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- PAGES Newsletter February 2023
Wednesday, 15 February, 2023
In the PAGES February newsletter, we welcome our new Science Officer, and remind everyone who is interested in learning more about PAGES working group activities to register for the PAGES symposium by 4 May. This is a free event, but registration is mandatory. There is an option to attend online, while those who are able to attend in-person are welcome to join for complimentary coffee, lunch and/or apéro. Registration for the hybrid CVAS/ 2k Network Topical Science Meeting (TSM) and abstract submission deadline for the VICS working group workshop is today, 15 February.
- PAGES Horizons call for contributions - deadline extended
- PAGES Scientific Steering Committee
- New PAGES Science Officer
- PAGES Symposium
- PAGES poster cluster at WCRP OSC 2023
- Deadline for new PAGES WG, and meeting/workshop support applications
- Working group news
- PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
- Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
- Future Earth
- World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
- Other news and opportunities
1. PAGES Horizons call for contributions
The deadline for contributions to Volume 3 of Past Global Changes Horizons has been extended to 21 February. The third volume will focus on how studying past extreme wet and dry phases aids our understanding, and informs future action on floods and droughts under the current global change. You are invited to contribute if you are working on any type of hydroclimate topic, or let us know about your fieldwork with a photo report. PAGES can assist with the artwork of contributions. Launched in April 2021, this new magazine designed for teenagers and young adults who are interested in learning more about paleoscience, past global changes, and science in general, aims to communicate paleoscience in an accessible and informative style. > More information
2. PAGES Scientific Steering Committee
PAGES would like to remind you that the call for applications from scientists to serve on the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for the term starting January 2024 is open until 5 April. > SSC membership applications
3. New PAGES Science Officer
On 1 February, PAGES warmly welcomed Iván Hernández-Almeida, the new Science Officer, to the PAGES IPO in Bern, Switzerland. Iván looks forward to "working together with the scientists interested in paleoscience from all over the world, and to enhance the visibility of PAGES among the science community, but also to the general public". You can contact Iván via email: ivan.hernandezunibe.ch (ivan[dot]hernandez[at]unibe[dot]ch)
4. PAGES Symposium
PAGES is excited to be hosting a one-day symposium on 1 June in Bern, Switzerland (and online), which will showcase PAGES working group activities. The preliminary program, as well as the venue, have been decided. Participation is free, but registration is compulsory via the webform. There will be complimentary coffee, lunch and apéro for those who can make it in-person. The deadline for registration is 4 May. > Register
5. PAGES poster cluster at WCRP OSC 2023
The WCRP Open Science Conference 2023: Bridging Climate Science and Society will take place from 23-27 October in Rwanda. Abstract submissions are open and will close on 28 February. PAGES Executive Director, Marie-France Loutre, will be convening a poster cluster on behalf of PAGES; PC04: What was the climate like in the past? What does this tell us about the future? PAGES invites all interested parties to submit an abstract by 28 February. > More information
6. Deadline for new PAGES working groups and meeting/workshop support applications
The next deadline for applications for new working groups (WGs) and financial support for workshops and meetings is 28 March. Please note that an SSC member must be contacted two weeks prior to this deadline in order to discuss plans. > More information
7. Working group news
i. Mailing lists
Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists
ii. 2k Network
Registration for the hybrid CVAS/ 2k Network Topical Science Meeting (TSM) which will take place in Potsdam, Germany, from 6-10 March is open. The deadline for registration is 15 February. > More information
iii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME)
As a wrap up to Phase 1, the ACME working group will be hosting an open workshop on "Best practices and data quality challenges for coastal marine proxies in the Arctic" as a pre-conference workshop (4 hours) on 12 July at the XXI INQUA 2023 Congress, Roma, Italy. The deadline to register for all INQUA workshops is 20 February.> Calendar
iv. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)
a. C-PEAT workshop
