volcanic eruptions in the 1630s and 1640s. It delves into their possible impact on contemporary climate using ice core, tree-ring, and historical evidence and assesses the socio-political context in which they occurred, and the human responses they may have triggered. The authors find that "while the impacts of past volcanism must always be studied within the contemporary socio-economic contexts, it is also time to move past reductive framings and sometimes reactionary oppositional stances in which climate (and environment more broadly) either is or is not deemed an important contributor to major historical events." > Article 

b. In their paper published in Climate of the Past on “The 852/3 CE Mount Churchill eruption: examining the potential climatic and societal impacts and the timing of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the North Atlantic region”, Mackay H et al.  “assess the potential broader impact of this eruption using palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, historical records and climate model simulations." > Article 

c. “Volcanic stratospheric sulfur injections and aerosol optical depth during the Holocene (past 11,500 years) from a bipolar ice core array” in Earth System Science Data by Sigl M et al. looks at the HolVol v.1.0 database. Volcanism is a key driver of climate. Based on ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, the authors reconstruct its climate impact potential over the Holocene. By aligning records on a well-dated chronology from Antarctica they resolve long-standing inconsistencies in the dating of past volcanic eruptions. They reconstruct 850 eruptions which in total injected 7410 Tg of sulfur into the stratosphere, and estimate how these changed the opacity of the atmosphere, a prerequisite for climate model simulations. > Article 

8. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)

i. The North American (NA) PAGES ECN Regional Representatives are pleased to announce the sixth event in the "Show and Tell" series On 15 July 2022 at 17:00 UTC. Stella Mosher and Nathan Chellman will present their work reconstructing fire history from lake sediments using black carbon. > Calendar 

ii. PAGES 2k-PAGES ECN collaboration: Members of the ECN Science Cluster are looking for participants in a global collaborative project to “examine spatial and temporal coverage of paleoclimate records that are available in the most frequently-used databases and repositories. They envisage that the project will result in one or more short publications led by researchers working on different regions, and will be accompanied by a summary article”. They are seeking participants from all over the world, to ensure they make use of the extensive region-specific knowledge of researchers. If you would like more information or want to get involved, email (pages[dot]data[dot]project[at]gmail[dot]com), and request to be added to the Slack channel.

iii. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list

9. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups

Apply for workshop or conference endorsement

See PAGES former working groups

i. Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3)

a. The recording of the OC3 webinar: Pliocene decoupling of equatorial Pacific temperature and pH gradients is now available to watch. > Watch

b. The next seminar will be taking place on 19 July with Prof. Lorraine Lisiecki (University of California, Santa Barbara) on “A Bayesian Multiproxy Approach to Regional Age Models”. > Calendar  

ii. Varves Working Group (VWG)

a. The recording of the webinar with Maurycy Żarczyński titled “From Climate to Weather: A Decade of Research at Varved Lake Zabinskie” held on 25 May is available to watch online. > Watch recording  

b. The recording for the webinar held on 22 June with Cécile Blanchet (GFZ Potsdam, Germany) on "Marine Varves: a tool to track past fluvial regimes? An example from the Nile River" is also available to watch online. > Watch recording 

8. Future Earth

i. Read the Future Earth June newsletter

ii. Nominate reviewers: the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR)

Future Earth, as an affiliate body of The International Science Council, can nominate you for an opportunity requested by the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) to conduct a scientific review of the draft 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR). They invite nominations of reviewers who are active in sustainability research, with an emphasis on trans-disciplinary approaches, policy expertise and who have knowledge of international/UN processes. Deadline for applications is 18 July. For more details, visit the webpage here.

iii. Pathways Postdoctoral Grants: Call for Expressions of Interest

Future Earth's Pathways Initiative has launched a Call for Expressions of Interest for the Pathways Postdoctoral Grants. The grants will support 3 Pathways Projects aimed at encouraging and enhancing collaboration between various research communities working on pathways for sustainability and synthesising existing knowledge about the approaches for developing pathways within a specific theme. Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 11 September. 

Find out more here.

iv. Future Earth delegates to UNFCCC COP 27, 6 – 18 November 2022, Sharm el Sheik, Arab Republic of Egypt

Future Earth is calling for nominations to participate at the Climate COP27. There is no limitation on nominations but the UNFCCC will set a quota for each organization in August, followed by a selection of participants. Last year they had a quota of 7 participants/week. To be nominated, please send (Rebecca) and (Clément) an email with information available online here. The deadline is 22 July.

v. Tipping Points: From Climate Crisis to Positive Transformation event

The event will take place in-person at University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, from 12-14 September. Registration closes 21 August with limited tickets available. More information and register at:

vi. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the June Newsletter 

9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

i. Information on CORDEX CMIP6 simulation status is now available. Details of the regional simulations/downscalings of CMIP6 that are planned for each domain can be accessed here

ii. The first CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel (CDP) annual workshop: External versus internal variability on decadal and longer time scales will be taking place over 6 weeks, in 2-hour online weekly sessions from 12 September to 21 October. This workshop will target understanding of internal and externally forced variability in the climate system, their interaction on decadal timescales and longer, and the effects of variability on extreme events. The registration deadline is 1 September. > Calendar 

iii. Read the June Clivar newsletter

10. Other news and opportunities

i. The AGU deadline for abstract submission is 3 August at 11:59pm, EDT.  There are a number of PAGES working group sessions. Please consider submitting an abstract. If your PAGES working group is not yet listed on the PAGES IPO calendar entry, please get in contact with us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) so that we can add your session. > Calendar 

ii. The PAGES-supported IAL IPA Joint Meeting 2022 will take place from 27 November to 1 December in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina. The deadline for abstract submission is July 22. > Calendar 

iii. INQUARoma 2023 abstract submission is now open and the deadline is 30 September. For a detailed explanation of the various funding categories, and the application procedure, visit the website. If your working group is hosting a session at INQUARoma 2023, please contact us ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) to let us know so we can add this to the calendar entry. > Calendar 

iv.  54th Annual Meeting of AASP- The Palynological Society

The annual meeting of the AASP-TSP will be held in Colombia from 7-11 August. The meeting will have a hybrid format (in-person/online) and include the participation of the Latin American Society of Paleobotany and Palynology (ALPP), and the Online Pollen Catalogs Network (RCPoL). Deadline for regular registration is 1 August. > Calendar 

v. There will be a free 2.5 day virtual workshop taking place on paleoclimate data assimilation from 22-24 August. The workshop is aimed at early-career scientists who wish to better understand paleoclimate data assimilation, which is a powerful method for creating spatially complete reconstructions of past climate using proxy records and model information. > Calendar 

vi. There will be a Special Issue on "Micropaleontological proxies for understanding paleoceanography" to be published in the peer-reviewed open-access journal Geosciences.

"This Special Issue aims to collect research studies and reports on (paleo)oceanographic investigations using microfossils and their application to both applied and basic research. We are especially interested in promoting publications on proxy development and use to solve fundamental paleoceanographic problems/questions." The deadline for submissions is 31 December. > More information  


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |

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