The next C-PEAT workshop will be taking place in three different hubs (Indonesia, Poland, USA) simultaneously, from 8-12 May. The group is in the process of developing a detailed agenda and inviting guest speakers. The agenda will be shared by all three hubs and there will be one daily session (two hours) where the three hubs will go "live" together. The group will send out formal invitations for sign-ups or remote participation. Funds will cover lodging and food, and there will be limited funding for transportation (priority will be given to early-career and/or low- and middle-income country scientists). > Calendar
b. C-PEAT Paleo Peat Proxy database
The group thanks everyone for data contributions thus far. The C-PEAT data steward (Nicole Sanderson) and her team have been busy compiling the datasets. If you have datasets that you haven't had a chance to share yet, you can still do so until 28 February. > julieloiseltamu.edu (Contact)
c. Call for peat core data for global peatland prediction project
Jade Skye, a Master’s student with the University of Victoria is working on a project which aims to produce a global map of predicted peatland depth and carbon storage values using a Machine Learning (ML) based approach. As part of this initiative, Jade is looking to gather a large amount of data to train the ML model. She is also interested in collaborating more broadly with anyone interested in this initiative. An initial soft deadline is set for 1 April. > More information
v. Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Societies (CRIAS)
In their upcoming workshop, which will take place from 11-12 May in Oslo, Norway, on "Climate and Conflict Revisited: Perspectives from the past and the present", CRIAS aims to revisit the climate-conflict nexus, bringing together fields of climate history and conflict studies. The call for abstracts will open on 1 March. The call for papers is open, and the group invites contributions "that attempt to pool evidence, investigate cross-disciplinary potential, and reflect on future shared methodologies. The goal is to improve integrative approaches, establish an improved historical ‘baseline’ for current claims and projections, and challenge determinist imaginaries and broaden the current debate about climate and conflict – both modern and historical." Details of the call can be downloaded from the calendar entry. > Calendar
vi. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)
a. CVAS/2k Network Topical Science Meeting (TSM)
Registration for the hybrid CVAS/2k Network TSM which will take place in Potsdam, Germany, from 6-10 March is open. The deadline for registration is 15 February. > More information
b. CVAS Discussion Seminar Series
The seventh Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modeling, this time on Dendochronology, with Ignacio Hermoso de Mendoza (UQAM/GEOTOP, Quebec), will take place on 21 February at 14:00 UTC. > Calendar
vii. Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy (DiverseK)
Qiaoyu Cui, a DiverseK Steering Committee Member, will be leading a Special Issue in Land on "Pollen-Based Reconstruction of Holocene Land Cover". The call for papers is out, and contributions linked to pollen-based reconstruction of Holocene land cover, amongst many others, are invited. The official submission deadline for this section is 18 May, though papers will be published on an ongoing basis. > More information
viii. Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record (Human Traces)
The Human Traces working group will restart their webinar series. The next webinar will take place on 17 April at 15:00 UTC with professor Andrea Columbu (University of Pisa) on “Are cave deposits recording culturally induced environmental changes related to the end of Nuragic Era (~580 BC)? A study case from Sardinia (Italy)”. > Calendar
ix. Understanding past ecological trends (PaleoEcoGen)
The group is happy to announce the first international sedaDNA Meeting “Shedding light on current developments in Paleo Ecological Genomics”. The event will take place at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Potsdam, Germany, from 6-9 June. The four-day meeting will contain: a sedaDNA symposium part with oral and poster contributions, compact hands-on workshops for early-career researchers on metabarcoding and metagenomics, a PAGES PaleoEcoGen working group writing workshop, and a Past Arctic network workshop. Interested participants must fill in the expression of interest by 3 March. > Expression of interest
x. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)
a. Zoom link for seminars
The group leaders would like to alert everyone that the seminar series zoom link changes periodically. Those who attend (or plan to attend) a seminar, should please check the webpage for the most updated link. > Seminar series page
b. Seminar series schedule
There has been a slight change in the online seminar series schedule. For the updated schedule, please visit the seminar series webpage. The next seminar will be on 1 March at 15:00 UTC with Erin Saupe on "The emergence of latitudinal biodiversity gradients in deep time". > Calendar
c. Workshop registration
Registration for the next workshop on "Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns", which will take place in Sesimbra, Portugal, 25 May, is now open, and registration is free. The workshop will take place immediately after the symposium "Human Impact on Marine Functional Connectivity". It aims to allow the community to engage and interact with stakeholders, as well as discussing recent advances on the topic. Participants are not expected to submit an abstract for the workshop, but they are expected to actively contribute to the discussion aimed at producing a prospective paper. > Register
d. Call for Q-MARE relevant educational material
Inspired at a Q-MARE workshop on "Planning to achieve Q-MARE's educational goals", the group is inviting participants to fill in a Google form with the aim of "assembling Q-MARE-relevant educational media and multimedia into a geotagged portal. The portal will be a starting point for educators, Q-MARE participants, and other stakeholders." The responses from the form will be used to generate an interactive map programmed in R and generated using Leaflet. > More information
e. New publication
Agiadi K et al. have published a paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B on "Palaeontological evidence for community-level decrease in mesopelagic fish size during Pleistocene climate warming in the eastern Mediterranean". The authors investigate the effect of a warming climate on mesopelagic fish size in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during a glacial–interglacial–glacial transition of the Middle Pleistocene. Their results show that lanternfish declined with climate warming at the community level, but individual mesoplagic species revealed different, and opposing, trends in size across the studied time interval. > Article
xi. PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS)
The last workshop of the PAGES-PMIP QUIGS working group will take place in Grenoble, France, from 19-22 September. On 21 September, the group plans to have an excursion in the Grenoble area to explore the geomorphological and sedimentological records of the glacial-interglacial cycles of the past 300 kyrs. The group welcomes applications from scientists from the data and modeling communities. There is some financial support available for early-career scientists, as well as scientists from low- and middle- income countries. If you are interested, please email Chronis Tzedakis: p.c.tzedakisucl.ac.uk (p[dot]c[dot]tzedakis[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk), Emilie Capron: emilie.capronuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (emilie[dot]capron[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr), and/ or Eric Wolff: ew428cam.ac.uk (ew428[at]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk) before 31 March with a short letter of intention and a description of the work you would like to present. > Calendar
xii. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)
The group would like to announce that the deadline for the Special Issue "New developments in speleothem paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental science" in Quaternary Research has been extended to 28 February. For more information, details on submitting an abstract or delays, contact Yassine Ait Brahim: yassine.aitbrahimum6p.ma (yassine[dot]aitbrahim[at]um6p[dot]ma) and/or Andrea Columbu: andrea.columbuunipr.it (andrea[dot]columbu[at]unipr[dot]it). The group invites original research papers, “with the aim of presenting the most recent findings and advancements”. This special issue welcomes speleothem-based paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental studies. > More information
xiii. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS)
The working group will be holding its fifth workshop on “Moving forward by looking back” at the University of Bern, Switzerland, from 22-24 May. The abstract submission deadline is 15 February. The deadline for registration is 31 March. The workshop will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and online participation possible. There will be workshop sessions on volcanology and hazards, climate and volcanic proxies, observations and models, and human impacts in history and archaeology. > Calendar
8. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list.
9. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.
> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
> See PAGES former working groups
i. Climate History Network (CHN)
The group has put together their latest bulletin where you can find information on events, calls for papers, and a list of new publications over the past month. > Read bulletin
ii. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS)
ICYS would like to inform everyone interested that the monthly seminars will begin again soon, and request that you stay alert for information on upcoming seminars. > ICYS seminar series
iii. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA)
a. The group have published an article in Journal of Foraminiferal Research on “Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Live Salt-Marsh Foraminifera in Southern New Jersey: Implications for Sea-Level Studies”. Walker JS et al. evaluated small-scale geological spatial and temporal (seasonal and interannual) variability of live foraminifera assemblages from four high marsh monitoring stations along a salinity gradient in southern New Jersey over three years. The authors maintain that "a detailed understanding of how live foraminifera assemblages compare to dead or total (live + dead) assemblages and the influence of environmental variables on foraminiferal distributions is essential for their use as a proxy to reconstruct sea level." They find that salt-marsh foraminifera are reliable sea-level indicators. > Article
b. There is also a paper for open peer review on “Quantifying the Uncertainty in the Eurasian Ice-Sheet Geometry at the Penultimate Glacial Maximum (Marine Isotope Stage 6)” by Pollard OG et al. in The Cryosphere. > Access open peer review
c. Hollyday A et al. have published an article in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems on "A revised estimate of early Pliocene global mean sea level using geodynamic models of the Patagonian slab window". The authors take a closer look at the height of global mean sea level during the early Pliocene Epoch in eastern Patagonia, specifically. They conclude that "after subtracting out the effects of solid Earth deformation, we calculate a global mean sea level of 17.5 ± 6.4 m (1σ) in the early Pliocene Epoch." > Article
iv. Research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics (DEEPICE)
In collaboration with PAGES, the third “DEEPICE Training School in Communication'' will be taking place from 4-8 September in Leissigen, Switzerland. The school will focus on training 15 early-career researchers (ECRs) for development of a career in the academic or non-academic sector, to work on climate change and glaciology. In addition, the ECRs will gain experience in communication about climate change, in particular, climate change affecting the polar regions. Applications will be open from 15 March. The deadline for applications will be 2 April. The link to apply will be available on the calendar entry. > Calendar
v. The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP)
PMIP launched PMIP WINGS (PMIP Web-based INteractive Global Seminars) in December 2022. The recordings will be hosted on the IPSL YouTube channel and recordings will be available within about a week of each seminar. The first seminar with Martin Renoult (Stockholm University) on "Paleoclimate perspective on Earth’s climate sensitivity" and Alan Seltzer (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) on "Terrestrial amplification of past, present, and future climate change" is now available to watch. > Watch
The second PMIP WINGS seminar will be taking place on 23 February. > Calendar
vi. Varves WG
The group is pleased to announce that the monthly seminars will begin again. Seminars will be taking place on Mondays from 15:00-16:00 UTC. On 20 March, Alicja Bonk will be presenting on “Varves of northern Poland. The role of climate and human activity in varve structures and appearance”. > Calendar
10. Future Earth
i. Read the January newsletter
ii. Sustainability Research and Innovation (SRI2023) Congress 2023
Registration for the SRI 2023 is now open. The SRI2023 will take place from 26-30 June in Panama City, Panama, both online and in-person. Discounted early bird rates are available until 6 March. For more information on travel to Panama, visit the website.
iii. 10 New Insights in Climate Science
The Call for Inputs for the 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2023 is open. The series, which is jointly developed by Future Earth, The Earth League, and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), “is an annual synthesis highlighting essential recent advances in climate change research, from natural and social sciences, with high policy relevance.” Researchers working on climate change related topics are invited to share their thoughts on what is deemed crucial recent research advances that should be highlighted for policy-makers, negotiators and the public. The deadline is 17 February. > More information
iv. First external review of IPBES nexus assessment
The first external review of the thematic assessment of interlinkages between biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment) has begun, and will close on 19 February. Interested and qualified experts are invited to comment on text according to their knowledge and experience. > More information
11. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
CLIVAR > Read the January bulletin
12. Other news and opportunities
i. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the January Newsletter
ii. The Early Career Working Group of the AGU Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Section (@AGU_PaleoECRs ) is hosting a virtual networking event on 7 March. There will be facilitators from academia and non-academia for the small Zoom room conversations on topics such as careers, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) and the needs of ECRs. > Register
iii. The LinkedEarth leadership team are inviting participants to a new edition of PaleoHack, to build capacity in Python-based data science in the paleoclimate community. "PaleoHack 4: Bring Your Own Project" will be taking place in Marina Del Rey, CA, USA from 20-23 June. Those interested must please fill in the online form by 12 March. > Calendar
PAGES - Past Global Changes | International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 11
pagespages.unibe.ch (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) | pastglobalchanges.org
Follow us on social media:
facebook.com/pastglobalchanges | twitter.com/PAGES_IPO
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